With Mountain Lion, Apple officially drops 'Mac' from OS X name



  • Reply 61 of 94
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    At the risk of being jumped on I wonder if OSX will someday be available to everyone even if they don't by Apple hardware. I remember reading several years ago that SJ was really the only one that didn't want to market OSX to anyone that didn't buy Apple hardware.

    On many levels I don't see this happening but it would be interesting to see OSX for any system.

    Not happening. Their current business model is working just fine.
  • Reply 62 of 94
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    They pretty much screwed themselves when they named it OS X with code names of large cats in the first place. Now that they have painted themselves into a corner with the naming conventions, they are squirming around trying to find a way to spin it.

    They will likely just add an "S" to end of the name and hope no one notices.

    Why could you not name the new OS's OSX 2013? Not as cool as cat names, but gets the job done.
  • Reply 63 of 94
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by kohelet View Post

    Why could you not name the new OS's OSX 2013? Not as cool as cat names, but gets the job done.

    there are at least 36 species of wild cats - http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/bco/species.htm

    of course some of the names sound "cooler" than others.

    OS X 2013 sounds too much like MS products - although you could have OS X 2013.1 and OS X 2013.2 etc. could get even more like MS if the product name has a year it is for marketing - but then some number (windows 7, windows 8) in it when you load it - but then some other number - Word 14 for example on the actual folder where it is running.

    switching to some other code name scheme might not be that hard - in fact if they do change from OS X to OS 11 or OS XI that would be a good time to find some other category of code names.

    I like OS and Mini etc.

    maybe they could use species of chameleons for the code names of a single OS that runs on all their products - there are 135 of those names - not sure how many have catchy common names though
  • Reply 64 of 94
    There're a few more name changes, too. Address Book is now "Contacts" and iCal is now "Calendar".

    And the Notes application seems to have the "Here's to the crazy ones" speech on it. A horribly mangled version, at least.
  • Reply 65 of 94
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    Hmm. I wonder when my .mac email address will be a relic of history.

    'What's your email address?'

    '[email protected]'

    'What's mac?

    Maybe Apple should their mail to [email protected] ...
  • Reply 66 of 94
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by DeanSolecki View Post

    P.S. If someone will PS an OS X Puffin image like the lion one below I will totally mail you two dollars.

    You can't do that yourself?
  • Reply 67 of 94
    Originally Posted by OriginalMacRat View Post

    It has been a relic already for a couple of years.

    Replaced when MobileMe came out.

    Actually no .Mac hasn't been replaced. Just last week I asked Apple why my xxx@me AppleID keeps reverting to an xxx@mac Apple ID for my MAS purchases. It's been doing this all along. I didn't want to have multiple IDs so I kept trying to force the MAS to use xxx@me to no avail. Apple says although they appear as two different AppleIDs they are one of the same. So as alias to .me, .mac is also an alias to .me AppleID.
  • Reply 68 of 94
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by ljocampo View Post

    Actually no .Mac hasn't been replaced. Just last week I asked Apple why my xxx@me AppleID keeps reverting to an xxx@mac Apple ID for my MAS purchases. It's been doing this all along. I didn't want to have multiple IDs so I kept trying to force the MAS to use xxx@me to no avail. Apple says although they appear as two different AppleIDs they are one of the same. So as alias to .me, .mac is also an alias to .me AppleID.

    That's the domain for emails, and it's not available to new users anymore so I think it's accurate to say that @mac.com was replaced by @me.com and that .Mac was replaced by MobileMe was replaced by iCloud. Really they are all just building (or rebuilding) off each other from iTools

    I'd even argue the reason for all these name changes is that Apple got it wrong every other time hence the rebranding. iCloud seems to be progressing nicely.
  • Reply 69 of 94
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    You may be reading too much into this. What about this name change, or today?s Mountain Lion announcements, removes anything Mac-like about using using OS X? ... <snip>

    Well I notice that the cursor in Lion 10.7.3 is less precise. I keep having to consciencely aim a bit lower or I highlight the line above. I believe this is because of new touch commands. Also the dictionary in Lion is dumb. For instance, Lion believes the word consciencely (above) is misspelled and only offers conscienceless. That never happen to me before 10.7.3 and there are quite a few words I often misspell that the dictionary won't solve but it did before. Things on the Mac desktop ARE getting dumbed down.
  • Reply 70 of 94
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by ljocampo View Post

    Well I notice that the cursor in Lion 10.7.3 is less precise. I keep having to consciencely aim a bit lower or I highlight the line above. I believe this is because of new touch commands. Also the dictionary in Lion is dumb. For instance, Lion believes the word consciencely (above) is misspelled and only offers conscienceless. That never happen to me before 10.7.3 and there are quite a few words I often misspell that the dictionary won't solve but it did before. Things on the Mac desktop ARE getting dumbed down.

    Can you use consciencely in a sentence?
    conscience |ˈkɑnʃəns|


    • an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.


    conscienceless adjective
    I think you might be thinking of....
    conscious |ˈkɑnʃəs|


    • aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.


    consciously adverb
    conscientious |kɑːnʃiˈenʃəs|


    1 (of a person) wishing to do what is right, esp. to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly: a conscientious and hardworking clerk.

    2 relating to a person's conscience: the act does not provide exemption from service on the basis of personal conscientious beliefs.


    conscientiously adverb,

    conscientiousness noun

  • Reply 71 of 94
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Can you use consciencely in a sentence?
    conscience |ˈkɑnʃəns|


    ? an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.


    conscienceless adjective
    I think you might be thinking of....
    conscious |ˈkɑnʃəs|


    ? aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.


    consciously adverb
    conscientious |kɑːnʃiˈenʃəs|


    1 (of a person) wishing to do what is right, esp. to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly: a conscientious and hardworking clerk.

    2 relating to a person's conscience: the act does not provide exemption from service on the basis of personal conscientious beliefs.


    conscientiously adverb,

    conscientiousness noun

    Yeah you're right I'm wrong on that word... but I just rushed that as I was posting just before. I have noticed my dictionary IS dumber guessing at word many times since I upgraded to 10.7.3.
  • Reply 72 of 94
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That's the domain for emails, and it's not available to new users anymore so I think it's accurate to say that @mac.com was replaced by @me.com and that .Mac was replaced by MobileMe was replaced by iCloud. Really they are all just building (or rebuilding) off each other from iTools

    I'd even argue the reason for all these name changes is that Apple got it wrong every other time hence the rebranding. iCloud seems to be progressing nicely.

    The change from .Mac to MobileMe happened because the service was opened up to iPhone users using Windows as their desktop OS, and no longer exclusive to Mac users.

  • Reply 73 of 94
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by ljocampo View Post

    Yeah you're right I'm wrong on that word... but I just rushed that as I was posting just before. I have noticed my dictionary IS dumber guessing at word many times since I upgraded to 10.7.3.

    There seem to be two ways people are calling new versions of OS X "dumb". One is saying the system itself is more dumb and the other is that it's made for dumb people. I see no evidence of either being true. In fact I can point how this is axiomatically false.

    Originally Posted by gyorpb View Post

    The change from .Mac to MobileMe happened because the service was opened up to iPhone users using Windows as their desktop OS, and no longer exclusive to Mac users.

    Correlation is not causation. In marketing you drop a brand name that works. .Mac was already accessible from Windows via the browser and they could have easily made .Mac for Windows to integrate with Windows apps. The simplest answer is that .Mac was a market failure. You can take iTunes as an example of a name that has not changed despite the app long dropping its sole support for "tunes".

    The iTunes Music Store and Apple Computer did change their name but they dropped the unimportant parts that pull focus away from the valuable brands iTunes and Apple.

    I took a 4 hour seminar on marketing at my local rec center so I know what I'm talking about¡
  • Reply 74 of 94
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That's the domain for emails, and it's not available to new users anymore so I think it's accurate to say that @mac.com was replaced by @me.com and that .Mac was replaced by MobileMe was replaced by iCloud. Really they are all just building (or rebuilding) off each other from iTools

    I'd even argue the reason for all these name changes is that Apple got it wrong every other time hence the rebranding. iCloud seems to be progressing nicely.

    I'd agree with you on the history but I haven't used the [email protected] as an email address in years or ever as an AppleID. Long before there was an Mac App Store. Out of the clear blue sky it (the sys or server) decides to put it in the AppleID login field, even as I change it back to [email protected]. But you're right. Apple is trying to get a handle on these names and IDs for quite sometime now. Apple servers are really very buggy. Maybe because they use Microsoft Server in the backbone

    They won't let me merge IDs. I have xxx , [email protected] , and now apparently [email protected] all with the same personal info.
  • Reply 75 of 94
    Originally Posted by tallest skil View Post

    right, instead of my usual mockery of the fake implications of something like this, i'm going to pose a hypothetical.

    Yeah, they're removing mac from the name. Because the os doesn't just apply to macs anymore.

    They're not bringing ios to the mac, they're bringing the mac to ios devices. They're going the opposite way in terms of functionality.

    How's that?

    love it!
  • Reply 76 of 94
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by ljocampo View Post

    I'd agree with you on the history but I haven't used the [email protected] as an email address in years or ever as an AppleID. Long before there was an Mac App Store. Out of the clear blue sky it (the sys or server) decides to put it in the AppleID login field, even as I change it back to [email protected]. But you're right. Apple is trying to get a handle on these names and IDs for quite sometime now. Apple servers are really very buggy. Maybe because they use Microsoft Server in the backbone

    They won't let me merge IDs. I have xxx , [email protected] , and now apparently [email protected] all with the same personal info.

    For OCD reasons I would like to finally stop seeing @me.com plastered through all my iCloud logins. I don't care about showing that've been a long time Mac user I like that 'me' is 50% shorter than 'mac'. I assume one day they will make the switch. Perhaps after the transition from MobileMe is finished.
  • Reply 77 of 94
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    I took a 4 hour seminar on marketing at my local rec center so I know what I'm talking about¡

    Oh I don't doubt you do know what you're talking about. It's just that all this transitioning since iOS is getting very strange for us old timers that go back before the Macintosh with Apple.

    I don't believe Apple is dumbing down their systems to accommodate a different clientele. I do think making a cursor less accurate to accommodate the new Cocoa Touch APIs dumbing down Lion.
  • Reply 78 of 94
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by ljocampo View Post

    I do think making a cursor less accurate to accommodate the new Cocoa Touch APIs dumbing down Lion.

    1) I don't see how those are related.

    2) I don't see any CocoaTouch APIs in OS X.

    3) Apple has been using multitouch trackpad APIs for years.

    4) Remember this is Beta 1 so the simplest answer is simply a bug.

    5) I have already moved to ML as my primary OS and have not experienced this issue. Any suggestions for recreating it?
  • Reply 79 of 94
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    For OCD reasons I would like to finally stop seeing @me.com plastered through all my iCloud logins. I don't care about showing that've been a long time Mac user I like that 'me' is 50% shorter than 'mac'. I assume one day they will make the switch. Perhaps after the transition to MobileMe is finished.


    ...to MobileMe... you made my day with that one.

    btw: it's only 30% shorter. opps you meant from iCloud never mind
  • Reply 80 of 94
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    1) I don't see how those are related.

    2) I don't see any CocoaTouch APIs in OS X.

    3) Apple has been using multitouch trackpad APIs for years.

    4) Remember this is Beta 1 so the simplest answer is simply a bug.

    5) I have already moved to ML as my primary OS and have not experienced this issue. Any suggestions for recreating it?

    They might not be calling it CocoaTouch but it's all Cocoa. Apple wants everything Cocoa. I am happy about that too because I won't develop in anything else. I'm Apple all the way and don't use any software that is multiplatform (Windows like) if I can help it. Made for Mac ummm \ iOS by true Apple gardeners is the way to go IMO.

    As for the cursor being less accurate, it is all the time. Not a bug. Apple is going the way of Touch, even on the desktop OS and they purposely increased the bounding box to accommodate fingers but the overlap in the UI of the curser suffers now from it. I need to get use to hitting the point with the cursor because since 10.7.3 it's different. It's not a biggy just annoying for me because I use a mouse exclusively.
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