Best Buy customer survey details 42-inch Apple HDTV with iOS for $1499

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014

Whether it's inside knowledge of a future product or purely speculation, electronics retailer Best Buy has made mention in a survey of a 42-inch high-definition Apple television set powered by iOS priced at $1,499.

The questionnaire notes that the Apple HDTV "finally reinvents what a TV can do," with a 1080p LED flat panel display, connectivity with iCloud, and the ability to use an iPhone or an iPad as a remote control. The "Customer Voice" survey from Best Buy was revealed by The Verge.

But the survey also makes mention of an "iSight" camera included in the anticipated television set, suggesting the details are simply speculation on the part of Best Buy. Since introducing FaceTime video chat, Apple has referred to its forward-facing cameras as FaceTime cameras, not iSight.

Another hit to the credibility of the survey comes in its mention of an integrated microphone, which the listing claims can be used for Skype, rather than FaceTime, Siri, or any other voice-enabled features built by Apple itself.

The survey was reportedly administered by Confirmit, a Norwegian research firm that Best Buy uses as a client. The full details from the survey follow:

The details of the Best Buy survey surfaced soon after a report last week said that the first prototypes of a full-fledged Apple television set are "in the works." Analyst Gene Munster with Piper Jaffray said a "major TV component supplier" told him that Apple had contacted them regarding various TV display components.

Rumors have suggested Apple plans to unveil its anticipated television set later this year, and that the hardware will feature Siri voice control, allowing users to easily navigate the device and access content without the need for a clunky, confusing remote control.

Reports of an Apple television began to pick up steam late last year when the authorized biography of late Apple CEO Steve Jobs was released. Jobs told his biographer, Walter Isaacson, that he had "cracked" the secret to building an integrated, easy-to-use television set. He said the device "will have the simplest user interface you could imagine."

Jobs told Isaacson that the television market was one of three that he wanted to reinvent, along with digital photography and textbooks. Last month, Apple unveiled its initiative to reinvent the textbook with interactive titles on iBooks 2 for iPad.

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  • Reply 1 of 71
    I'm sorry, unless it was being unveiled today, they wouldn't know squat about it.

    This description sounds exactly like what someone who doesn't have a clue how to reinvent television would say. This isn't thinking outside the box at all.

    This is jamming an Apple TV into an HDTV and saying "OH, LET'S PUT APPS ON IT BECAUSE APPS ARE A THING WITH THE KIDS THESE DAYS."
  • Reply 2 of 71
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,155member
    I doubt they have that many details on a future Apple product, considering Apples secrecy. This is just a marketing survey to see what people respond to best. They might know a new product is coming, but not exactly what it's like.
  • Reply 3 of 71
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Can you imagine playing Angry Birds on a big screen in your living room?

    squeals of anticipation.
  • Reply 4 of 71
    So, how much for the 50"? and what about inputs and outputs? waiting with bated breath...
  • Reply 5 of 71
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    No Siri eh?

    I agree with those above, this is just a survey based on guesses! After all it does Say CONCEPT ... That's a clue.
  • Reply 6 of 71
    And who the hell would trust them clowns at Best Buy?

    Must be a slow a$$ news day.
  • Reply 7 of 71
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I'm sorry, unless it was being unveiled today, they wouldn't know squat about it.

    This. BestBuy will find out about it at the announcement just like the rest of us.
  • Reply 8 of 71
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Its a test. People are given a page, and asked questions later. They probably have to chose items not yet on sale, otherwise the test is invalid.
  • Reply 9 of 71
    if it was 50" then I would think about it. Considering you can get a very decent 42" led for $800 and a mac mini for $600, that combination is better (to me) than a iTV with iOS.

    If the TV we say $999 I think that will be very inticing however as for $300 more you get Siri, iSight, iOS integration which I think is cool.

  • Reply 10 of 71
    $1499 is affordable to me since I paid that much about five years ago for a 42" Sony. 42 inches is about as much as I need in display size since my viewing distances are limited. I watch most of my TV via Slingbox on my 15.4" MacBook Pro, so if the AppleTV offers some easy programming choices, I'll go with it. I'm an Apple shareholder so basically when I buy it, it will be using Apple profits to buy the TV which works out perfectly to increase more Apple profitability.

    I do realize I could get any decent high-end Samsung, LG, Toshiba, Panasonic or Sony TV, but I'm an Apple supporter and that's just how it will be. I hope Apple goes with that price and I'll bet they make a fortune on sales. I keep my TVs for at least ten years and $1499 over that period means almost nothing to me. If AppleTV offers their usual high-quality product, I don't see how I can go wrong. It will likely have built-in Airport streaming and should work with all my other Apple gear and it should be a breeze to set up. I'm all set for it.
  • Reply 11 of 71
    Originally Posted by ddawson100 View Post

    squeals of anticipation.

    You do know you can already do this. Angry Birds is available on PS3 and probably the 360 as well.
  • Reply 12 of 71
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member
    $1499? ha ha ha...

    You can get an absolutely fantastic 42" TV for way less than $999 that already includes Netflix AND Hulu Plus. Apple TV costs $99... I think even the most ardent Apple desciple will have a hard time justifying this, with no Hulu.

    Assuming this is even remotely accurate...
  • Reply 13 of 71
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Whether it's inside knowledge of a future product or purely speculation, electronics retailer Best Buy has made mention in a survey of a 42-inch high-definition Apple television set powered by iOS priced at $1,499. ...

    What a horrible article.

    An entire article about a survey without actually telling us what the survey is about, or for.

    Said survey is "based on" a fantasy product invented by those doing the survey, which if you look it up, turns out to be a fairly typical thing to do that has been done many times before.

    In previous examples, this fantasy product has never turned out to have any connection to any real product or rumoured real product. What are the odds that this one has any relevance beyond the fevered dreams of "some survey guy?"

    Somewhere between 0 and 0.001% I'd say.
  • Reply 14 of 71
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    $1499 is affordable to me since I paid that much about five years ago for a 42" Sony. 42 inches is about as much as I need in display size since my viewing distances are limited. I watch most of my TV via Slingbox on my 15.4" MacBook Pro, so if the AppleTV offers some easy programming choices, I'll go with it. I'm an Apple shareholder so basically when I buy it, it will be using Apple profits to buy the TV which works out perfectly to increase more Apple profitability.

    I do realize I could get any decent high-end Samsung, LG, Toshiba, Panasonic or Sony TV, but I'm an Apple supporter and that's just how it will be. I hope Apple goes with that price and I'll bet they make a fortune on sales. I keep my TVs for at least ten years and $1499 over that period means almost nothing to me. If AppleTV offers their usual high-quality product, I don't see how I can go wrong. It will likely have built-in Airport streaming and should work with all my other Apple gear and it should be a breeze to set up. I'm all set for it.

    TV's have dropped in price since then however.

    I bought a 42" flat-screen Panasonic with all the bells and whistles including a high quality IPS panel and very good built in sound for $500 a couple of months ago. Another $99 for an Apple TV and it would match the specs of Best Buy's description for $900 less.

    The value proposition isn't worth worrying about or even talking about though. This description is just a made-up thing by someone who doesn't even understand what the issues are with current TVs and has no clue what Apple's answer to that will be.

    Also, as you yourself note, there are thousands of folks who will buy it just because it's from Apple and for that reason is likely to be the best TV they ever owned regardless of price.
  • Reply 15 of 71
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by tipoo View Post

    I doubt they have that many details on a future Apple product, considering Apples secrecy. .

    "that many details" how about they have none. They created a fiction from the rumors to see how folks would respond. And perhaps guessing it would leak out, to get themselves some attention.
  • Reply 16 of 71
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    And who the hell would trust them clowns at Best Buy?

    Must be a slow a$$ news day.

    Originally Posted by OllieWallieWhiskers View Post

    This. BestBuy will find out about it at the announcement just like the rest of us.

    IT's not even Best Buy that made this up. It's some 3rd party company that has Best Buy as a client. My guess is that they were asked to do a survey on upcoming product (say the stuff that was announced at CES) to see what customers are thinking they might buy and the company put in this made up Apple created TV
  • Reply 17 of 71
    Best Buy wouldn't anymore about TV's than they do about what a bunch of idiots their Geek squad is.
  • Reply 18 of 71
    There is no attempt to deceive with this exercise. Really, it's just getting feedback to determine where Best Buy might stand in terms of carrying a product like an Apple HDTV.

    If Apple does bring out a TV, though, what it needs to do is avoid having this product's marketing mangled the way other manufacturers' products have been. The only way that the Apple product can succeed is if the product is displayed properly with quality source material because Apple will charge a premium and there has to be a perceived quality difference.

    Right now the calibre of source material fed into TVs displayed in most retail settings is atrocious and even worse there is little attempt made to properly calibrate those TVs, even considering the environment they are displayed in. If Apple allows their TVs to be handled just as badly, the product will be an unqualified failure. Most consumers will not pay a premium for such a device displayed poorly alongside other products which will seem to have a similar quality but be a lot cheaper.

    If this means only selling the Apple TV initially through the Apple Store network, clearly this is the way to go. Even if Best Buy wants a piece of this action, Apple should think twice about letting such retailers get any.
  • Reply 19 of 71
    Originally Posted by massconn72 View Post

    Best Buy wouldn't anymore about TV's than they do about what a bunch of idiots their Geek squad is.

    I'd say, given most commenters have accurately observed that this was a fantasy product, invented to test client reaction, the idiot is not the Best Buy IT guy (who by the way has nothing to do with that survey). Leaves open the question "who's an idiot?"... and stop pointing at that mirror, you look dumb.
  • Reply 20 of 71
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    So, how much for the 50"? and what about inputs and outputs? waiting with bated breath...

    I'm open to argument, but as it stands there's no way on earth I'd pay that much for a 42 inch TV when I can get a very decent 51 inch for less than a thousand. Maybe if I was wealthy and had money to blow on incremental improvements? Anyone know more than I about what Apple could possibly offer that would be worth paying literally twice the price of a typical 42 inch tv?
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