Apple reportedly 'noodling with' 7.85-inch iPad prototype



  • Reply 21 of 89
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Not quite. More like, if you sell something cheaply enough, ...

    After all, customers don't care if the price is above or below COGS.

    Right, but 1) customers do care if the value is high enough to warrant the cost, and 2) smart companies care I the price is above or below the COGS.
  • Reply 22 of 89
    msimpsonmsimpson Posts: 452member
    Gruber really sticks his neck out on predictions... "may never see the light of day" Has that guy ever had an original thought? Apple has buildings full of prototypes that never become a shipping product.

    The rumor game has evolved and Gruber is out of touch. Bribing Apple interns with free beer at Cupertino bars is so last week.

    These days, any Apple iOS device will have millions of units produced before it is announced. When Apple is ready to release a product, some Foxconn slave worker will be the one to let the world know by smuggling parts out of the factory in a body cavity.

    Gruber needs to move to China and start working for Foxconn. His comments would be more believable if he spent 60 hrs a week making those small tablets. He would have no trouble smuggling a complete one out.
  • Reply 23 of 89
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member
    Originally Posted by quamb View Post

    The iPad is already small as is. I do not understand the tech-blogging-world's obsession with large smart phones and small tablets. A phone should fit in your pocket. A tablet should be like a piece of paper.

    Not only that, apparently Jonny Ive and co made countless prototypes of the iPad (and iPhone) in all sorts of sizes. After much r&d they came to what was to be the "perfect size".

    The only thing that makes sense is if the iPod Touch is starting to fall behind, then yes, that line may be updated to be a mini iPad of sorts... If it's marketed as an iPad or iPod, who knows.

    Because the in-between size is actually very useful : ) Whatever logic there is for there being no reason for any size between the iPad and the phone is lost on me. I love my iPodTouch because it goes in my pocket, but if I had a larger version I would always still keep it on my person, in a vest pocket or whatever, which I couldn't do with an iPad.

    It's like photographers say about cameras: The best camera is the one you bring with you. I find the Nook size (just talking size here, and not that I own one) not at all terrible for what it's supposed to be. I don't have any obsession with small size things. I'm amused by people browsing using their phones. Why would a slightly larger form which would be better for many things be a terrible idea? I don't see an "iPad mini" as being pointless in the least.
  • Reply 24 of 89
    Apple should just make this the next iPhone. Then we'll see of all those fandroids with boners for 5 inch screens really want an iPhone with a bigger screen, or were just trolling and had no intention of ever buying an iPhone.
  • Reply 25 of 89
    likkielikkie Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    It might be because im viewing the image on my iPhone but I'm not following how this is showing a 7.85" display.

    I'm a little confused too, but I think what they did was take a screen shot on an iPad in portrait mode, and then displayed that image on an iPad in landscape mode. Thereby giving them an approximation of what the screen size might look like.

    Whilst it may have helped them, I don't see how showing an image of that on a web site is going to help readers though.

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    How exactly would the price drop to those levels?

    Exactly, it wouldn't drop by any appreciable amount if at all. In order to maintain an acceptable experience, the internals would need to be pretty much the same as the regular sized unit.

    Although that size reduction would mean less room for battery.
  • Reply 26 of 89
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by september11th View Post

    Makes sense. The full iPad is still killing but they need something to compete more directly with the 7" / 200 dollar Kindle Fire. I could see a 7" iPad at 300 dollars.

    Personally I can see this happening, and I think it would be hugely successful as a gaming device - specially as a gaming device. But I don't think Apple would compete with Amazon on price. I really don't see the point. An 8" iPad/Pod would be a high end device - a full featured Apple device an would sell like hot cakes priced between the iPad and iPad.
  • Reply 27 of 89
    wurm5150wurm5150 Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Really? How did you come to that conclusion? Do you have any actual, hard data to back that up? Did Amazon report something that none of us heard about? (And, please don't link us to some newspaper stories or estimates put out by some consulting firm or analyst).

    How does it stack up against the 55M iPads that Apple had sold at the end of last year, well before the new iPad?

    Incidentally, all we can say - even if it sold well, which I doubt - is that, if you sell something for less than it costs to produce and sell, then it might sell well.

    Let me guess? Cause Steve Jobs said so?

    So what if Apple releases a 7" iPad?
  • Reply 28 of 89
    bearbear Posts: 27member
    Originally Posted by quamb View Post

    The iPad is already small as is. I do not understand the tech-blogging-world's obsession with large smart phones and small tablets. A phone should fit in your pocket. A tablet should be like a piece of paper.


    What I like about the idea of 7" iPad is that it has a chance to fit in my jacket/coat pocket. The 10" iPad won't.

    But I do agree that smartphones don't really need to get larger.
  • Reply 29 of 89
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Let me guess? Cause Steve Jobs said so?

    So what if Apple releases a 7" iPad?

    Simple, it means they feel they can make a solid profit with the device. There is nothing in his statement that indicated they never would release a small tablet, he merely argued rationally that any suspected success of the Kindle Fire as a loss leader is not evidence that Apple will release a $200 tablet.
  • Reply 30 of 89
    shadowxprshadowxpr Posts: 162member
    I. Won't buy it but for iPad to become the iPod of tablets it needs a 7" version, only way they will maintain a 80% market share.
  • Reply 31 of 89
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by ShAdOwXPR View Post

    I. Won't buy it but for iPad to become the iPod of tablets it needs a 7" version, only way they will maintain a 80% market share.

    Profit market share or unit market share?
  • Reply 32 of 89
    I still think a larger and more game centric iPod touch will be coming this fall instead. Apple did file for the iGame trademark four years ago.
  • Reply 33 of 89
    hawnzhawnz Posts: 7member
    I own a iPod Touch and a BlackBerry Playbook. I love my PlayBook, but the size doesn't lend itself to let me put it in my pocket. It is too heavy to hold with one hand for long periods of time. I bought it for my mother, but she found the screen too small to read and to play word games. Instead, an IPad for her.

    I think the 7 inch tablet is more of a niche product. I like my iPod Touch because it fits into my pocket. I love my PlayBook, but I don't know very many people I would recommend it to. But an IPad, I would recommend to most people.
  • Reply 34 of 89
    shadowxprshadowxpr Posts: 162member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Profit market share or unit market share?

  • Reply 35 of 89
    andreidandreid Posts: 96member
    I for one think it's a bad idea. Why would you want a halfbreed? The iPad is the iPad, and Apple should let others like Samsung stick to their own marketing strategy not go after them.

    Moreover who the f would want to read text, books or browse the web a little worse than on the current iPad? Why would you want to do that? For the sake of 150-200 grams? Or because the 10" iPad is just so freaking big you couldn't hold it even in two

    What next? A 4,5" iPhone? Nice challenge for a 7" iPad....

    As i said let Samsung and others market their own products. When i see the stupidity behind Galaxy Note and people clinging those devices to their ears i always saw WTF!? It looks horrible. And wrong. And stupid. Just like taking pictures with a 10" tablet like the iPad.
  • Reply 36 of 89
    boxmaccaryboxmaccary Posts: 146member
    Can someone please tell me in plain, non-cliched English what in the name of all that is Holy

    would be the purpose/desire for an iPad phablet or mini?!?


    Jesus Christ on the Cross I wish this shit would just dry up & go away ...
  • Reply 37 of 89
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Let this be Apple's e-ink eBook named iBook. Amazon need competition in that space as they are terrible at designing software and they can't even make page buttons. Besides, you can't beat e-ink at the reading experience.
  • Reply 38 of 89
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member
    A sole e-ink iPad would run counter against Apple's idea of simplified product line. This would be something Sony and competitors would do, which is fragment themselves even more.

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Let this be Apple's e-ink eBook named iBook. Amazon need competition in that space as they are terrible at designing software and they can't even make page buttons. Besides, you can't beat e-ink at the reading experience.

  • Reply 39 of 89
    uguysrnutsuguysrnuts Posts: 459member
    ASUS would jump on that bandwagon and call it the ASUS S-UX SH3-MAL3 Optimus Ultimate P3N15 or something. Whether it will be successful is another matter.

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    I think they should also make a 15 inch iPad for those that want to view a screen like a laptop, but don't want to drag around a laptop.

  • Reply 40 of 89
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Originally Posted by AndreiD View Post

    I for one think it's a bad idea. Why would you want a halfbreed? The iPad is the iPad, and Apple should let others like Samsung stick to their own marketing strategy not go after them.

    Moreover who the f would want to read text, books or browse the web a little worse than on the current iPad? Why would you want to do that? For the sake of 150-200 grams? Or because the 10" iPad is just so freaking big you couldn't hold it even in two

    What next? A 4,5" iPhone? Nice challenge for a 7" iPad....

    As i said let Samsung and others market their own products. When i see the stupidity behind Galaxy Note and people clinging those devices to their ears i always saw WTF!? It looks horrible. And wrong. And stupid. Just like taking pictures with a 10" tablet like the iPad.

    The 7" iPad would address a different market demographic to the 10" iPad. I know lots of people who have a 6" Kindle simply because it's more comfortable to hold with one hand whilst reading an eBook and fits into your coat pocket or handbag. I'm sure kids would find the lighter, smaller, cheaper device easier to use and more parent friendly.

    If Apple ignores the 7" sector Amazon will clean up, then once you have a Kindle you'll probably stick with it coz your content is on there once Amazon launch a 10" Kindle Fire later this year.
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