Amazon China pulled iPad because it was not authorized to sell it

in iPad edited January 2014

A new report claims Amazon removed the iPad from its Chinese website at Apple's request because it is not an authorized reseller, not because of pressure from a high-profile ongoing trademark dispute between Apple and Proview.

After Apple's iPad disappeared from earlier this week, some were quick to speculate that the move was connected to a legal battle between Apple and Proview over the iPad trademark in China.

However, people familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal that Apple had requested Amazon China stop selling the iPad because it lacked the proper authorization to offer the device. According to the source, the Cupertino, Calif., iPad maker had been working with Amazon for weeks to have the listings taking down.

The tipster went on to clarify that the issue was separate from the escalating disagreement between Apple and Proview that came to a head earlier this week. But, it remains unclear whether the removal of iPad listings from Chinese retailer Suning that also occurred this week is related to that lawsuit.

After suing Apple for trademark infringement, Proview succeeded in convincing some mainland authorities to confiscate iPads in smaller cities throughout Beijing beginning last week.

Apple maintains that it purchased the Chinese rights to the iPad mark in a multi-country deal several years ago. “Proview refuses to honor their agreement with Apple in China,” said spokeswoman Carolyn Wu.

A previously unpublished court ruling from last July showed that the High Court of Hong Kong sided with Apple on the matter and demanded Proview transfer the trademark over to Apple.

[ View article on AppleInsider ]


  • Reply 1 of 11
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,101member
    You'll find the iHaters, trolls, and other vermin that skewered Apple a few postings ago about Apple deserving China's "seizures" of iPads eating crow and humble pie at the diner down the street.
  • Reply 2 of 11
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    After suing Apple for trademark infringement, Proview succeeded in convincing some mainland authorities to confiscate iPads in smaller cities throughout Beijing beginning last week.

    First of all what does smaller cities throughout Beijing even mean? Beijing is a city, not a state or province. There are no "cities throughout Beijing." Additionally the linked article mentions only one city (Shijiazhuang, in Hebei province) where iPads were confiscated, and that one is over 200 miles from Beijing. Are AI writers really that bad at both geography and math?
  • Reply 3 of 11
    Shame for Amazon. Don't they make more profit selling an iPad than a Kindle Fire? hehe
  • Reply 4 of 11
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by GregInPrague View Post

    First of all what does smaller cities throughout Beijing even mean? Beijing is a city, not a state or province. There are no "cities throughout Beijing."

    It probably refers to the districts and counties in one of the worlds most populace cities.

    Originally Posted by joindup View Post

    Shame for Amazon. Don't they make more profit selling an iPad than a Kindle Fire? hehe

    Considering they lose money on every Kindle Fire sold selling no iPads is more profitable.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    You'll find the iHaters, trolls, and other vermin that skewered Apple a few postings ago about Apple deserving China's "seizures" of iPads eating crow and humble pie at the diner down the street.

    Unfortunately, that won't happen. They will just move on to their next bullet point like "iPad has no flash", "Apple copied PARC's GUI", or "Android is crushing iOS".

    Personally, I'm still trying to understand why Apple haters will burn the calories to come to an Apple rumors site and trash Apple. Why even register in the first place? My time is too valuable to find a message board, register, and post hate and vitriol about something I don't like. In my opinion, doing all that is a little too involved for something the trolls profess to not care about. Almost like the clergymen who rail about homosexuality, then are found out to have had paid men for sex: it's the 'they doth protest too much' syndrome.
  • Reply 6 of 11
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by F1Ferrari View Post

    Unfortunately, that won't happen. They will just move on to their next bullet point like "iPad has no flash", "Apple copied PARC's GUI", or "Android is crushing iOS".

    Personally, I'm still trying to understand why Apple haters will burn the calories to come to an Apple rumors site and trash Apple. Why even register in the first place? My time is too valuable to find a message board, register, and post hate and vitriol about something I don't like. In my opinion, doing all that is a little too involved for something the trolls profess to not care about. Almost like the clergymen who rail about homosexuality, then are found out to have had paid men for sex: it's the 'they doth protest too much' syndrome.

    Amen to that.

    It is a fair bit of effort to expend on something that doesn't bring you enjoyment but I'm guessing that they're coming from a bit of an unhappy or lonely place and just appreciate the attention.

    Check out the '6 Human Needs'.

    Most people here seem to come here for 'connection' and 'contribution'. However, there are obviously a few people stuck in the 'significance' phase.

    That's a shame.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    Do you mean to tell me a "reputable" news organization contacted Amazon China to get facts instead of adding to the extremist speculation? Stop the presses!!
  • Reply 8 of 11
    yeah... this is about 14 hours too late... And the problem is, anyone using the internet could have found the facts (or lack there of) but AI publishes it anyway... I guess it IS a rumor site, but still, their headlines are so dramatic and eye catching....
  • Reply 9 of 11
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,766member
    Originally Posted by F1Ferrari View Post

    Unfortunately, that won't happen. They will just move on to their next bullet point like "iPad has no flash", "Apple copied PARC's GUI", or "Android is crushing iOS".

    Personally, I'm still trying to understand why Apple haters will burn the calories to come to an Apple rumors site and trash Apple. Why even register in the first place? My time is too valuable to find a message board, register, and post hate and vitriol about something I don't like. In my opinion, doing all that is a little too involved for something the trolls profess to not care about. Almost like the clergymen who rail about homosexuality, then are found out to have had paid men for sex: it's the 'they doth protest too much' syndrome.

    That has long been a puzzle to me too. It requires some professional psychologist to chime in. I'd think it has a lot to do with anger, jealousy and inadequacies. Those I personally know like that are all old time PC lovers (built their own etc.) that simply always hated all things Apple on principle and couldn't therefore buy an iPad or iPhone and saw Android as the Microsoft of the modern era. They constantly quote any small thing they read that is bad about Apple and ignore anything good. It is remarkably like talking to those of the opposite political or scientific persuasion these days.
  • Reply 10 of 11
    and for the record, I wrote this exact news after AI published their article yesterday and got some resistance from isaidso:


    Originally Posted by ko024 View Post

    This article is simply WRONG... Please someone check facts before publishing this stuff.. Come on AI.

    "An Apple spokeswoman said Amazon is not an authorized reseller of iPads in China or the United States"

    That is why apple is pulling them, not because of Proview...

    From isaidso:

    If Amazon is not an "authorized reseller", then Apple has no power to "Pull them" from Amazon's shelves (Amazon "owns" the units) Apple could choose to not honor warranty if they chose, but that's it.

    You can buy Apple products (or any products) from plenty of place that are not "authorized resellers".

    isaidso is offline Report Post \tReply With Quote
  • Reply 11 of 11
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,766member
    Originally Posted by ko024 View Post

    and for the record, I wrote this exact news after AI published their article yesterday and got some resistance from isaidso:


    Originally Posted by ko024 View Post

    This article is simply WRONG... Please someone check facts before publishing this stuff.. Come on AI.

    "An Apple spokeswoman said Amazon is not an authorized reseller of iPads in China or the United States"

    That is why apple is pulling them, not because of Proview...

    From isaidso:

    If Amazon is not an "authorized reseller", then Apple has no power to "Pull them" from Amazon's shelves (Amazon "owns" the units) Apple could choose to not honor warranty if they chose, but that's it.

    You can buy Apple products (or any products) from plenty of place that are not "authorized resellers".

    isaidso is offline Report Post \tReply With Quote

    I read those posts, well done. Nice to get proven right that fast
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