New mouse!



  • Reply 81 of 81
    Mac Voyer, I'm using a 4 button mouse with a scroll wheel. If I use a mouse at all. Windows can comfortably be used just with the keyboard and if you're typing text, using a mouse is a step back, it's just to slow.

    But I'm a pro user, not just a beginner. People like my mother for example are the people Apple is adressing. "Keep it simple" is SJ newest slogan. A two button mouse would not fit in there.

    If Apple would build a 2 button scroll wheel mouse, I would plug it off, throw it away and keep on using my 4 button mouse. A 2 button mouse would keep a handful of users happy and the rest would keep on complaining about the 3rd, the 4th and so on button.

    Windows machines are mostly delivered with a two button scroll wheel mouse and most people I know (about 30, for the nitpickers) plug them off, throw them away and keep on using their own mouse, fitting their own, personal needs.


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