With iOS 6, Apple devices will receive national emergency alerts



  • Reply 21 of 42
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Why is it that the lunatic fringe has to pop up all the time?
    Your statement is ridiculous.
    I agree that is statement is asinine but that is only because the capability to track an individual is already there.
    Maybe you live in an area that doesn't have natural disasters, but not everyone is so lucky. There's a substantial business selling weather radios in my state and surrounding states so people can be warned of tornados.
    Generally the worst thing we suffer from around here is snow that is very deep. Tornadoes are so infrequent nobody bothers with weather radios.
    For me, this is great news. I was planning to go out and buy a new weather radio and I no longer have to. In addition, when my daughter rid at my ex's house, they don't have a weather radio, but if her iPod Touch will run iOS 6 and receive these alerts, it's an extra degree of safety.
    It is good news but it is a shame the government got involved. Allot does is fuels the types described above.
    The only thing is that I hope it's more flexible than a weather radio. In my area, we get enough severe thunderstorm, flash flood, tornado, and hail alerts that it's sometimes difficult to get a solid block of sleep - which is why many people who have these radios turn them off. Frankly, I don't care about thunderstorms or flash floods, so I hope it will allow me to select only tornado alerts (preferably just tornado warnings and not tornado watches, as well).

    I can see where this might be a problem. Of course the farther you are away from the disaster zone the more those messages appear to be a pain.
  • Reply 22 of 42
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    pjanders wrote: »
    <p style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;font:18px 'Lucida Grande';">[SIZE=14px]You can program weather radios to respond differently to different alarms. At least you can with the Midland WR-300.[/SIZE]</p>

    <p style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;font:18px 'Lucida Grande';min-height:21px;"> </p>

    <p style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;font:18px 'Lucida Grande';">[SIZE=14px]If you have alarms sounding that you determine are not life threatening you can program the radio to turn off the audible alarm and just have it turn the warning light on for a silent notification of an alert.[/SIZE]</p>

    <p style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;font:18px 'Lucida Grande';min-height:21px;"> </p>

    <p style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;font:18px 'Lucida Grande';">[SIZE=14px]The local radio station I listen to also interrupts programming using the Emergency Alert System warning tone when weather threatens and begins broadcasting the warning from the National Weather Service just like my WR-300.[/SIZE]</p>

    I'll have to look for a different weather radio that will handle different alerts differently - mine doesn't have that option. I certainly would prefer to have a backup - both the battery powered radio and a cell phone alert, but only if I can program it to only respond to tornados or other critical alerts. With mine going off every time there's a thunderstorm watch, or warning, or flash flood watch or warning, then compounded by them sending a NEW alert every time the time changes or a new county is added, it can go off every hour some times. I really couldn't care less about thunderstorm warnings - my home can handle it and I live on high enough ground that we're not going to get a flash flood.
  • Reply 23 of 42
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    The one thing I've wanted for the iPod touch (and even though I don't have one, the iPhone) was AM/FM radio built in. If the cell network or Internet goes down, it would be nice to have the option.

    This I agree with 100%, at least in the context of FM which requires very little extra hardware.
  • Reply 24 of 42
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    The government can already track your mobile devices. [URL=http://www.aclu.org/government-cell-phone-and-gps-location-tracking]According to the ACLU[/URL], "The Justice Department and most local police forces are currently tracking American's cell phones without getting warrants – but just how common and widespread the practice is remains unclear. We do know that the cases number well into the thousands, possibly the tens of thousands. Some of them are especially disturbing, for instance, in 2010, Michigan police officers sought information about every cell phone near the site of a planned labor protest."

    The government can already discontinue your mobile service on demand as demonstrated in 2011 when [URL=http://www.npr.org/2011/08/16/139664637/bart-defends-cutting-off-cellphone-service]Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) temporarily halted mobile service during demonstrations[/URL].
  • Reply 25 of 42
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    The government can already track your mobile devices. According to the ACLU, "The Justice Department and most local police forces are currently tracking American's cell phones without getting warrants – but just how common and widespread the practice is remains unclear. We do know that the cases number well into the thousands, possibly the tens of thousands. Some of them are especially disturbing, for instance, in 2010, Michigan police officers sought information about every cell phone near the site of a planned labor protest."

    The government can already discontinue your mobile service on demand as demonstrated in 2011 when Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) temporarily halted mobile service during demonstrations.


    It’s the things we DO know about and allow to continue that are scary! I need not waste time imagining secret conspiracies when stuff like this, right under our noses, needs to be stopped.

  • Reply 26 of 42
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    And we've come full circle, now apple, the company that figuratively put the hammer thru big brother on the screening 1984 is now the one controlling the big screen...


    so funny so sad.

  • Reply 27 of 42
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    a_greer wrote: »
    And we've come full circle, now apple, the company that figuratively put the hammer thru big brother on the screening 1984 is now the one controlling the big screen...

    so funny so sad.

    How is Apple responsible?

    They made a phone that meets standard industry requirements and has the functions required by law. So why are they guilty of anything?
  • Reply 28 of 42

    Wholly conspiracy theories people!  Let me clear some of this up...


    First, WEA (known by the FCC as CMAS) is a broadcast service, therefore both the tower and the phone must support it at a hardware level to be true WEA because it is broadcast, it is NOT a text message, as has been posted in some places, but most phones (including the iPhone) show it like they show text messages.  Because of this, you get the alert of the tower you're on is in the alerted area, it is NOT using your GPS, it's a one-way street.


    The National Weather Service is expected to be the top originator of messages.  Unfortunately, it's an all or nothing, but the NWS will send WEA messages for the following alerts only:



    • Tsunami Warnings

    • Tornado Warnings

    • Flash Flood Warnings

    • Extreme Wind Warnings

    • Hurricane and Typhoon Warnings

    • Blizzard Warnings

    • Ice Storm Warnings

    • Dust Storm Warnings


    You can opt of two of the three types of messages.  The three types of message are 1. Presidential Alert 2. Imminent Threats to Life and Property 3. AMBER Alerts.  You cannot opt out of the presidential messages, though a presidential alert has never been issued through the EAS in its 50-year plus history.

    This will be a great addition to the warning process to give people specific alerts for where they are located.

  • Reply 29 of 42
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    wettej01 wrote: »
    You can opt of two of the three types of messages. The three types of message are 1. Presidential Alert 2. Imminent Threats to Life and Property 3. AMBER Alerts. You cannot opt out of the presidential messages, though a presidential alert has never been issued through the EAS in its 50-year plus history.

    So if I understand you correctly, you can not tell it to ignore just some of the weather emergencies? You either get all of them or none of them? Is that correct?

    If so, it's a bummer. I hate having to get constant messages about things that I don't care about but would like to be able to get just the tornado warnings.
  • Reply 30 of 42
    maltzmaltz Posts: 488member


    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    And we've come full circle, now apple, the company that figuratively put the hammer thru big brother on the screening 1984 is now the one controlling the big screen...


    so funny so sad.


    That's what happens when you read 1984 but not Animal Farm.


    Four legs good... two legs BETTER!   lol

  • Reply 31 of 42

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  • Reply 32 of 42
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Why is it that the lunatic fringe has to pop up all the time?
    Your statement is ridiculous. Maybe you live in an area that doesn't have natural disasters, but not everyone is so lucky. There's a substantial business selling weather radios in my state and surrounding states so people can be warned of tornados.
    For me, this is great news. I was planning to go out and buy a new weather radio and I no longer have to. In addition, when my daughter rid at my ex's house, they don't have a weather radio, but if her iPod Touch will run iOS 6 and receive these alerts, it's an extra degree of safety.
    The only thing is that I hope it's more flexible than a weather radio. In my area, we get enough severe thunderstorm, flash flood, tornado, and hail alerts that it's sometimes difficult to get a solid block of sleep - which is why many people who have these radios turn them off. Frankly, I don't care about thunderstorms or flash floods, so I hope it will allow me to select only tornado alerts (preferably just tornado warnings and not tornado watches, as well).

    Lunatic fringe? LOL give me break.

    More like Lunatic Uninformed Masses. Keep believing brother! The government loves you and wants to take care of you.


    Its positively disgusting that this is an "opt out" rather than an "opt in" feature.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    I am rarely in a natural disaster. Hurricane Ike was the only time for me. IOS is pretty useless without internet. When things stop working everywhere you really value the simple things that still do. It would be a feature I'd have little use for, but for me, i'd pay extra for it, especially considering the battery efficiency of these little pocket wonders. I cannot produce much power, but it isn't too big a challenge to power an iPhone when nothing else works.
  • Reply 34 of 42
    Oops forgot to quote the post I replied to. Was referring to the fact that I'd like to see a radio built into an iphone. Am/fm would suit me fine...
  • Reply 35 of 42
    patranuspatranus Posts: 366member

    If its anything like the alerts on television and radio, there better be a way to turn this "feature" off.

  • Reply 36 of 42


    Apple's adoption of Wireless Emergency Alerts is "big news" for those who work in the emergency management industry.


    There are already several apps that do alerts.  The one I use does around 105 different alerts.  Somebody help us if the "Radiological Hazard Warning" ever pops up. :)


    I live in tornado alley, and it's nice to know what's up when the sirens go off at 2 AM.

  • Reply 37 of 42
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    This needs to be opt-in, not opt-out.

    It's just that simple.
  • Reply 38 of 42
    Just in time for December 21!
  • Reply 39 of 42
    Ah good, another reason to jailbreak -- to disable the big brother alerting system!

    Government does not do anything efficiently, why trust them with any kind of alerts of importance?! Just look at how the Japanese gov't handled radiation denial with Fukushima at first!

    In the US, FEMA is a joke, look at their poor track record. If you want to be prepared, prepare YOURSELF, nobody in government can be relied upon.


    [B]What we NEED is an alert system to tell us when government is trying to usurp our freedoms -- FEMA won't help with THAT! [/B]
  • Reply 40 of 42


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    This needs to be opt-in, not opt-out.

    It's just that simple.


    You're missing the whole point...  By making it opt-out, people will finally have a universal warning device.  Making it opt-in would highly reduce its usefulness.  In this digital age, there needs to be a method of pushing the information out to people on an opt-out method, like sirens or EAS.

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