A5X chip in Apple's new iPad doubles RAM to 1GB - report



  • Reply 21 of 114
    neo42neo42 Posts: 287member
    Don't forget that the new iPad has roughly 65% bigger battery but is rated for the same amount of usage. Some of the extra power consumption may be due to the additional RAM, though I'm guessing that it is mostly due to the fact that there are 4x as many pixels to render.
  • Reply 22 of 114
    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    You are so insightful! Android is definitely written by the same amateur company that pioneered modern internet search engine technology. Also, clearly iOS is built on OSX, not Darwin/*nix. Same goes for Android, the kernel is definitely running natively in Java and not on a *nix platform.

    From Wikipedia:

    "Android's kernel is based on the Linux kernel...."

    If factual errors could kill, you'd be a serial killer
  • Reply 23 of 114
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    It is odd; no wonder that nVidia wants to see the benchmarks:


    Waahhhh. Waaahhhh.

    Cry me a river.
  • Reply 24 of 114
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
  • Reply 25 of 114
    neo42neo42 Posts: 287member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    From Wikipedia:

    "Android's kernel is based on the Linux kernel...."

    If factual errors could kill, you'd be a serial killer

    I think you missed the sarcasm laced throughout my post By "*nix" I meant unix based, linux included. And in case there is still some confusion, I was intentionally being facetious
  • Reply 26 of 114
    felmanfelman Posts: 21member
    When they say that battery life was not affected even with double the RAM, I'd say it was compensated for by nearly doubling the capacity of the battery:

    iPad 2 : 25 Wh

    iPad Mk III : 42.5 Wh

    (Source: Apple's website)

    That's a whooping change. I really hope we can get a tear-down soon to see if the battery takes much more space inside or if they did some magic trick to double the capacity while keeping the volume. I don't think the gain in depth alone can explain that much more power.

    Also, I'd be interested to see how much life you can get out of it if you turn off the wireless signals and tune the brightness down a notch... must be impressive in non-CPU/GPU intensive tasks.
  • Reply 27 of 114
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member
    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    No one knows for sure what makes Android eat so much more memory than iOS. Maybe it's the superior multitasking capabilities, or maybe it is the dynamic and extended implementation of UI graphics unlike the rigid UI and multiprocessing framework found in iOS.

    While I'm not a huge fan of the way iOS multitasks, the multiprocessing technology offered to developers for a single application in iOS is top notch. I'll take blocks and/or operation queues over threads and/or multiple processes any day of the week. Far less synchronization headache.
  • Reply 28 of 114
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    What do they know about making an OS?

    They're an advertising company.

    If I have a pain in my tooth, I'm not going to make an appointment with my barber.

    You're starting to sound like those that said "What does Apple know about making phones?"

    You didn't go to a barber for your toothache but you went to a computer company for your phone.
  • Reply 29 of 114
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    You are so insightful! Android is definitely written by the same amateur company that pioneered modern internet search engine technology.

    If I'm searching for midget porn, then Google is a good option. I don't mind using Google for searches. If I'm buying a tablet, I'm going to trust a company like Apple with decades of experience in making their own OS.

    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    Also, clearly iOS is built on OSX, not Darwin/*nix. Same goes for Android, the kernel is definitely running natively in Java and not on a *nix platform.

    I don't know all of the technical details, but I do have two perfectly good functioning eyes, and I know when something looks choppy and not smooth, and I also know crap from good. As for Java, it seems that is what apps are written with on Android. Is that why they suck so much?

    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    No one knows for sure what makes Android eat so much more memory than iOS. Maybe it's the superior multitasking capabilities, or maybe it is the dynamic and extended implementation of UI graphics unlike the rigid UI and multiprocessing framework found in iOS.

    As for multitasking, a person should learn to walk before they run, and Android doesn't even have the basics down.

    And you're comparing the Android UI to the super smooth and silky iOS UI? When was the last time that you went to an optometrist, because a person doesn't even have to be knowledgeable about tech to see that one is way smoother than the other.
  • Reply 30 of 114
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    You're starting to sound like those that said "What does Apple know about making phones?"

    You didn't go to a barber for your toothache but you went to a computer company for your phone.

    It's not the same at all, because an iPhone is basically a computer and who better to make that than Apple? That's why Apple totally disrupted the whole industry, because all of the other clowns making phones did not have the same vision, background and experience that Apple brought to the table.
  • Reply 31 of 114
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Waahhhh. Waaahhhh.

    Cry me a river.

    Very mature.

    I do think nVidia has a point, but I personally don't really care. It wouldn't be the first time Apple lied during a product presentation, nor the last...
  • Reply 32 of 114
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    I'm owed a beer from one or more posters that said the iPad Retina GPU will be 4x as fast as the iPad 2 [I don't really care about the Tegra, unfortunately). Unless a four-core iPad Retina GPU is 4x faster than a two-core iPad 2 GPU, please PayPal me $5 for a Hahn Light (yes, not very aussie but whatever ~ most people here don't actually drink Fosters).

    I'm also up for another bet. If it is proven that the iPad Retina uses 512MB of RAM ~purely~ for VRAM (i.e. system memory is never more than 50% of total memory available), I'll PayPal you $5 for a beer. But you have to PM me to sign up to our bet by 11:55pm Friday (any time zone)
  • Reply 33 of 114
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    It is odd; no wonder that nVidia wants to see the benchmarks:


    Does anyone remember how the Tegra 2 was going to murder the chip in the iPad 2? Then the A5 came out.

    Do you expect a different result this time around?

    Just like with RAM, iOS is designed to require less horsepower than Android.
  • Reply 34 of 114
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    There's some seriously weird writing here.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Last October, Microsoft explained that RAM is constantly consuming power, so the more memory that is included with a system, the less battery life it gets.

    And before that time, I take it, you didn't know that? The rest of us did. It's true in everything except static RAM, which can lose power and keep its contents.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Though the new iPad is expected to feature double the RAM, the performance improvement will have no effect on battery life. Apple announced on Wednesday that the new iPad will continue to offer 10 hours of operation when using Wi-Fi and 9 hours on 4G LTE networks.

    Not necessarily true. More likely, what it means is that the increased power demands from RAM were compensated for. That's a small but important distinction, because it's not just Apple that'll increase RAM. Don't assume there's no battery penalty.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The new A5X processor features a dual-core CPU, the same as the A5. But its performance has been boosted by a new quad-core graphics processor that Apple says is twice as fast as the Nvidia Tegra 3 while offering four times the performance.

    As someone already commented above, this sentence is terrible. Are you saying the clock speed is double and the performance is quadruple? You haven't stated the clock speed of either. And performance doing what? Integer? Float? Raw graphics?
  • Reply 35 of 114
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    It's not the same at all, because an iPhone is basically a computer and who better to make that than Apple? That's why Apple totally disrupted the whole industry, because all of the other clowns making phones did not have the same vision, background and experience that Apple brought to the table.

    And Google is a software company, them making a mobile OS isn't as far fetched as going to a barber for a toothache.
  • Reply 36 of 114
    neo42neo42 Posts: 287member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    If I'm searching for midget porn, then Google is a good option. I don't mind using Google for searches. If I'm buying a tablet, I'm going to trust a company like Apple with decades of experience in making their own OS.

    I don't know all of the technical details, but I do have two perfectly good functioning eyes, and I know when something looks choppy and not smooth, and I also know crap from good. As for Java, it seems that is what apps are written with on Android. Is that why they suck so much?

    As for multitasking, a person should learn to walk before they run, and Android doesn't even have the basics down.

    And you're comparing the Android UI to the super smooth and silky iOS UI? When was the last time that you went to an optometrist, because a person doesn't even have to be knowledgeable about tech to see that one is way smoother than the other.

    Backpedaling and twisting both your original post and mine. See what you did there? Maybe you should work for Apple!

    I never said Google was a spectacular OS company. I am simply refuting your amateur classification. You don't know the technical details, yet you still feel entitled to spew technical misinformation regarding both iOS and Android. Most power users (minority) will prefer Android's multitasking because it's more like a desktop experience. The same users will feel restricted by iOS. If you want to compare actual functional use cases, the task switching/managing in iOS is watered down heavily. When you expand functionality it costs resources.

    I also never said Android was smoother than iOS. I said the UI framework is more dynamic, which costs more resources. Some people get tired of looking at the same dated interface year after year. The look and feel in Android can be highly customized. That again costs resources. With flexibility there are sacrifices made, memory usage is one of them. Which scheme is better is subjective, but no worries about trying to figure out your stance here. You think Android is garbage and it's users are morons. We get it already.

    BTW, I ordered a couple "new iPad"s (horrible naming convention) yesterday, so please repress your desire to call me a Fandroid and manipulate my words.
  • Reply 37 of 114
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    Does anyone remember how the Tegra 2 was going to murder the chip in the iPad 2? Then the A5 came out.

    Do you expect a different result this time around?

    Just like with RAM, iOS is designed to require less horsepower than Android.

    So what if the Tegra sucked in the wild, it was a beast on paper.
  • Reply 38 of 114
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    Does anyone remember how the Tegra 2 was going to murder the chip in the iPad 2? Then the A5 came out.

    Do you expect a different result this time around?

    Just like with RAM, iOS is designed to require less horsepower than Android.

    That's not the point, nVidia doesn't make the OS but the chip.

    Also, according to Anandtech, the iPad 2 is about 1.4x faster than Tegra 3, not 2x as Apple claimed yesterday...
  • Reply 39 of 114
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Felman View Post

    When they say that battery life was not affected even with double the RAM, I'd say it was compensated for by nearly doubling the capacity of the battery:

    iPad 2 : 25 Wh

    iPad Mk III : 42.5 Wh

    (Source: Apple's website)

    That's a whooping change. I really hope we can get a tear-down soon to see if the battery takes much more space inside or if they did some magic trick to double the capacity while keeping the volume. I don't think the gain in depth alone can explain that much more power.

    Also, I'd be interested to see how much life you can get out of it if you turn off the wireless signals and tune the brightness down a notch... must be impressive in non-CPU/GPU intensive tasks.

    What difference does it make?

    We know that the new iPad is marginally thicker (about 0.6 mm, IIRC). It is about an ounce heavier. It has twice the resolution and four times the pixel density. It is much faster.

    So who the heck cares about how they managed to do that?
  • Reply 40 of 114
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    Same goes for Android, the kernel is definitely running natively in Java and not on a *nix platform.

    First off, Android is most definitely Linux based. Google just decided to make it's own Java implementation to run most of Android applications. I think they are probably regretting that. First, it does have performance issues. Especially when you cram it on some of the cheap devices that run Android. Also, since Android went mainstream (maybe even because of Android), Oracle acquired Sun and has aggressively perused anyone with so called "unlicensed" Java implementations. Android Java was actually based on Apache's Java implementation which was already in dispute, so it was a poor, poor decision for Google for that reason alone.

    That said, you can write Android software in C++ or even Objective C. In fact, it is encouraged for games.

    That is truth. That is fact.

    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    One thing we all know for sure is that Android sucks!!!

    I guess I am an idiot for liking my iPad and having an Android phone I actually like. There are things my phone does that my wife could never do with her iPhone, and my phone is not rooted. The extras I have matter to me and keep me from buying an iPhone. They are things that matter on my phone, but do not matter on my tablet.

    Believe it or not, there are legitimate reasons to choose Android over iOS. I do not believe Apple is an evil empire that destroys your freedom. I am perfectly fine with Apple controlling the experience on their devices. Some times though, it boils down to function over form.

    I hate to say this because I know people will attack me without knowing what they are talking about. This is the reality though. I have over a year with both iOS and Android:

    Apple has a major edge over Android on style and ease of use. No doubt.

    Android has a major edge over Apple on capability and customization. No doubt.

    Android also has malware, background process that can cripple your device, and ad ware. It isn't for everyone. But if you want freedom to customize, your choices are Android or a jailbroken iPhone.

    THAT'S the reality. Decide what matters to you and make your choice.

    Personally, I don't find it to be as easy as most people. I supposed that makes me a moron for not being brainwashed that actually thinking rationally. I need to upgrade my phone soon and I am still leaning towards Android since I now have a Macbook and an iPad. Of course, I need to learn more about jailbreaking. A jailbroken iPhone might be the best of both worlds.
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