Exhibits in Oracle case show Google expected Android to take 33% of iPad market in 2011

in iPad edited January 2014
In July 2010, Google executives expected their upcoming Android 3.0 Honeycomb release to immediately result in a takeover of a third of the iPad market, according to an internal presentation outed during Oracle's infringement case against the search giant.

The presentation, as detailed in slides published by The Verge, indicated that Google expected its partners to sell 10 million Honeycomb tablets by the end of 2011.

Instead, Honeycomb tablets flopped right out of the gate and never recovered, not only dashing Google's plans for taking over the tablet market that Apple had created the previous year, but also severely delaying the development of Android on smartphones.

Big tablet plans for 2010

Google's presentation slide also indicates that it only expected half a million Android tablets to sell in 2010. The company asked its partners not to ship devices using the older Android 2.2 Froyo, but Samsung and a variety of others did anyway.

Against Google's advice, Samsung claimed to have shipped two million Galaxy Tabs by the end of 2010, but later admitted that these were really just pushed into the channel and actually sold poorly to consumers.

Apple sold 14.8 million iPads by the end of 2010, more than Morgan Stanley had predicted for the entire global market.

Bigger tablet plans for 2011

After launching Honeycomb however, Google hoped to see 10 million tablets sell in 2011 and 20 million in 2012. Google compared its sales figures against the tablet shipments predicted by Morgan Stanley, coming up with and implied 33 percent share in tablets for Android.

Due to a combination of blunders by both Google and its hardware producers, Honeycomb tablets not only failed to attract an audience but were poorly reviewed on the basis of high prices, unfinished software and hardware that didn't function as advertised.

At the end of Apple's second year of iPad sales, the company had sold 67 million units, 25 million more than Morgan Stanley had anticipated for the entire global market.

Google's Honeycomb launch partner Motorola failed to ship more than a couple hundred thousand each quarter, and other Android tablets fared even worse. The most popular Android-based tablets were sold by Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but those devices used non-standard builds of the old Android 2.x release that Google didn't want hardware makers using for tablet products.

Android ads outperformed by Apple

Also revealed in the 2010 documents is the fact that Android was generating less than half of the advertising revenue for Google compared to Apple's iOS. Google noted that Android's advertising run rate was projected to reach $120 million annually, compared to the $281 million that it was earning from Apple's mobile platform.

Other figures from the Oracle trial have underlined the fact that Google has consistently earned far more from Apple's iOS than it has from its own Android platform. The company testified that across four years from 2008-2011, it earned less than $550 million from Android, less than half as much as it earned from Apple in a single year.


  • Reply 1 of 55
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member

    Google expected Android to take 33% of iPad market in 2010



    Google didn't consult the right 'oracle' for that prediction!  LOL


    Apple need to close Google ad revenues from iOS.

  • Reply 2 of 55
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Hard to take this all in if you're an Android cultist. You've been told, and firmly believe, that Android is destroying iOS and it's only a matter of time before the iDevices disappear in an orgy of Android brilliance. 850,000 activations per day will do the trick any day now. Seems Google fell for its own bullshit predictions.

  • Reply 3 of 55
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    <p> Hard to take this all in if you're an Android cultist. You've been told, and firmly believe, that Android is destroying iOS and it's only a matter of time before the iDevices disappear in an orgy of Android brilliance. 850,000 activations per day will do the trick any day now. Seems Google fell for its own bullshit predictions.</p>

    I almost wonder if Google aren't buying most of the Android crap themselves. That might explain why iOS is so far ahead in actual usage on the Internet. Maybe most of the Android junk in a basement at Google.
  • Reply 4 of 55

    "After launching Honeycomb however, Google hoped to see 10 million tablets sell in 2011 and 20 million in 2012."


    I corrected the above sentence for you:

    After launching Honeycomb however, Google hoped to see 10 tablets sell in 2011 and 20 in 2012.

  • Reply 5 of 55



    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Google expected Android to take 33% of iPad market in 2010



    Google didn't consult the right 'oracle' for that prediction!  LOL


    Apple need to close Google ad revenues from iOS.



  • Reply 6 of 55
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member

    I'm more convinced then ever that the Android effort is in the verge of collapse.   Its under assault from all angles, and its making Google $0.  And that is before resolution of the Oracle lawsuit


    The pretenders are always eventually found out.  It's a law of nature  


    Last, how could any consumer ever trust Samsung? 



  • Reply 7 of 55
    tcaseytcasey Posts: 199member

    no people are buying the phone but not for the internet...for door stops..they work great i hear.



  • Reply 8 of 55
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member

    Just shows how stupid Google really is, even though they hire a lot of really bright people. iOS generates twice as much ad revenue for them in ONE year as they earned with Android in FOUR YEARS!!! If they hadn't launched Android, Apple would have even significantly more iPhone sales which in fact would have generated EXPONENTIALLY more revenue for Google. Maybe they haven't hired enough math wiz's.

  • Reply 9 of 55
    pit5000pit5000 Posts: 19member

    so their own platform hurt the potential revenue...ironic

  • Reply 10 of 55
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    red oak wrote: »
    <p> I'm more convinced then ever that the Android effort is in the verge of collapse.   Its under assault from all angles, and its making Google $0.  And that is before resolution of the Oracle lawsuit</p><p>  </p><p> The pretenders are always eventually found out.  It's a law of nature  </p><p>  </p><p> Last, how could any consumer ever trust Samsung? </p><p>  </p><p>  </p>

    It may become a bigger loser once the Oracle suit is done. Funny how some call Apple selling more (many,many more) tablets in a quarter than all of Android will sell in a year a disappointment.
  • Reply 11 of 55
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member



    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    I'm more convinced then ever that the Android effort is in the verge of collapse.   Its under assault from all angles, and its making Google $0.  And that is before resolution of the Oracle lawsuit


    The pretenders are always eventually found out.  It's a law of nature  


    Last, how could any consumer ever trust Samsung? 




    I don't understand American consumers purchasing Samesung products either.  Many of the Android proponents appear to be from the United States but they support products that are designed and manufactured elsewhere yet complain Apple isn't manufacturing devices in the United States.  Apple is one of very few success stories in the American economy yet many declare Apple's imminent demise and seem quite desirous of Apple's failure.


  • Reply 12 of 55



    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post


    Last, how could any consumer ever trust Samsung? 




    Is that the same Samsung which manufactures the CPU and RAM inside iPhones?

  • Reply 13 of 55
    jajabajajaba Posts: 1member

    Where the heck do you come up with 33% for 2010???  It's well documented that Apple had a 90% market share of worldwide Tablet revenue in 2010.  That leaves 10% to the rest of the Tablet wannabes!  I could care less about the % of units sold of Android tablets compared to Apple iPads, it's all about Revenue, Revenue, Revenue!  Apple is still king and will be for the forseeable future and thats why I will keep my Apple shares and never consider Google stock.


    So Google expects to sell 10 million Android tablets in 2012, LMAO!  The latest 2012 worldwide tablet shipment projections range from 87 to 106 million units so androids market share in units will be around 10% according to this, while Apples worldwide tablet  market share projected average is 61% of total units or Approx 61 million iPads.  You can do the math yourself but Apple will by far exceed all Android based revenues!

  • Reply 14 of 55
    jwdavjwdav Posts: 36member



    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post



    Is that the same Samsung which manufactures the CPU and RAM inside iPhones?


    Yes, the same Samsung who ripped off their largest customer.

  • Reply 15 of 55
    icelusicelus Posts: 49member
    I wonder how long developers will continue to develop for android now that all indications from three major US phone companies suggest that the iPhone is out selling all Android phones combined. Didn't Eric Schmidt predict that by now developers would be prioritizing android? I guess US developers need to learn Chinese and hope Apple doesn't take over China also.

    Android tablets are a joke. How can they succeed if even android phones are failing.

    I wonder how long before the android lunitics disappear from AI the way the Microsoft lunitics disappeared a few years ago.
  • Reply 16 of 55
    mgleetmgleet Posts: 28member
    euphonious wrote: »
    <p>  </p><div class="quote-container"> <span>Quote:</span> <div class="quote-block"> Originally Posted by <strong>Red Oak</strong> <a href="/t/149627/exhibits-in-oracle-case-show-google-expected-android-to-take-33-of-ipad-market-in-2010#post_2101100"><img alt="View Post" class="inlineimg" src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" /></a><br /> <p>  </p> <p> Last, how could any consumer ever trust Samsung? </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> </div></div><p>  </p><p> Is that the same Samsung which manufactures the CPU and RAM inside iPhones?</p>

    No, Samsung's mobile division, which does not manufacture parts for Apple, and regularly screws its own customers. I mean, I'm guessing that "Last, how could any consumer ever trust Samsung?" was referencing how Samsung's customers don't get updates to their phones.
  • Reply 17 of 55



    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post



    Is that the same Samsung which manufactures the CPU and RAM inside iPhones?


    No, the manufacturer of the CPU and RAM inside iPhones is a whole different Samsung company. It's easy to confuse the two.

  • Reply 18 of 55



    Originally Posted by Icelus View Post

    I wonder how long developers will continue to develop for android now that all indications from three major US phone companies suggest that the iPhone is out selling all Android phones combined. Didn't Eric Schmidt predict that by now developers would be prioritizing android? I guess US developers need to learn Chinese and hope Apple doesn't take over China also.

    Android tablets are a joke. How can they succeed if even android phones are failing.

    I wonder how long before the android lunitics disappear from AI the way the Microsoft lunitics disappeared a few years ago.


    The Microsoft lunatics will soon rise from their tombs and lurch about the landscape in search of iDevice user's brains. To save yourself just throw down a WinMo8 spec book and they will attack each other over it, thinking that it has any relevance in today's world. :)

  • Reply 19 of 55
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member

    Lol, Morgan Stanley is Katy Huberty, one of the worst Apple analysts and definitely not a star-rated ANAL-yst according to Starmine.


    The fact that Apple outsold Morgan Stanley's projected numbers means almost nothing.


    However, the fact that Apple did it two years in a row pretty much verifies how bad the MS predictions really are.


    Katy Huberty's predictions about Apple will likely be WRONG.


  • Reply 20 of 55
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    And Google also show the original Android phone in 2006

    Screen Shot 2012-04-26 at 11.41.37 AM.jpg


    Google has no vision and no class? Who would have thought. image


    btw, does this forum work on Safari? I can't post on both my Mac and iPad. (Oh, this new forum is a nightmare to post. It's not working correctly even with Firefox.)

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