New iPad drawing record preorders, Apple projected to sell 66M in 2012



  • Reply 20 of 57
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Boohoo! I am hardly impressed by this news.

    Betcha a couple people think you're serious.
  • Reply 22 of 57
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by chabig View Post

    You don't have $580?

    His point is that people who have, say, $1000 can only buy 1 share but with a 10:1 split they could by 17 shares. Besides the psychological effect of buying more than 1 share they can make an financial investment that is substantially larger so instead of being able to use $580 of their $1000 they can use $986.
  • Reply 23 of 57
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member
    Try 100% of the profits this year. And likely next year too

    Who is making any profit in tablets other than Apple? Who?
  • Reply 24 of 57
    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    Try 100% of the profits this year. And likely next year too

    Who is making any profit in tablets other than Apple? Who?

    No one, I'll bet.

    Which is probably the main reason that not one of them has the guts to report any actual numbers.
  • Reply 25 of 57
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    For 2013, Walkley increased his estimate by more than 20 million units. He now sees Apple selling 90.6 million iPads next year, up from his earlier projection of 79.7 million.

    Those are amazing numbers? Wow! Almost impossibly so.....
  • Reply 26 of 57
    rmb0037rmb0037 Posts: 142member
    Thats NUTS! Its amazing how far along the iPad has come since the whole "enormous iPod" phase. Thats crazy! i Expect a black friday line friday morning at my local best buy. NUTS!
  • Reply 27 of 57
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
  • Reply 28 of 57
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    So we know last quarter the iPad sold more units than all of HP's PC sales. I wonder how long before the iPad sells more units than the entire PC industry. I have to think 2x the units YoY is not unreasonable for this device.

    PS: I think the news of Apple's iPad margins being lower because of the display are likely accurate. I guess we'll see in 5 months.
  • Reply 29 of 57
    A few questions, why do you bother to post on a Mac Forum when you use a 'stolen' product?

    Let me explain, as you don't seem too bright! Samsung and others quite simply stole the iPhone and iPad from Apple. This has been well documented! Surely you have read up on this?

    Steve vowed to sue the pants off Google, saying apart from 'Search' all Google products were 'SHIT'....Steve's words not mine! He further said he would use every cent of the then $40 billion war chest Apple had accumulated to destroy Google and Android devices. (now @ over $100 billion)

    The pity of it all was that Steve left the planet before his strategy (admittedly a bit extreme) was put into place.

    Apple, and Only Apple, spent the huge R & D to develop their product range and then their intellectual property is simply stolen by others less smart.

    Android is maybe pitched at those less fortunate, financially and intellectually.

    You would appear to fit both categories nicely!

    Enjoy your inferior, cheap, stolen won't for much longer, and, PLEASE keep your inane comments to your self.

    Got it now?

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    And iOS? iOS is for children! Android has ice cream sandwich, and that's definitely not for children. My tablet doesn't actually have ice cream sandwich yet, but I've been promised that it will arrive for my tablet sometime in the middle of 2013. Jeez, Apple fans are such sheep.

    And the best part is that my Android tablet only cost me $189.99 and I haven't spent a penny on a single app so far! The Android eco-system is just amazing and I predict a bright future for it. $500 is just too much to spend on a tablet, especially for a welfare recipient such as myself. Do I look like the kind of person who is going to pay $500 for a fruit logo?

  • Reply 30 of 57
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Maybe a few more sold this quarter. Given pass sales 20 million is reasonable. That would place sales at around 80 million which is nothing to sneeze at.

    The big mystery is how many they had available for presale. I could see them moving 5 million already with store sales yet to take place. It is really a question of how many they have manufactured over the last two months and frankly I could easily see 10 million being built for launch.

    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    I'm going to laugh when this analyst, who thinks he's being so smart raising his 'projection' up to 66M for the year, is off by a lot.

    I project that Apple can easily clear 100 million units (yeah I pulled that number out of my butt, just like he did).

  • Reply 31 of 57
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    But Android will take over in....wait for it....2015
  • Reply 32 of 57
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by bestgolfer View Post

    A few questions, why do you bother to post on a Mac Forum when you use a 'stolen' product?

    Let me explain, as you don't seem too bright! Samsung and others quite simply stole the iPhone and iPad from Apple. This has been well documented! Surely you have read up on this?

    Steve vowed to sue the pants off Google, saying apart from 'Search' all Google products were 'SHIT'....Steve's words not mine! He further said he would use every cent of the then $40 billion war chest Apple had accumulated to destroy Google and Android devices. (now @ over $100 billion)

    The pity of it all was that Steve left the planet before his strategy (admittedly a bit extreme) was put into place.

    Apple, and Only Apple, spent the huge R & D to develop their product range and then their intellectual property is simply stolen by others less smart.

    Android is maybe pitched at those less fortunate, financially and intellectually.

    You would appear to fit both categories nicely!

    Enjoy your inferior, cheap, stolen won't for much longer, and, PLEASE keep your inane comments to your self.

    Got it now?

    He was being sarcastic. You wrote all that for naught.
  • Reply 33 of 57
    I wonder how many iPads each bestbuy store receives for day one? There are around 600 stores in the US perhaps receiving an average of 1,000 each? PC world in the UK might receive a smaller amount per store, then add each Apple store and then all the istores. Wow, that's not even including the numbers of pre-orders ...

    I think it's safe to assume that the only thing limiting the sales for day one will be the availability and you can be sure that Apple has ensured more availability than for the iPad 2.

    1,000,000 is a nice number, so I think they'll be trying for that. Regardless, they are going to sell stacks of these things, but here is the really interesting thing ... How may people will throw away their iPad 1 or 2? I think it's safe to assume none. So what's going to happen to all of those older machines? They'll be sold to people who never had one, or even given away ( here little brother) to family. Those people will buy apps and songs and continue to feed the Apple. It's staggering how much money this "oversized iPod" will make.
  • Reply 34 of 57
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    But Android will take over in....wait for it....2015

    It probably will happen at some point that android devices outsell iPad devices, that is if they are cheap enough. You also need to remember that a lot of people in the world don't have credit cards and therefore can't access the app store. I worked in Africa for the last 4 years and while lots of people wanted an iPad, it's expensive and most people don't have credit cards.

    This makes an android device more attractive and practicle. My felling is choice is always best, imagine world where the only car available was a porchse? The roads would be nice and clear and I'd have to be walking
  • Reply 35 of 57
    esummersesummers Posts: 953member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Well, with the iPad really making inroads into big shops, military, airlines, etc... Would not be too far-fetched.

    I dont think it will be that high, but I think 2012 will be the year the iPad in all areas.

    I'm still contemplating replacing my iPad2 but will wait till the dust settles a bit.

    It looks like you have no choice with pre-orders already moving almost a month out. It will probably take months to be even with demand. I'm happy I decided to pre-order on the first day. I'm wondering if I'll regret going with the AT&T model now that I know there is no tethering support at launch though.
  • Reply 36 of 57
    esummersesummers Posts: 953member
    Originally Posted by Maverik234 View Post

    I wonder how many iPads each bestbuy store receives for day one? There are around 600 stores in the US perhaps receiving an average of 1,000 each? PC world in the UK might receive a smaller amount per store, then add each Apple store and then all the istores. Wow, that's not even including the numbers of pre-orders ...

    I think it's safe to assume that the only thing limiting the sales for day one will be the availability and you can be sure that Apple has ensured more availability than for the iPad 2.

    1,000,000 is a nice number, so I think they'll be trying for that. Regardless, they are going to sell stacks of these things, but here is the really interesting thing ... How may people will throw away their iPad 1 or 2? I think it's safe to assume none. So what's going to happen to all of those older machines? They'll be sold to people who never had one, or even given away ( here little brother) to family. Those people will buy apps and songs and continue to feed the Apple. It's staggering how much money this "oversized iPod" will make.

    Yeah. My mom won one in a contest. They used it so much they now have a second iPad. They probably wouldn't have one at all if they didn't try it first.
  • Reply 37 of 57
    esummersesummers Posts: 953member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Those are amazing numbers? Wow! Almost impossibly so.....

    Yeah. I thought Apple was going somewhere when I switched at OS X 10.3. Never imagined them making it this far though. Both Mac and iOS numbers are amazing. The Mac is also drawing in people who would never use something considered a niche OS. It still surprises me to think of OS X as mainstream. In someways it feels less exclusive now. You used to be able to make certain assumptions about someones tastes if they used a Mac, but as long as they continue focusing on the things that make the OS great I'm happy.
  • Reply 38 of 57
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by esummers View Post

    It looks like you have no choice with pre-orders already moving almost a month out. It will probably take months to be even with demand. I'm happy I decided to pre-order on the first day. I'm wondering if I'll regret going with the AT&T model now that I know there is no tethering support at launch though.

    I'm going to buy the verizon model as well when I get in line tomorrow. I'm debating but I will be in someone's Ipad line on thursday night.
  • Reply 39 of 57
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Originally Posted by Maverik234 View Post

    It probably will happen at some point that android devices outsell iPad devices, that is if they are cheap enough. You also need to remember that a lot of people in the world don't have credit cards and therefore can't access the app store. I worked in Africa for the last 4 years and while lots of people wanted an iPad, it's expensive and most people don't have credit cards.

    This makes an android device more attractive and practicle. My felling is choice is always best, imagine world where the only car available was a porchse? The roads would be nice and clear and I'd have to be walking

    maybe but I keep hearing about all these android tablets that are going to be iPad killers but I never see anyone using them. Go to Best Buy or Target and half the time they're not working. Certainly don't draw your eye to them like iPad does. These analysts seem to be forgetting Windows 8. I can see Android and Windows fighting it out for 2nd place while Apple stays on top.
  • Reply 40 of 57
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    maybe but I keep hearing about all these android tablets that are going to be iPad killers but I never see anyone using them. Go to Best Buy or Target and half the time they're not working. Certainly don't draw your eye to them like iPad does. These analysts seem to be forgetting Windows 8. I can see Android and Windows fighting it out for 2nd place while Apple stays on top.

    True, but that's the developed world. Try living in a country where the import taxes multiply the cost of an item by 200-300%. That £200 android tablet becomes a better option then. Tablets are a big thing world wide, everyone wants one. You look cooler with a tablet and smart phone than without. To most it won't matter that it's poorly built or the OS is 3-5 years out of date.

    I doubt we will see an iPad killer for a long time, if at all. The iPad is the machine, the OS and the App Store. No competitor has these 3 things going for them. I do think that Apples share ( yearly percentage of total sales) will shrink slightly as companies dump PCs and move to tablets. But Apple will still be the most profitable by far.
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