Apple's next iPhone predicted to have redesigned 'sleek' unibody case

in iPhone edited January 2014

Apple's next iPhone will feature a new design that could employ a single unibody frame reminiscent of the company's MacBook lineup, according to a new report.

Analyst Brian J. White with Topeka Capital Markets issued a note to investors on Monday highlighting details he picked up on a tour of suppliers in China and Taiwan. During his visit, he was given the sense that some suppliers will begin production in June of certain components of Apple's sixth-generation iPhone, setting up for a product launch in the fall.

He believes the next iPhone will have a larger screen, which he sees as being 4 inches. He also expects the device will have high-speed 4G LTE connectivity, just like the new iPad.

"In our view, this will be the most significant iPhone upgrade with a four-inch screen and a new, sleek look that we believe will require a Unibody case," White wrote. "This new, sleek look will be the most important reason that consumers decide to upgrade."

Indications of a new iPhone form factor cropped up last year when some third-party vendors began manufacturing cases for a completely redesigned model. In addition, some rumors claimed the redesigned iPhone would sport an aluminum unibody similar to the rear panel of the iPad.

White believes that Apple's ramp-up to a new iPhone launch in the December quarter of calendar 2012 could be "extraordinary." He sees the launch of the next iPhone "dwarfing previous launches" and pushing AAPL stock closer to Topeka's $1,001 price target.

Topeka made waves last week when it first announced its $1,001 price target on Apple. In addition to the next iPhone, he also sees a full-blown integrated television from Apple helping to push the company's stock price even higher.

White also revealed on Monday that sources he spoke with on his trip to Asia revealed that Apple is still working on a so-called "iPad mini." While the product remains under development, he said the timing of a launch for such a device is "unclear."

Numerous reports have claimed that Apple is toying with the idea of releasing a new 7.85-inch iPad with a screen resolution of 1,024 by 768 pixels. The company has been testing such a device in his labs, and the size and resolution would allow current iPad applications to run without any modifications.

As for the current iPad, White said the new high-resolution Retina display created a bottleneck in Apple's supply chain, though the issue has been largely resolved. He said suppliers indicated that demand for the new iPad, which sold 3 million over its launch weekend, has been "very strong."

Finally, White also said that speculation he heard on his trip has pointed toward a May launch of the new iPad in mainland China. Even though the new iPad is not officially available in mainland China, he said a number of resellers are already selling the device after obtaining it through unofficial channels.

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  • Reply 1 of 95
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    So it will look like a mini iPad- I am soo excited by this newzzzzzzz.
  • Reply 2 of 95
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,213member
    This is a rehash of the same old sh#t -- please lets wait for something newsworthy before repeating that which you've already said.

  • Reply 3 of 95
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    6th Gen... oh my how time flies...
  • Reply 4 of 95
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    "In our view, this will be the most significant iPhone upgrade with a four-inch screen and a new, sleek look that we believe will require a Unibody case," White wrote. "This new, sleek look will be the most important reason that consumers decide to upgrade."

    This is just idiotic. The reason to upgrade is the new features, not the "sleek new look". I expect the 6th gen iPhone to have the same case and look and the 4th and 5th gen iPhones.
  • Reply 5 of 95
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's next iPhone will feature a new design that could employ a single unibody frame reminiscent of the company's MacBook lineup, according to a new report....

    It's important to remember that this rumour is not a rumour at all but a "prediction" (basically a guess), by someone with no information on the actual product.

    Also, how easy is it to "guess" or "predict" a unibody phone when this is the exact same guess/assumption that every single pundit has made about the next redesign for over two years now?

    A unibody iPhone requires the elimination of the current antenna. You know, the really good one that's the best in the industry right now that works so well? Why would they do that?

    Until someone explains to me why Apple would drop their industry leading antenna design in favour of the same internal antennas as Samsung and all the rest, a unibody design is simply not likely. Aluminium makes a bad antenna and internal antennas take up more space and get worse reception than the external one now in use.

    I'd expect to see a curvy back on the new iPhone, it might even be made of aluminium, but a unibody design doesn't make a lot of sense unless there is some amazing new factor we just don't know about driving the design.
  • Reply 6 of 95
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    This is just idiotic. The reason to upgrade is the new features, not the "sleek new look".

    "But how will people know I have the newest model if they don't give us a new case?! I refuse to buy a phone that is twice as fast as my existing phone (iPhone 4) and better in every single regard because it has the sa~me ca~se! WA~!"

    And because it will actually need to be clarified, that's not me talking.


    I expect the 6th gen iPhone to have the same case and look and the 4th and 5th gen iPhones.

    I actually don't, even though I love the current design. Apple has shown they're on a tick tock cycle with their cases. I figure they'll change the case to something I'll hate, but it also won't matter because they'll make the screen bigger and I'll never buy an iPhone thereafter anyway.
  • Reply 7 of 95
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    6th Gen... oh my how time flies...

  • Reply 8 of 95
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    4" iPhone will NOT happen. Not as a replacement of current form factor.
  • Reply 9 of 95
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    It's important to remember that this rumour is not a rumour at all but a "prediction" (basically a guess), by someone with no information on the actual product.

    You are being kind! This sounds like crap pulled out of ones behind to trump up sales.


    Also, how easy is it to "guess" or "predict" a unibody phone when this is the exact same guess/assumption that every single pundit has made about the next redesign for over two years now?

    A unibody iPhone requires the elimination of the current antenna. You know, the really good one that's the best in the industry right now that works so well? Why would they do that?

    I can only see them doing so if they can come up with a better design. That will not be easy.


    Until someone explains to me why Apple would drop their industry leading antenna design in favour of the same internal antennas as Samsung and all the rest, a unibody design is simply not likely. Aluminium makes a bad antenna and internal antennas take up more space and get worse reception than the external one now in use.

    One issue Apple will have is where to put additional antennas to support LTE. They may have to change the design simply to implement the new communications technology.


    I'd expect to see a curvy back on the new iPhone, it might even be made of aluminium, but a unibody design doesn't make a lot of sense unless there is some amazing new factor we just don't know about driving the design.

    There is all sorts of possibilities for a new design. They could even mold antennas into the glass structures.
  • Reply 10 of 95
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    4" iPhone will NOT happen. Not as a replacement of current form factor.

    Nope it won't be a replacement at all. Apple could easily support multiple phones though.
  • Reply 11 of 95
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    I could care less. I just returned my new iPad because the goddamn thing won't charge while plugged in. As a matter of fact, that crap shuts down while plugged in when the battery drains. WTF!
  • Reply 12 of 95
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Nope it won't be a replacement at all. Apple could easily support multiple phones though.

    Yes, where multiple phones mean iPhone LTE $199,$299,$399, iPhone 4S $99, iPhone 4 Free.
  • Reply 13 of 95
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Sooner or latter Apple will have multiple cell phones.

    With the number of LTE operating spectrums in play they might have to do that with the 6th gen iPhone.
  • Reply 14 of 95
    notscottnotscott Posts: 247member
    Cover your sleek new unibody design with THIS bright plastic piece of crap!
  • Reply 15 of 95
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post might even be made of aluminium, but a unibody design doesn't make a lot of sense unless there is some amazing new factor we just don't know about driving the design.

    New form factor, or new material? Remember all the excitement over Apple gaining an exclusive license to use Liquidmetal alloys in electronic products? And the claim that they're radio transparent?
  • Reply 16 of 95
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    With the number of LTE operating spectrums in play they might have to do that with the 6th gen iPhone.

    They did it with the iPhone 4 for China, didn't they? I think there was a China-specific model.

    But honestly, I don't think they'll need to have multiple phones for LTE support. I believe the 6th iPhone will be the first to not only not have different models anywhere, but also be the first to show up on Apple's website as just a single phone.

    You pick the color, you pick the size, boom. It's shipped to you. Works with any carrier. Move to another carrier? Fine. They can't do squat about it. Screw you, locks.

    AT&T has already been beaten. Verizon and Sprint don't even have a say anymore, really.

    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    And the claim that they're radio transparent?

    Because my memory is worthless, I know I'll keep asking this for years, and I know I've asked it multiple times already, but it isn't, is it? It's NOT radio transparent? I'd like confirmation on that again.

    And again. And… again…
  • Reply 17 of 95
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    An iPhone with the same design, and thinness, of an iPod Touch, but with a 4.5" screen would go down very nicely with me. 4" would be acceptable but disappointing. If it's stuck with the piddly little 3.5" screen of the current iPhone I can't see myself ever upgrading my ancient iPhone 4.

    It would also be nice to get a Cortex A15 and a Power VR Rogue too. LTE I have zero interest in, as a) there is no LTE in the UK, and b) even if there was, Apple probably wouldn't support it anyway.
  • Reply 18 of 95
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I actually don't, even though I love the current design. Apple has shown they're on a tick tock cycle with their cases. I figure they'll change the case to something I'll hate, but it also won't matter because they'll make the screen bigger and I'll never buy an iPhone thereafter anyway.

    There's actually quite a bit of room to work with in the current design when you consider the border around the current screen, and the width taken up by the antenna bars. (Almost a full cm.)

    What if Apple could make a phone with a larger screen that's not significantly larger than the current version? And thinner?
  • Reply 19 of 95
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    I could care less. I just returned my new iPad because the goddamn thing won't charge while plugged in. As a matter of fact, that crap shuts down while plugged in when the battery drains. WTF!

    *couldn't* care less.

    : p
  • Reply 20 of 95
    I think Apple will increase the screen size just to accomadate a larger battery.

    3.9" to 4" is what I am thinking.

    I have an iPad and personally don't need or want a larger phone.
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