Microsoft has no plans to release Office for Mac 2013

in Mac Software edited January 2014
When Microsoft recently announced an Office for Mac 2011 update was in the works it also confirmed that OS X users would not be able to take advantage of the newer Office 2013 as the software suite is reserved for Windows 7 and Windows 8 machines only.

Microsoft failed to mention whether a Mac version of Office 2013 was in the works when the productivity software reached Customer Preview phase on Monday, though during Wednesday's Office for Mac 2011 update announcement the company told The Verge it had no such plans.

"We haven?t announced the next release of Office for Mac," a Microsoft spokesperson said.

According to the publication, Office 2013 will feature support for a new server-based version of Office which is said to be highly integrated with the cloud. Microsoft released the Service Pack 2 update to Office for Mac 2011 in April to fix bugs affecting Outlook.

While Mac owners won't be able to enjoy the newly-implemented cloud capabilites of Office 2013, the Office for Mac 2011 update will bring access to Microsoft's SkyDrive and Office 365 where users are able to save documents off-site.

Office for Mac
Source: Microsoft

The Office for Mac 2011 update is expected to ship early next year alongside the Windows-only Office 2013.


  • Reply 1 of 108
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member

    At this rate, Apple has no plans to release iWork 2013 either.


    (And as has been pointed out in numerous comment threads elsewhere, Office for Mac typically comes out one year after each Office for Windows. So no surprise here.)

  • Reply 2 of 108


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    When Microsoft recently announced an Office for Mac 2011 update was in the works it also confirmed that OS X users would NOT be able to take advantage of the newer Office 2013 as the software suite is reserved for Windows 7 and Windows 8 machines only.


    There, I corrected it.

  • Reply 3 of 108

    Apple, all you need now is to build a true Excel spreadsheet competitor for OSX. Include similar power that macros and VBA provides in Excel. Numbers right now is nice but nowhere near as powerful as Excel. Pages is great but you really need a heavy hitting spreadsheet app.

  • Reply 4 of 108
    j1h15233j1h15233 Posts: 274member

    Sounds like Microsoft is saying "Dear Mac users, please find a way to use this software for free or please go buy the iWork suite from Apple" Honestly, I don't think I'd be missing anything major if I didn't have Office on my home computer and iWork is much cheaper.

  • Reply 5 of 108
    dagamer34dagamer34 Posts: 494member

    Because Mac releases of Office have never had the same year as the Windows release. Now if you had asked them when Office for Mac 2014 is coming out, PR might have given a slightly different answer.

  • Reply 6 of 108
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    There, I corrected it.

    You beat me to it haha
    dagamer34 wrote: »
    Because Mac releases of Office have never had the same year as the Windows release. Now if you had asked them when Office for Mac 2014 is coming out, PR might have given a slightly different answer.

    dlux wrote: »
    At this rate, Apple has no plans to release iWork 2013 either.

    (And as has been pointed out in numerous comment threads elsewhere, Office for Mac typically comes out one year after each Office for Windows. So no surprise here.)

    Yup Office for Mac always comes out a year late. And by the way this isn't the first time MS decided to can Office for Mac and then a few months later come out with a new version anyway
  • Reply 7 of 108
    rtdunhamrtdunham Posts: 428member

    From the lead: "OS X users would NOT be able to take advantage of the newer Office 2013"


    It drives me crazy when this site gets stories exactly wrong because of inept (or absent) editing.  Jeez. Every time I see an error like this i wonder what else is wrong in the story, or in the site's other stories.

  • Reply 8 of 108
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member

    They need to fix the bug that causes corruption when "auto-save recovery file" is enabled on Lion.

  • Reply 9 of 108
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    Because Mac releases of Office have never had the same year as the Windows release. Now if you had asked them when Office for Mac 2014 is coming out, PR might have given a slightly different answer.


    Exactly. The Mac Version usually comes out the year after the Windows version, or at least it has the last few releases so hopefully they won't change it now.


    I just wish Apple would be more open about what's happening to iWork. Is it dead or are they finally going to release a new version?

  • Reply 10 of 108
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member

    Great, because I have no plans to buy Office 2013.

  • Reply 11 of 108

    It will be Office 14 via the Mac App Store and iOS.

  • Reply 12 of 108

    Windows on Bootcamp will be required.

    Newer versions of Parallel Desktop enables one to

    use the Bootcamp installation instaead of a new

    image.  And Windows icons can be placed on Mac's


  • Reply 13 of 108
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member

    I understand that iWork probably can't break into the enterprise market.  However, since Apple is making a product, why don't they make it suitable for business.  It just seems odd to me that Apple would purposely keep selling an inferior product.  It isn't that iWork is a bad is an incomplete product.  Why won't Apple finish it off?  Give us features like reviewing and compare documents and better paragraph numbering...etc.  

    They've got 100 billion dollars, why not spend 10 million on office software?

  • Reply 14 of 108
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,684member
    MS usually releases a Mac version 12-24 months later.

    Of course, they might not anymore.
  • Reply 15 of 108
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    As long as Pages can open Word docs I'm good. I don't ever need the formatting, just the text. Numbers, on the other hand, sometimes cannot faithfully reproduce Excel files if they contain unsupported functions. That has already become a problem for us. We have a file that needs to be edited 4 times a year which breaks if you export it with Numbers so we have to do it on Windows. I hope Microsoft doesn't try to intentionally break stuff for iWork by leveraging their Office monopoly to support their Windows and tablet sales. 

  • Reply 16 of 108

    So, back to running Office via Parallels again.




    Perhaps I'm just a curmudgeonly dinosaur, but I seriously hate the ribbon-based UI. Worse, it's been quite a few years since MS added anything new to any part of Office that I considered to be a positive feature. For me, Windows XP and Office 2003 running in Parallels gets the job done. I might just decide to revert back rather than go with MS's latest "upgrade".

  • Reply 17 of 108
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,858member

    I'd rather they worked on an iOS version right now anyways. Office 2011 for Mac is fine. 

  • Reply 18 of 108


    Originally Posted by j1h15233 View Post

    Sounds like Microsoft is saying "Dear Mac users, please find a way to use this software for free or please go buy the iWork suite from Apple" Honestly, I don't think I'd be missing anything major if I didn't have Office on my home computer and iWork is much cheaper.




    You take "We have no announcements about the next version of Office for Mac" to mean "Please begin torrenting Office 2011 for Mac or buy iWork"?

  • Reply 19 of 108
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member


    Originally Posted by ash471 View Post

    I understand that iWork probably can't break into the enterprise market.  However, since Apple is making a product, why don't they make it suitable for business.  It just seems odd to me that Apple would purposely keep selling an inferior product.  It isn't that iWork is a bad is an incomplete product.  Why won't Apple finish it off?  Give us features like reviewing and compare documents and better paragraph numbering...etc.  

    They've got 100 billion dollars, why not spend 10 million on office software?



    I believe they think of it as personal software, rather than “incomplete” enterprise software. And for most personal/home/small-office users (albeit not must techie forum-goers), iWork is made much better by its very simplicity. Apple wouldn’t make iWork “worse” in the market it was meant for, jut to serve additional markets; they’ll just leave those markets to 3rd party software, be that Word or Word clones.


    I agree that there IS a need for more, for a sizable niche of people; I’m just not surprised that Apple hasn’t tried to shoehorn iWork in that direction. (That said, it will still grow over time.)


    As for me—not an everyday user who should get iWork—OpenOffice does me just fine!

  • Reply 20 of 108
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member

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