Hell hath no fury like me scorned. Me being 'a user', not 'a woman'. No way are they getting away with that.
Huh. Seems they're updating FCP just fine. And Logic'll be coming along, too. The MacBook Pro's update has been anticipated for some time, and the Mac Pro just recently saw new chips finally become available.
I hope so, I really do as I really like OSX. It's my favorite Unix next to Solaris. i just checked the Pro line it's still the same. Where did you hear they are going to change it. I would really like to know before I buy a new Penguin Computing Workstation. Oh by the way I'm going home in two weeks. Yaaay, I will still have to go to the hospital for Chemotherapie but at least I can suffer at home. So excited and so tired of being in this blasted bed. I don't no why I'm saying this but the worst thing about being in a IC care unit is when you have to go to the bathroom the nurse roles in a chair, they help you in it and have to stand there while, you know. All the pain, all the grief and that sucks the most. Sorry I had to tell someone it jut happened like 20 minutes ago and the nurse is talking to her friend on the telephone the whole time. I hate it here.
Oh one more thing, FCP kind of sucks now. I went black to using the previous version. It's more of pro-sumer program now, i think Adobe and Avid are happy now. Still use and love Logic, though I also have a childish crush on Fruityloops, oh and have you seen the new ipad version, really neat.
Nobody cares about the newest chipset any longer, especially now that Apple is dumping their pro series. Besides when you take away the iPad from the equation, Apple has 8.8% of the computer market. Which is incredible by the way but a far cry from what HP has. Computer market not media consumption devices like the iPad/iPod.
When you say "nobody", you mean "nobody among Apple fans"... right? Cause I do know a lot of PC enthusiasts, gamers, professionals who do care a lot.
Get with the program, noob. Here at AI if there's an article that paints Apple as less than anything but the pinnacle of greatness and awesomitude, you come out swinging with excuses, refutations, and snark, because that makes everything better.
Apple can still be "awesome" even if they don't sell the most things.
And I don't care what side of the Windows/Mac fence people are on... is anyone suggesting HP makes the best computers in the world... because they sell the most? Surely not.
I really don't think Apple is worried that HP sold more "cheap" PCs this quarter.
I don't even think tablets should be considered PC's.
Unsurprisingly, it doesn't matter what an individual like you thinks. This is *Canalys*'s study about the overall marketplace, not a collection of anecdotal responses.
It should be pointed that that media tablets (the iPad in particular) have clearly been influencing PC sales, particularly netbooks. No one thinks that an iPad will replace anyone's sole PC, however it is certainly a consideration to replace a second, third or fourth device that also happens to be portable.
With the proliferation of cloud-based office services like CloudOn and remote access apps, the iPad (and other media tablets) can certainly be considered as viable replacements for PCs in a large number of situations. Note that enterprise and government has basically abandoned the netbook.
Industry trends aren't defined by blog commenter pundits like you or me. They're determined by the buying public.
Canalys has done previous assessments of the computing industry that have considered the media tablet as a PC. At some point, it will be commonplace to include them as a subcategory for these sort of market studies.
Amen, my friend. This is just "filler" news, something the fill the web pages. Not that I fault AI. All the tech blogs do it. I just don't see this PCs-sold count as having any importance. The down side of any article like this is that it attracts trolls like chum to sharks. Oh well, AI needs clicks too.
That's nice. Please explain why Apple's market cap is 12 times HP. Obviously, what Apple is selling is far more profitable than what HP is selling.
Much of HP's business is based on the "we can sell it to you for $0.05 less than the other guy" which isn't a very exciting business. I'm much more interested in products that innovate and create new markets.
Why does anyone care who sells the most of anything? It's just bragging rights in my opinion. It's the old "there are more ****roaches on the world than humans" argument. Define a successful species or company. I really don't care if Apple sells more "PCs" than HP, depending on how one defines PC. I don't care if Samsung sells more smartphones than Nokia or Apple. Each side of this "war" uses whatever metric makes them look the best in comparison to their rival; market share, mind share, revenue, profit, stock price, p/e ratio, surveys, studies, analysis, whatever. I don't care if Apple is the most valuable company in the world. Really. Why should Apple fans give a crap about how many TVs, PCs, MP3 players, phones, tablets Samsung, or Nokia, or RIM, or HP, or Dell, or Sharp, or whoever. I don't care how many cars Toyota sells because I don't buy Toyota cars. Apple won't be the top dog forever. Just look at Microsoft. NOBODY gives a tinker's **** what Microsoft does anymore. And they were the top dog for years. So it will be with Apple.
As a long time Apple customer I care that Apple continues to make high quality, useable products that I enjoy, and provides good customer service when I need it.
I second that, price competition has obviously had an effect on Apple quality in their Desktop/Laptop line and their once amazing support has been crippled of late. I miss the old days when my PowerBook never needed a permissions repair or reboot & when I called support I got a reasonably knowledgable person every time. Now I get the same hard drive as the piece of crap Dells my office buys & when I call Apple support they mostly tell me to re-load from scratch. I've gotten used to now having to fix my own computer and the stability of Lion is looking closer to Windows with every release. If I wanted to have to reboot once a week I'd have bought a PC.
Four months after being ousted by Apple, HP reclaimed the top spot in the client PC market in the first quarter of 2012, eking out a 40,000 unit lead over the iPad maker.
The latest figures posted by market research firm Canalys on Tuesday include shipments of Apple's iPad, though the company's tablet-inclusive numbers slipped in the April quarter while HP's numbers remained relatively steady.
The firm explains that Apple's previous lead was based largely on fourth quarter 2011 tablet shipments, which amounted to over 15 million units. After the holiday season, iPad shipments fell to 11.8 million units in the first quarter of 2012, bringing the company's total PC number to 15.8 million.
Lenovo saw 50 percent year-to-year growth to claim third place as the total PC client market grew 21% to 107 million units. Acer and Dell rounded out the top five, though both companies suffered shipment declines from the year ago quarter.
computers are seen as/(aka defined by having):
a mouse (trackpad), a keyboard and generally do not use a touch screen (aka you don't have to use a touch screen for everything)
That being said, i do not considering docked iPad's just a keyboard a computer... lack of mouse and requires use of touchscreen for everything.
That being said, i think the only winners are really Apple, because its notebook sales keep growing and Lenovo.
But, as usual, you miss the real point which is that companies should not exist just to shift units but to make money. Most units sold is basically a pissing contest unless it correlates to profitability. Companies don't exist to give you a great deal but rather to extract as much as they can from you. This is capitalism. If you think you are being overcharged, buy something else.
That is why they are marketed as TABLETS (by Apple)?
not tablet computers....
I am short on time, but please PM or post here about why you believe an iPad should be considered a computer and i will reply why i believe it does not... and lets please keep it civil
I am short on time, but please PM or post here about why you believe an iPad should be considered a computer and i will reply why i believe it does not... and lets please keep it civil
Nice try* with the 'incensing me', by the way. You obviously don't know me, though.
Oh, and if you want to get pedantic, we'll get pedantic. The iPad is a personal computer. HOW is it a personal computer? Because a subsection of the definition of 'personal computer' is 'tablet personal computer'. As the iPad is a tablet personal computer, as it is a personal computer, it is a computer.
That is why they are marketed as TABLETS (by Apple)?
not tablet computers....
I am short on time, but please PM or post here about why you believe an iPad should be considered a computer and i will reply why i believe it does not... and lets please keep it civil
Like I have said many times; I don't like laptops. I have had a stack of them only because I needed one for travel. I have never really liked the design at all it seems cumbersome to me. Also as I have said before; since buying my iPad2 I haven't even turned my laptop on, that was about six months ago... The iPad really serves all my needs for mobile computing when I am traveling and is actually very enjoyable to use. Many people I know are saying the same things and much of the things I read are the same story. Also as the iPad gets more powerful and capable this trend will grow. Other tablets may be all right but they fall way short of the capabilities and beauty of the iPad, I'm sure they will improve as they learn from Apple :-D. My wife completely done away with her computer and laptop, sold them both since getting an iPad2. That is all she uses now and I know of several others who are doing the same thing; the iPad IS their computer. She and I both bought an Apple Bluetooth Keyboards for them and use it when we need to do a lot of typing. Actually I liked the Apple keyboard so much better than anything else I have used it is all I use now. I am typing this on it right now with the Dell PC. This article really makes a lot of sense to me.
IMO There is no way a laptop is ever going to replace a serious desktop computer for real computer work. That is why they build workstations like the Mac Pro and the iMac is real close in many ways. With everything in the world going to computer control the need for more and more engineers with grow as will the demands of their work with will require more and more powerful workstations. I do regret the authors choice of words in the title "kill" is a little strong right now "Greatly Reduce" would be better, Heck it's already doing that by leaps and bounds. If you look into the future though the generation that is coming up now is adapting to a tablet for computing needs much more than we did. For instance, when I try to type on my iPad keyboard it is extremely hard to be very fast although I have seen some younger people type on them with amazing proficiency because that is what they are used to. I bought an Apple bluetooth keyboard for mine to type on (using it now) because I just didnt want to take the time to learn it, I am used to a keyboard. There again if you take one of these kids that has grown up using a on screen keyboard and try to give them a keyboard or attach one to their tablet they would say "get that clunky thing outa here!":eek: it's in my way and a waist of space!". as we see technology greatly increase and tablets getting much more powerful and versatile and even "Bigger" yes much bigger like a 17" diagonal with a mouse type pad, I could easily see them doing everything a laptop can do in a handier package without a clunky keyboard. It is hard for us to see that right now just like at one time it would have been hard for me to imagine everyone carrying around a phone in their pocket. Just my thoughts.
I hope so, I really do as I really like OSX. It's my favorite Unix next to Solaris. i just checked the Pro line it's still the same. Where did you hear they are going to change it. I would really like to know before I buy a new Penguin Computing Workstation. Oh by the way I'm going home in two weeks. Yaaay, I will still have to go to the hospital for Chemotherapie but at least I can suffer at home. So excited and so tired of being in this blasted bed. I don't no why I'm saying this but the worst thing about being in a IC care unit is when you have to go to the bathroom the nurse roles in a chair, they help you in it and have to stand there while, you know. All the pain, all the grief and that sucks the most. Sorry I had to tell someone it jut happened like 20 minutes ago and the nurse is talking to her friend on the telephone the whole time. I hate it here.
Oh one more thing, FCP kind of sucks now. I went black to using the previous version. It's more of pro-sumer program now, i think Adobe and Avid are happy now. Still use and love Logic, though I also have a childish crush on Fruityloops, oh and have you seen the new ipad version, really neat.
Actually the lowest priced Macbook Air is 39.7%, the 17" inch has almost 54%.
Originally Posted by Relic
Actually the lowest priced Macbook Air is 39.7%, the 17" inch has almost 54%.
Again, the numbers, please. Proof that this is the case.
Originally Posted by uguysrnuts
Let's see...
HP market cap = 49 Billion
Apple market cap = 582 Billion
But hey, HP is the world's number 1 PC maker!
HP Beats apple in revenue 127 B vs 108 B
Originally Posted by Relic
Nobody cares about the newest chipset any longer, especially now that Apple is dumping their pro series. Besides when you take away the iPad from the equation, Apple has 8.8% of the computer market. Which is incredible by the way but a far cry from what HP has. Computer market not media consumption devices like the iPad/iPod.
When you say "nobody", you mean "nobody among Apple fans"... right? Cause I do know a lot of PC enthusiasts, gamers, professionals who do care a lot.
Originally Posted by Habanero
Get with the program, noob. Here at AI if there's an article that paints Apple as less than anything but the pinnacle of greatness and awesomitude, you come out swinging with excuses, refutations, and snark, because that makes everything better.
Apple can still be "awesome" even if they don't sell the most things.
And I don't care what side of the Windows/Mac fence people are on... is anyone suggesting HP makes the best computers in the world... because they sell the most? Surely not.
I really don't think Apple is worried that HP sold more "cheap" PCs this quarter.
Originally Posted by Michael Scrip
Apple can still be "awesome" even if they don't sell the most things.
Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz
I knew you'd get a kick out of that.
I don't even think tablets should be considered PC's.
Originally Posted by Tune
I don't even think tablets should be considered PC's.
Unsurprisingly, it doesn't matter what an individual like you thinks. This is *Canalys*'s study about the overall marketplace, not a collection of anecdotal responses.
It should be pointed that that media tablets (the iPad in particular) have clearly been influencing PC sales, particularly netbooks. No one thinks that an iPad will replace anyone's sole PC, however it is certainly a consideration to replace a second, third or fourth device that also happens to be portable.
With the proliferation of cloud-based office services like CloudOn and remote access apps, the iPad (and other media tablets) can certainly be considered as viable replacements for PCs in a large number of situations. Note that enterprise and government has basically abandoned the netbook.
Industry trends aren't defined by blog commenter pundits like you or me. They're determined by the buying public.
Canalys has done previous assessments of the computing industry that have considered the media tablet as a PC. At some point, it will be commonplace to include them as a subcategory for these sort of market studies.
Originally Posted by ascii
Those figures would be before the iPad 3 came out. Also, Apple will get another nice boost when they start upgrading Macs to Ivy Bridge.
Originally Posted by grblade
Enjoy it while it lasts, HP!
Meh. A win is a win.
Quick, someone post a graph showing the profit share by computer manufacturer.
Amen, my friend. This is just "filler" news, something the fill the web pages. Not that I fault AI. All the tech blogs do it. I just don't see this PCs-sold count as having any importance. The down side of any article like this is that it attracts trolls like chum to sharks. Oh well, AI needs clicks too.
Originally Posted by Just_Me
HP Beats apple in revenue 127 B vs 108 B
That's nice. Please explain why Apple's market cap is 12 times HP. Obviously, what Apple is selling is far more profitable than what HP is selling.
Much of HP's business is based on the "we can sell it to you for $0.05 less than the other guy" which isn't a very exciting business. I'm much more interested in products that innovate and create new markets.
Originally Posted by lkrupp
Why does anyone care who sells the most of anything? It's just bragging rights in my opinion. It's the old "there are more ****roaches on the world than humans" argument. Define a successful species or company. I really don't care if Apple sells more "PCs" than HP, depending on how one defines PC. I don't care if Samsung sells more smartphones than Nokia or Apple. Each side of this "war" uses whatever metric makes them look the best in comparison to their rival; market share, mind share, revenue, profit, stock price, p/e ratio, surveys, studies, analysis, whatever. I don't care if Apple is the most valuable company in the world. Really. Why should Apple fans give a crap about how many TVs, PCs, MP3 players, phones, tablets Samsung, or Nokia, or RIM, or HP, or Dell, or Sharp, or whoever. I don't care how many cars Toyota sells because I don't buy Toyota cars. Apple won't be the top dog forever. Just look at Microsoft. NOBODY gives a tinker's **** what Microsoft does anymore. And they were the top dog for years. So it will be with Apple.
As a long time Apple customer I care that Apple continues to make high quality, useable products that I enjoy, and provides good customer service when I need it.
I second that, price competition has obviously had an effect on Apple quality in their Desktop/Laptop line and their once amazing support has been crippled of late. I miss the old days when my PowerBook never needed a permissions repair or reboot & when I called support I got a reasonably knowledgable person every time. Now I get the same hard drive as the piece of crap Dells my office buys & when I call Apple support they mostly tell me to re-load from scratch. I've gotten used to now having to fix my own computer and the stability of Lion is looking closer to Windows with every release. If I wanted to have to reboot once a week I'd have bought a PC.
Originally Posted by AppleInsider
Four months after being ousted by Apple, HP reclaimed the top spot in the client PC market in the first quarter of 2012, eking out a 40,000 unit lead over the iPad maker.
The latest figures posted by market research firm Canalys on Tuesday include shipments of Apple's iPad, though the company's tablet-inclusive numbers slipped in the April quarter while HP's numbers remained relatively steady.
The firm explains that Apple's previous lead was based largely on fourth quarter 2011 tablet shipments, which amounted to over 15 million units. After the holiday season, iPad shipments fell to 11.8 million units in the first quarter of 2012, bringing the company's total PC number to 15.8 million.
Lenovo saw 50 percent year-to-year growth to claim third place as the total PC client market grew 21% to 107 million units. Acer and Dell rounded out the top five, though both companies suffered shipment declines from the year ago quarter.
computers are seen as/(aka defined by having):
a mouse (trackpad), a keyboard and generally do not use a touch screen (aka you don't have to use a touch screen for everything)
That being said, i do not considering docked iPad's just a keyboard a computer... lack of mouse and requires use of touchscreen for everything.
That being said, i think the only winners are really Apple, because its notebook sales keep growing and Lenovo.
and finally DIE DELL DIE!
Originally Posted by nicolbolas
Yes, they are.
computers are seen as/(aka defined by having):
a mouse (trackpad), a keyboard and generally do not use a touch screen (aka you don't have to use a touch screen for everything)
No, they're not.
Yes, I am an Apple investor since the late 90s.
But, as usual, you miss the real point which is that companies should not exist just to shift units but to make money. Most units sold is basically a pissing contest unless it correlates to profitability. Companies don't exist to give you a great deal but rather to extract as much as they can from you. This is capitalism. If you think you are being overcharged, buy something else.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Yes, they are [computers].
That is why they are marketed as TABLETS (by Apple)?
not tablet computers....
I am short on time, but please PM or post here about why you believe an iPad should be considered a computer and i will reply why i believe it does not... and lets please keep it civil
Originally Posted by nicolbolas
I am short on time, but please PM or post here about why you believe an iPad should be considered a computer and i will reply why i believe it does not... and lets please keep it civil
Nice try* with the 'incensing me', by the way. You obviously don't know me, though.
Oh, and if you want to get pedantic, we'll get pedantic. The iPad is a personal computer. HOW is it a personal computer? Because a subsection of the definition of 'personal computer' is 'tablet personal computer'. As the iPad is a tablet personal computer, as it is a personal computer, it is a computer.
Originally Posted by nicolbolas
That is why they are marketed as TABLETS (by Apple)?
not tablet computers....
I am short on time, but please PM or post here about why you believe an iPad should be considered a computer and i will reply why i believe it does not... and lets please keep it civil
Like I have said many times; I don't like laptops. I have had a stack of them only because I needed one for travel. I have never really liked the design at all it seems cumbersome to me. Also as I have said before; since buying my iPad2 I haven't even turned my laptop on, that was about six months ago... The iPad really serves all my needs for mobile computing when I am traveling and is actually very enjoyable to use. Many people I know are saying the same things and much of the things I read are the same story. Also as the iPad gets more powerful and capable this trend will grow. Other tablets may be all right but they fall way short of the capabilities and beauty of the iPad, I'm sure they will improve as they learn from Apple :-D. My wife completely done away with her computer and laptop, sold them both since getting an iPad2. That is all she uses now and I know of several others who are doing the same thing; the iPad IS their computer. She and I both bought an Apple Bluetooth Keyboards for them and use it when we need to do a lot of typing. Actually I liked the Apple keyboard so much better than anything else I have used it is all I use now. I am typing this on it right now with the Dell PC. This article really makes a lot of sense to me.
IMO There is no way a laptop is ever going to replace a serious desktop computer for real computer work. That is why they build workstations like the Mac Pro and the iMac is real close in many ways. With everything in the world going to computer control the need for more and more engineers with grow as will the demands of their work with will require more and more powerful workstations. I do regret the authors choice of words in the title "kill" is a little strong right now "Greatly Reduce" would be better, Heck it's already doing that by leaps and bounds. If you look into the future though the generation that is coming up now is adapting to a tablet for computing needs much more than we did. For instance, when I try to type on my iPad keyboard it is extremely hard to be very fast although I have seen some younger people type on them with amazing proficiency because that is what they are used to. I bought an Apple bluetooth keyboard for mine to type on (using it now) because I just didnt want to take the time to learn it, I am used to a keyboard. There again if you take one of these kids that has grown up using a on screen keyboard and try to give them a keyboard or attach one to their tablet they would say "get that clunky thing outa here!":eek: it's in my way and a waist of space!". as we see technology greatly increase and tablets getting much more powerful and versatile and even "Bigger" yes much bigger like a 17" diagonal with a mouse type pad, I could easily see them doing everything a laptop can do in a handier package without a clunky keyboard. It is hard for us to see that right now just like at one time it would have been hard for me to imagine everyone carrying around a phone in their pocket. Just my thoughts.