Apple looking to build out iCloud engineering team with a dozen openings



  • Reply 21 of 49
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    Exactly! Mine has just hit 60 entries, with a surge recently. \

    Wow! Mine is only at ten so far. Maybe you should find a way to export the list and offer it to the rest of us?
  • Reply 22 of 49
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,827member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Wow! Mine is only at ten so far. Maybe you should find a way to export the list and offer it to the rest of us?

    Perhaps. I for one am invested in the notion of ignoring trolls, otherwise AI would be too tedious to continue with.
  • Reply 23 of 49
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Your posts are always fakes. You put out new garbage in perfectly good threads so the progress of the conversation is interrupted or corrupted.

    The only thing we can be certain of is that you do not MEAN what you are saying.

    I see what you did there. SO clever!!
  • Reply 24 of 49
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I often wonder why the blog software used on sites like this can't exclude even replies to those that are on the ignore list? It seems to me it wouldn't be rocket science.

    I looked into this awhile back. I also have VB running and the way the database is set up is that when you reply, the quoted part becomes part of your message in the same database field. The logical way to do what you suggest is with a regular expression rule. As you say, it is not rocket science. You would need another query in the show list function. The way it would work is it would find an open [Quote= then the semi colon, parse the word between them against the ignore list. If it gets a hit then it deletes all the way up to the end [/Quote] while adding it to the page output buffer.

    Of course there could be a more robust implementation in that it puts the ignored text into a hidden div with a reveal button in case you did want to see the ignored text.

    I didn't end up writing the code for myself since the board I have is private intra-company only but I have no idea why Jelsoft doesn't fix that.
  • Reply 25 of 49
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by MagicFingers View Post

    "IGNORE LIST" this mangy troll and don't reply to the stupid comments they post. Then those that have used the ignore list to avoid seeing the stupidity don't have to see it in a reply.

    The ignore list is your friend. Learn it, know it, exercise it, live it....

    Advice taken. But thanks for adding "mangy."
  • Reply 26 of 49
    y2any2an Posts: 207member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The listings include requests for an iCloud Server Software Engineer, iCloud Java Server Engineer, two iCloud Senior Software Engineers, two iCloud Software Engineers, iCloud Java Server Software Engineer, iCloud C/C++ Server Software Engineer, iCloud Game Center Server Engineer, iCloud Backend Server Engineer - Java, iCloud Backend Server Engineer - C++ and Windows Engineer - iCloud.

    This is probably the size of team you'd assemble to develop a workaround for the Motorola patents. These could be backfills for people already pulled into a high profile emergency project to come up with that solution.
  • Reply 27 of 49
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by MagicFingers View Post

    "IGNORE LIST" this mangy troll and don't reply to the stupid comments they post. Then those that have used the ignore list to avoid seeing the stupidity don't have to see it in a reply.

    The ignore list is your friend. Learn it, know it, exercise it, live it....

    Actually this is clearly an example of how AI forum moderation is failing and a general indictment of human-powered forum moderation. It scales poorly.

    A dozen people could have this person on their ignore list, but you'd still see responses to that person and it is likely that there are people who are bothered by the individual who for whatever reason aren't using the ignore list feature.

    The biggest problem with undesirable individuals (e.g., trolls) is that they bring down the entire quality of discussion and make the community less appealing to the infrequent, random visitor.

    What would help would be a community-based comment ranking system that would allow participants to rate other users' comments. Below a certain score, a post may not be automatically visible.

    Slashdot implemented this several years ago after years and years of some of the most heinous online behavior on the planet. Today Slashdot is actually readable, but for several years, it was not.

    Ignore lists are the wrong way to handle this. Those are individually implemented against a particular person. The comment ranking system is a community-based system and judges the specific piece of content, not the source.

    In any case, for AppleInsider to allow certain individuals to continue polluting this forum is bodes very poorly.
  • Reply 28 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    The biggest problem with undesirable individuals (e.g., trolls) is that they bring down the entire quality of discussion and make the community less appealing to the infrequent, random visitor.

    Indeed. I never use the Ignore feature because I find it infantile. It's the digital equivalent of 'la la la, I'm not listening' and can be abused by users to block from their sight people with legitimate (but opposing) viewpoints, simply because they're opposing. That's just not the way to lead your life. Think of how much trouble has been caused by people who are mostly in the right ignoring where they're truly wrong because it was pointed out to them by their self-designated opponents.

    Also, I don't use it because they need to be challenged for your second reason there. We have way more guests read the forums than users. If everyone ignores people they consider trolls, their posts are still visible to ALL guests. And if no one challenges the lies they spew, the guests will take it as accepted fact and then be hurt by it later (and not return, not become members, etc.).

    We don't really have a troll removal policy. Unless the offense is blindingly egregious (if they're just plain insulting, if the account looks to have been created just to be contrary to the forum's purpose, or if they have a history of violent anti-Apple rhetoric), they're allowed to stay. I agree wholeheartedly that this shouldn't become a forum of nothing but Apple ][s, back-patting each other and everything that Apple does, but that might be able to be dialed up a bit.


    In any case, for AppleInsider to allow certain individuals to continue polluting this forum is bodes very poorly.

    Well, there's always the Feedback section. I'm sure we welcome all constructive comments on how to improve stuff.

    But now let's get back to the thread. I could have sworn somewhere it talked about creating a dozen jobs? Sounds a little low to me. I don't suggest pulling from an unqualified pool, but for something as important to the future as iCloud, you'd think Apple would want a slightly larger team.
  • Reply 29 of 49
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,827member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Indeed. I never use the Ignore feature because I find it infantile. It's the digital equivalent of 'la la la, I'm not listening' and can be abused by users to block from their sight people with legitimate (but opposing) viewpoints, simply because they're opposing. That's just not the way to lead your life. Think of how much trouble has been caused by people who are mostly in the right ignoring where they're truly wrong because it was pointed out to them by their self-designated opponents.

    Also, I don't use it because they need to be challenged for your second reason there. We have way more guests read the forums than users. If everyone ignores people they consider trolls, their posts are still visible to ALL guests. And if no one challenges the lies they spew, the guests will take it as accepted fact and then be hurt by it later (and not return, not become members, etc.).

    We don't really have a troll removal policy. Unless the offense is blindingly egregious (if they're just plain insulting, if the account looks to have been created just to be contrary to the forum's purpose, or if they have a history of violent anti-Apple rhetoric), they're allowed to stay. I agree wholeheartedly that this shouldn't become a forum of nothing but Apple ][s, back-patting each other and everything that Apple does, but that might be able to be dialed up a bit.

    Well, there's always the Feedback section. I'm sure we welcome all constructive comments on how to improve stuff.

    But now let's get back to the thread. I could have sworn somewhere it talked about creating a dozen jobs? Sounds a little low to me. I don't suggest pulling from an unqualified pool, but for something as important to the future as iCloud, you'd think Apple would want a slightly larger team.

    Someone, in this case myself, mentions the use of a forum feature designed to avoid the hassle of dealing with plainly objectionable material that forum moderators are incapable of managing and you describe that as infantile. Confirms my belief that AI was desperate when appointing you a moderator.
  • Reply 30 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    Someone, in this case myself, mentions the use of a forum feature designed to avoid the hassle of dealing with plainly objectionable material that forum moderators are incapable of managing and you describe that as infantile.

    That's not my job here, though.


    Confirms my belief that AI was desperate when appointing you a moderator.

    And why's that? They were itching for spam cleanup, and as I was the one who found most of it, here I am. That's my job.
  • Reply 31 of 49
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    Someone, in this case myself, mentions the use of a forum feature designed to avoid the hassle of dealing with plainly objectionable material that forum moderators are incapable of managing and you describe that as infantile. Confirms my belief that AI was desperate when appointing you a moderator.

    I'm not sure why we need to insult someone who is volunteering their time to make the forum spam free for all readers. From what I recall, before his appointment spam was getting annoyingly bad on this site so I can't help but think he's doing a commendable job. You don't have to like or agree with his the mods but I think you should at least appreciate this unpaid service they offer to this community... except for Mr. H, that guy's a jerk¡
  • Reply 32 of 49
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,827member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I'm not sure why we need to insult someone who is volunteering their time to make the forum spam free for all readers. From what I recall, before his appointment spam was getting annoyingly bad on this site so I can't help but think he's doing a commendable job. You don't have to like or agree with his the mods but I think you should at least appreciate this unpaid service they offer to this community... except for Mr. H, that guy's a jerk¡

    This person often is the first to lower the tenor of conversation. Mods previously could not be accused of that. As for Mr. H, I do not share your experience. (I too am a mod on another site, I know what it takes.)
  • Reply 33 of 49
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    As for Mr. H, I do not share your experience. (I too am a mod on another site, I know what it takes.)

    That was meant to be a joke. The upside exclamation point is how I signify irony.
  • Reply 34 of 49
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,827member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That was meant to be a joke. The upside exclamation point is how I signify irony.

    Please forgive me for missing that! (I did notice what I thought was a typo).
  • Reply 35 of 49
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    We don't really have a troll removal policy. Unless the offense is blindingly egregious (if they're just plain insulting, if the account looks to have been created just to be contrary to the forum's purpose, or if they have a history of violent anti-Apple rhetoric), they're allowed to stay. I agree wholeheartedly that this shouldn't become a forum of nothing but Apple ][s, back-patting each other and everything that Apple does, but that might be able to be dialed up a bit.

    I'm not asking the AI forum moderators to turn this place into a country club for fanbois. I have no problem with alternate viewpoints, as long as they are carefully considered and thoughtfully presented.

    I am requesting the implementation of a comment-scoring system that would allow readers to judge the content, not the source.

    Again, my main point is that undesirable participants are being allowed to pollute this spot mostly because current forum administration policy restricts banning to "all-powerful" moderators. My proposal for a comment-scoring system would actually reduce workload for forum moderators. Again, let the community police itself for inappropriate content, not castigate specific users. If a particular user frequently posts inappropriate items, well, eventually that person may go away on his/her own volition. But until that time, that person is welcome to contribute thoughtful, relevant commentary.
  • Reply 36 of 49
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    I'm not asking the AI forum moderators to turn this place into a country club for fanbois. I have no problem with alternate viewpoints, as long as they are carefully considered and thoughtfully presented.

    I am requesting the implementation of a comment-scoring system that would allow readers to judge the content, not the source.

    Again, my main point is that undesirable participants are being allowed to pollute this spot mostly because current forum administration policy restricts banning to "all-powerful" moderators. My proposal for a comment-scoring system would actually reduce workload for forum moderators. Again, let the community police itself for inappropriate content, not castigate specific users.

    vBulletin 4.0 does list "post rating" as a feature.Personally I'd like to see AI update so their forum can finally be optimized for smartphones over adding any specific forum features. Not that I'm against new features but i've seen sites fall apart after adding new features. Engadget tried a lot of different things before finally getting Disqus for their comments.
  • Reply 37 of 49
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,827member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    vBulletin 4.0 does list "post rating" as a feature.Personally I'd like to see AI update so their forum can finally be optimized for smartphones over adding any specific forum features. Not that I'm against new features but i've seen sites fall apart after adding new features. Engadget tried a lot of different things before finally getting Disqus for their comments.

    One site that I encountered recently required that someone posting a (casual) reply had a facebook account. Replies were conducted through facebook. I'm sure that AI would not be sucked into this but just to say it - please, no!
  • Reply 38 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    One site that I encountered recently required that someone posting a (casual) reply had a facebook account. Replies were conducted through facebook. I'm sure that AI would not be sucked into this but just to say it - please, no!

    Oh yes, heavens no to that. I have the Get Off My Lawn extension for a reason.
  • Reply 39 of 49
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    One site that I encountered recently required that someone posting a (casual) reply had a facebook account. Replies were conducted through facebook. I'm sure that AI would not be sucked into this but just to say it - please, no!

    TS just informed me that MR uses a slightly older version of vBulletin than AI yet has a rating system in place. Perhaps you can request and make a case for it in the Feedback forum section.
  • Reply 40 of 49
    rbryanhrbryanh Posts: 263member
    Will more staff help make iCloud good for something beyond consuming what passes for art during the trashy end of the nasty American empire?

    I need more ways to consume (note I do not say "listen to") what we now call music like I need more ways to eat fat.
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