Apple pushes out iOS 5.1.1 update revision for GSM iPhone 4



  • Reply 21 of 28
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post


    1. Apple has zero obligation to avoid breaking jailbreaks. Same as supporting devices with software failures or even software controlled hardware failures after you jailbreak. 


    2. for every previously only by jailbreak feature that Apple adds there will be another new feature that folks well say make jail breaking necessary


    1.  Who indicated they do?


    2.  Thus, the feature request for Gatekeeper for iOS with the ability to assign the default app for a given function.  If you can install any app from any developer on your iPhone in combination with the ability to assign a default app then jailbreaking is unnecessary.  Anyone could host an app store on which anyone can submit apps, said apps could be from "identified developers" or from "anywhere." 

  • Reply 22 of 28
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
     If you can install any app from any developer on your iPhone in combination with the ability to assign a default app then jailbreaking is unnecessary.  Anyone could host an app store on which anyone can submit apps, said apps could be from "identified developers" or from "anywhere." 
    Buy an android phone if you want to do that. Some of us like the idea that apps are vetted prior to release in the iTunes store. That way you see fewer crap apps and more quality ones. Now, I'm not saying they are all great apps in the iTunes store...just fewer bad ones.
  • Reply 23 of 28
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member


    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    Buy an android phone if you want to do that. Some of us like the idea that apps are vetted prior to release in the iTunes store. That way you see fewer crap apps and more quality ones. Now, I'm not saying they are all great apps in the iTunes store...just fewer bad ones.


    Don't read posts out of context.

  • Reply 24 of 28
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member

    Yes, I believe this is coming!  About time too!




    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    I encourage everyone to place a feature request with Apple so jailbreaking is no longer necessary:


    Gatekeeper for iOS

    Assign Default App to designate the default app for specific functions (calendar, contacts, mail, etc.)

  • Reply 25 of 28
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Don't read posts out of context.
    I don't believe I just didn't like my response.
    You know, Gatekeeper to me looks like the dumbing down of what makes OS X so reliable, so that power users and enterprise users can have more control. Apple offers many native, as well as 3rd party solutions for most user's issues already. Gatekeeper looks just like the Windows equivalent when it showed up on Vista. That annoying little window that pops up asking you to confirm everything you do.

    I believe most, if not all, commonusers could care less about installing apps not approved by apple.

    Going back to your post about default apps...I believe Apple has done a pretty outstanding job of integrating your contacts, calendars, email, etc. into the native apps. I thought the iPhone 2 with exchange pretty much solved that problem and continues to add more abilities to integrate 3rd party providers with each subsequent update.

    To me all these features that people keep demanding Apple come out with...those features, to me, sound like the PC world trying to make Apple more like the PC. Personally, I like Apple making sure their hardware and software "just work". And in most instances, their native solutions are better than a 3rd party. For example, there have been many times on my iPad that I wished I had one of the "missing 5 apps" and been equally pissed when the app store provides alternate apps that just don't work as well, or are over complicated. Apple spends a lot of time, money and care making sure they have the best and most secure digital computing experience for the end user, and by opening up the walls to the garden to make several tiers, to me, is a mistake. You don't have to agree with me.

    Sure, there are many things I'd like apple to improve, but I'd like them to improve the already great apps they've developed rather than just find one that does the thing I want just not everything else as well as the native app. Like putting the single/double quote marks and collon/semicollon on the home keyboard's first screen...on the iPad that is. Or better organization of emoji' keyboard. Or the ability to update my podcasts from my device rather than to re-sync to a computer. Maybe iTunes-Match does that. Sure you can go to the itunes store to download new episodes, but it should know your subscribed podcasts, or at least take you directly to the podcast homepage as a link. Sure I can use down-cast but when there Is an app that does 90% everything you want flawlessly and 10% that doesn't, or an app that satisfies the 10% and does 50% of the rest well enough...I'd rather have the 90%.

    To me, if you want a computing experience that offers complete flexibility regardless of consequence to the reliability of the OS, the hardware or the software...Google and MS have solutions for you. Gatekeeper will probably arrive on iOS at somepoint, so don't you worry...Just don't expect apple to support you after that unapproved app has hacked your phone.

    You know, I think this the the one time where a "Pro" version of iOS devices might make sense.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member


    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I don't believe I have...


    Yet, your belief is incorrect.


    blah... blah... blah... "The features you suggest are stupid.  Here are a bunch of features I want which aren't stupid."  What an absurd post.


    You are correct about one thing.  I don't have to agree with you.  I don't even have to read your posts.

  • Reply 27 of 28
    dave8o4dave8o4 Posts: 5member

    Is it snappier??? :)

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