Samsung Galaxy 10.1N cleared for sale in Germany



  • Reply 21 of 39
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by Jack99 View Post

    Yes, in your soul.

    You keep your intellectual property in your soul?

    What do you keep in your head?
  • Reply 22 of 39
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by Jack99 View Post

    I dunno, man. There is no doubt Apple is doing quite well for itself, but there's a good reason Apple wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on expensive lawyers for this ban. And it's not just to empty those firms' ash trays.

    It's all part of Steve's wish to deny thieves any ground, that's all there is to it... and Apple can afford it don't worry.
  • Reply 23 of 39
    I wonder if Samsung is paying or supplying Apple with cheaper parts to have the prestige of Apple suing them. A year ago Samsung was another white appliance manufacturer like Whirlpool and GE but unlike these American brands they made sloppy products that only the poorer class around the world bought. However, their name recognition has reason considerably since Apple began suing them. People actually have been tricked into believing their products are good because Apple is suing them. The losers who bought Galaxy products must be feeling so good about themselves.
  • Reply 24 of 39

    But only inhabited by those that believe Armstrong landed on the moon

    He didn't he?
  • Reply 25 of 39
    Originally Posted by jannewmx View Post

    I wonder if Samsung is paying or supplying Apple with cheaper parts to have the prestige of Apple suing them. A year ago Samsung was another white appliance manufacturer like Whirlpool and GE but unlike these American brands they made sloppy products that only the poorer class around the world bought. However, their name recognition has reason considerably since Apple began suing them. People actually have been tricked into believing their products are good because Apple is suing them. The losers who bought Galaxy products must be feeling so good about themselves.

    "that only the poorer class around the world bought."

    Jesus wept.
  • Reply 26 of 39
    Originally Posted by jannewmx View Post

    I wonder if Samsung is paying or supplying Apple with cheaper parts to have the prestige of Apple suing them.

    I know this is a site for us Apple fans, but you're bleeding misinformation and conspiracy theories left and right. I don't like rabid Apple haters, but I also don't appreciate blind fanboys. You seem like one, with your absurd conjectures and ignorance of even the most basic knowledge of global companies.


    A year ago Samsung was another white appliance manufacturer like Whirlpool and GE but unlike these American brands they made sloppy products that only the poorer class around the world bought.

    Maybe you've been living near a weird black hole where 1 year to you is really 20 years to us.

    Samsung's appliances have actually been considered the best for a long time, while GE and Whirpool filled the middling group, and cheap Chinese brands targeted what you referred to as the poorer class. I may have an iPad, an iPhone, and an Air, but I only buy premium appliances from Samsung or LG. I would be intrigued though if Apple entered the appliances sector, but one can only dream


    However, their name recognition has reason considerably since Apple began suing them. People actually have been tricked into believing their products are good because Apple is suing them. The losers who bought Galaxy products must be feeling so good about themselves.

    Their smartphone business may have vaulted in the last 2 years, but their global brand prestige has been better than Apple for a decade, and only since 2010 did Apple rank higher. Samsung's been consistently in the top 20 or so prestigious global brands since 2000.

    Prefer Apple over Samsung all you want, I certainly would not complain, but you can't just make up whatever fake reality you want. Apple and Samsung are both high end brands, pick whichever one makes you happy.
  • Reply 27 of 39
    mhdmhd Posts: 63member
    I guess he's still using his Sony Trinitron
  • Reply 28 of 39
    It seems to me that there are a lot of Apple haters here under the disguise of looking like they support Apple.

    In what world is Samsung considered a top brand?

    Home Appliance : Electrolux, Siemens, Zanussi, Miele, Whirlpool, GE etc. are all better brands than Samsung. l don't understand how you can put Samsung in front of these brands.

    Electronic appliance : Sharp, Toshiba, Vizio, Sony etc. are all better brands. Did you hear about Apple moving away from Samsung to buy displays from Sharp?

    Gadgets : Apple, Nokia, Motorola, RIM, HTC are all better brands. Samsung couldn't sell anything until they started mimicking Apple's designs and using a platform that is stolen from Apple.

    Stop writing things if you don't know what you're talking about. LOL at Samsung being a prestige brand. It's a cheap knock off and I would rather buy Haier products than buy Samsung.
  • Reply 29 of 39
    mhdmhd Posts: 63member
    The force is strong in you jannewmx!!!
  • Reply 30 of 39
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by jannewmx View Post

    It seems to me that there are a lot of Apple haters here under the disguise of looking like they support Apple.

    In what world is Samsung considered a top brand?

    Home Appliance : Electrolux, Siemens, Zanussi, Miele, Whirlpool, GE etc. are all better brands than Samsung. l don't understand how you can put Samsung in front of these brands.

    Electronic appliance : Sharp, Toshiba, Vizio, Sony etc. are all better brands. Did you hear about Apple moving away from Samsung to buy displays from Sharp?

    Gadgets : Apple, Nokia, Motorola, RIM, HTC are all better brands. Samsung couldn't sell anything until they started mimicking Apple's designs and using a platform that is stolen from Apple.

    Stop writing things if you don't know what you're talking about. LOL at Samsung being a prestige brand. It's a cheap knock off and I would rather buy Haier products than buy Samsung.

    Your reality distortion field must be set to warp factor 8.
  • Reply 31 of 39
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Just another day of useless "design patents" that Apple seems to throw at others hoping something would stick.

    Now they are resorting to the standards body for a dismissal of FRAND related patents and just recently is starting to gather up utility patents as in "software patents".

    Hey, even a rectangle can be patented in this day and age so why not?
  • Reply 32 of 39
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by jannewmx View Post

    It seems to me that there are a lot of Apple haters here under the disguise of looking like they support Apple.

    In what world is Samsung considered a top brand?

    Home Appliance : Electrolux, Siemens, Zanussi, Miele, Whirlpool, GE etc. are all better brands than Samsung. l don't understand how you can put Samsung in front of these brands.

    Electronic appliance : Sharp, Toshiba, Vizio, Sony etc. are all better brands. Did you hear about Apple moving away from Samsung to buy displays from Sharp?

    Gadgets : Apple, Nokia, Motorola, RIM, HTC are all better brands. Samsung couldn't sell anything until they started mimicking Apple's designs and using a platform that is stolen from Apple.

    Stop writing things if you don't know what you're talking about. LOL at Samsung being a prestige brand. It's a cheap knock off and I would rather buy Haier products than buy Samsung.

    A world that you are not living in or a world you purposely dismiss because it doesnt fit in with your way of thinking.

    But just to answer your question:

    1) Displays (TVs and computer monitors)

    2) Computer memory (40% + ),14247.html

    3) NAND Flash(30%+)

    4) Cell phones #2 in the world

    5) OLED displays (70%+ of market share)

    Perhaps it is YOU who should stop writing things if you dont know what you are talking about.

    I have facts to back up my statements.

    You, on the other hand, just base your "facts" on personal opinion.

    Me > you
  • Reply 33 of 39

    LOL what does market share have to do with Samsung being a rotten brand that only losers buy? Maybe you should have linked some brand recognition numbers or something. It's like saying since Tata motors and Shanghai motors sell a lot of cars, they are a better brand than Benz or BMW. Just face the truth, everyone wants to buy an Apple product, the losers who don't have money will resort to other brands and as a last resort buy Samsung because they look like Apple products.
  • Reply 34 of 39
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    Originally Posted by jannewmx View Post


    LOL what does market share have to do with Samsung being a rotten brand that only losers buy? Maybe you should have linked some brand recognition numbers or something. It's like saying since Tata motors and Shanghai motors sell a lot of cars, they are a better brand than Benz or BMW. Just face the truth, everyone wants to buy an Apple product, the losers who don't have money will resort to other brands and as a last resort buy Samsung because they look like Apple products.

    That could only be a smartphone, tablet or notebook as those are the only areas they currently compete in. There's much more to Samsung's market as you well know, from consumer products to heavy equipment. Samsung's had an excellent rep for consumer products for some time. Smartphones are just a more recent area that consumers are noticing them in.
  • Reply 35 of 39
    Originally Posted by jannewmx View Post

    It seems to me that there are a lot of Apple haters here under the disguise of looking like they support Apple.

    Sorry you feel that way. I just like both my Apple and Samsung products and I like to be honest in my opinions regardless of it being positive or negative. Like I said before I don't like rabid Apple haters, but I also don't appreciate blind fanboys.


    In what world is Samsung considered a top brand?...Stop writing things if you don't know what you're talking about. LOL at Samsung being a prestige brand.

    It happens to be the same world both you and I live in. Top brand consultant agencies that measure global brand prestige have ranked Samsung in the top 25 every year for the last decade. Only since 2010 did Apple overtake Samsung.


    Home Appliance : Electrolux, Siemens, Zanussi, Miele, Whirlpool, GE etc. are all better brands than Samsung. l don't understand how you can put Samsung in front of these brands.

    Electronic appliance : Sharp, Toshiba, Vizio, Sony etc. are all better brands. Did you hear about Apple moving away from Samsung to buy displays from Sharp?

    Gadgets : Apple, Nokia, Motorola, RIM, HTC are all better brands. Samsung couldn't sell anything until they started mimicking Apple's designs and using a platform that is stolen from Apple.

    According to reputable brand rankings and consumer reports, Samsung is better than every single brand you just listed except Apple. Apple's moving to Sharp not because it's better. No one makes better displays than Samsung and LG. Apple's moving away because of the lawsuits. You're right though that Samsung was a smaller player in the smart phone business a few years ago, and following Apple did help them launch their smartphone business. Nearly the whole industry followed Apple since they were the ones who pioneered the modern smartphone trend.

    I really don't have the time to address your misinformation brand by brand, but I think anyone can clearly see how extreme your delusion is from this list. If you want people to take you seriously, your examples shouldn't be too extreme that they betray your biases.


    It's a cheap knock off and I would rather buy Haier products than buy Samsung.

    So to avoid what you call a "cheap knock off", you would rather buy Haier, an actual cheap knock off?

    I think this pretty much sums up the warped state your mind is in.
  • Reply 36 of 39
    Originally Posted by jannewmx View Post


    LOL what does market share have to do with Samsung being a rotten brand that only losers buy? Maybe you should have linked some brand recognition numbers or something. It's like saying since Tata motors and Shanghai motors sell a lot of cars, they are a better brand than Benz or BMW. Just face the truth, everyone wants to buy an Apple product, the losers who don't have money will resort to other brands and as a last resort buy Samsung because they look like Apple products.

    Tata owns Jaguar/Land Rover. Last I checked Range Rovers are pretty high end, and alot of rich folk buy them...

    And yes, people who don't have 650 dollars to spend on an Apple phone will buy a Samsung or HTC phone for... 650 dollars.
  • Reply 37 of 39
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Now where have I seen that notification tray before it was on my iPhone.
  • Reply 38 of 39
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »

    Thanks, I was getting around to doing that but you beat me to it.
  • Reply 39 of 39

    I was not aware properly about samsung :)

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