September launch pegged for Apple's 13" Retina MacBook Pro, new iMac



  • Reply 21 of 88
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by Downpour View Post



    I'm a graphic designer and there is no way I'd go back to matte screens.


    I have a window right behind my desk and have no problem with reflection at all on my 27" iMac.


    If I put my hand next to the screen I can't see any reflection at all, it's as if there is nothing between me and the image. It's much better than the annoying light glow that covered my old screens. 


    The mirror screen thing is a myth created by people who are trying to sound professional.


    You must have the optimal amount of lighting in your studio coz my iMac is so reflective I had to move my desk into a dark corner coz I could hardly see a thing when it was sunny coz the screen is so reflective.

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  • Reply 22 of 88
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    shaun, uk wrote: »
    I know, it doesn't make any sense to release so many new products at once. Apple usually releases one new product at a time for maximum publicity.

    That was a large part of my understanding as well. I was surprised when they merged the iPhone with the iPod announcements though.

    I expect that the the iDevice event will only be for iDevices. It's enough that Apple updates a third to half their product line in one announcement.

    I don't see why Apple would update the MacBook Air only to update it again three months later. Their Air update cycle is 9 to 12 months. A 3 month update cycle would be very unusual for them.
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  • Reply 23 of 88
    applezillaapplezilla Posts: 941member


    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Hopefully with matte display option. Or else, no purchase. MacMatte.


    I was a matte devotee until I saw the Retina MBP. They have really reduced the reflectivity. It's a total pleasure. You should go take a look.

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  • Reply 24 of 88

    So why wait until September to release the iMac? We've heard no rumors about a redesign (everyone suspects that will happen with Haswell). Why drag their feet on this? What was the point? 

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  • Reply 25 of 88
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    So let's see. We now have Apple redesigning their iPod lineup, iPhone, and iMac while also adding an all new iPad Mini and 13 inch MacBook Pro in September...

    Don't forget the Retina MacBook Air and Apple Television.... 


    Tim Cook- "But before we end... there is(are) one four more thing(s)."




    Originally Posted by pinkunicorn View Post

    So why wait until September to release the iMac? We've heard no rumors about a redesign (everyone suspects that will happen with Haswell). Why drag their feet on this? What was the point? 

    I was thinking the same thing.  It doesn't need a redesign- what are they going to make it look like that could be any better looking or more useful outside of Retina (which it clearly isn't ready for yet).

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  • Reply 26 of 88


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    I was thinking the same thing.  It doesn't need a redesign- what are they going to make it look like that could be any better looking or more useful outside of Retina (which it clearly isn't ready for yet).


    Essentially we're going to get an iMac with some nice new features (USB 3.0, Ivy Bridge, ect) but a computer that easily could have come out in May or June. 


    Either Apple has something up their sleeve or they waited an extra 4 months for no particular reason. 

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  • Reply 27 of 88
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Hopefully with matte display option. Or else, no purchase. MacMatte.


    Thank you for not actually spamming that link for once.



    Originally Posted by rmm221 View Post

    Or is the rumor that the Mac Mini dead really true?


    What rumor? Why would they do that?



    Originally Posted by pinkunicorn View Post

    So why wait until September to release the iMac? We've heard no rumors about a redesign…


    Didn't you just answer that question? I've heard nothing about 'waiting for Haswell' for a redesign.



    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    It doesn't need a redesign- what are they going to make it look like that could be any better looking or more useful outside of Retina (which it clearly isn't ready for yet).


    That's why you don't work at Apple.

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  • Reply 28 of 88
    ray bartray bart Posts: 91member
    Yeah and itv as well is being developed along with itoilet with a time capsule function
    whereby you can recover your last 100 craps. Does anyone believe these peasants all trying to claim they know what Apple is launching this year?
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  • Reply 29 of 88
    downpourdownpour Posts: 37member


    You must have the optimal amount of lighting in your studio coz my iMac is so reflective I had to move my desk into a dark corner coz I could hardly see a thing when it was sunny coz the screen is so reflective.


    I don't know, must be... Is yours an older model? I can only see a reflection on mine if I turn the brightness right down, or turn it off, and even then it's minimal. It's a sunny day here at the moment.


    If I angle the screen right back so it's pointing straight at a bright light, then I can see the reflection, but why would I do that?

    If I did the same thing with a matte screen the diffuse glow would be just as annoying.


    Us designers coped just fine for years with glass CRT monitors, I don't see what the difference is.


    I think this whole argument has become a bit of an internet meme.

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  • Reply 30 of 88


    Originally Posted by tylerk36 View Post

    The retina display seems to be the norm for apple now.  I bet they come out with a MacMini w/ retina display.  Doh!!


    What would seem to make more sense is for some companion "software" in Mac OS X and iOS -- where the iPad 3 could provide ad hoc retina display capability to a Mac Mini....


    Say you have several headless Mini's (a mini Mini server farm) and you periodically need to see what's going on...


    Fire up the iPad app, select a Mini from the Bonjour list, do whatever -- then move on!

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  • Reply 31 of 88
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by Downpour View Post


    I don't know, must be... Is yours an older model? I can only see a reflection on mine if I turn the brightness right down, or turn it off, and even then it's minimal. It's a sunny day here at the moment.


    If I angle the screen right back so it's pointing straight at a bright light, then I can see the reflection, but why would I do that?

    If I did the same thing with a matte screen the diffuse glow would be just as annoying.


    Us designers coped just fine for years with glass CRT monitors, I don't see what the difference is.


    I think this whole argument has become a bit of an internet meme.


    It's a new model from last year. I don't think it's just me - if you ever go into the AppleStore and look at the iMacs they have a lot of reflection coz of the lighting in the store.


    I can live with it in my dark corner but it would be nice if there was an anti-glare option or a less reflective screen. Maybe when we get the Retina iMac.


    As for the CRT monitors - you must the only person I know that didn't have one of those anti-glare screen filter / cover things that you put in front of the screen to stop the reflections.

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  • Reply 32 of 88


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Didn't you just answer that question? I've heard nothing about 'waiting for Haswell' for a redesign.


    Most people have speculated a redesign next year. Most likely because we're not sure if a retina display is the best option for the iMac at this time (affordability/gpu).


    I'm clearly new here, but wouldn't we have heard something if a redesign were coming? We hear iPhone rumors 6 months in advance about redesigns. Mysterious new parts would have surfaced by now surely. 


    Who knows, it's not the first time Apple has surprised us. 

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  • Reply 33 of 88
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    That's why you don't work at Apple.

    I'll be sure to use that same line on 30% of your posts.





    Here is a "revolutionary" change to the 15" MacBook pro.  What a night and day difference- except it's not.  There are some great changes, but nothing revolutionary- just evolutionary.  I don't see them being able to do anything more drastic than this to the iMac... can't get much thinner at all (and who would want it to be- it gets hot enough as is) but then again, I don't work for Apple- so what do I know?  No need for you to comment- you don't work for Apple, so what suggestion could you possibly make?

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  • Reply 34 of 88
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    I don't see them being able to do anything more drastic than this to the iMac...


    Which is why you don't work at Apple.

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  • Reply 35 of 88


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    I'll be sure to use that same line on 30% of your posts.





    Here is a "revolutionary" change to the 15" MacBook pro.  What a night and day difference- except it's not.  There are some great changes, but nothing revolutionary- just evolutionary.  I don't see them being able to do anything more drastic than this to the iMac... can't get much thinner at all (and who would want it to be- it gets hot enough as is) but then again, I don't work for Apple- so what do I know?  No need for you to comment- you don't work for Apple, so what suggestion could you possibly make?


    Use flash chips, the Ivy-Bridge is based on 22nm (smaller processor), use quieter/less heat fans, remove the optical drive, etc.....

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  • Reply 36 of 88


    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    That was a large part of my understanding as well. I was surprised when they merged the iPhone with the iPod announcements though.

    I expect that the the iDevice event will only be for iDevices. It's enough that Apple updates a third to half their product line in one announcement.

    I don't see why Apple would update the MacBook Air only to update it again three months later. Their Air update cycle is 9 to 12 months. A 3 month update cycle would be very unusual for them.


    In many areas, I think that "the availability of new technology in needed quantities" is the major determinant of what gets released, when!


    Apple has never been shy about charging premium prices for the latest technology.  On the Macs, they could get away with it, because the Macs were a small, speciality market when compared to the much larger pc market. -- they could satisfy their needs with fewer, newer components.  The increasing popularity (demand) for premium Macs exacerbates this problem.


    Apple is using "new technology" such as retina display across several product lines.  This new technology must be supported by 2 different OSes -- OS X for the Mac and iOS for iDevices... along with developer lead time to upgrade applications and apps.


    Apple is careful not just throw out "new technology" before it can be reasonably used and supported -- so a lot of things have to come together... "We will serve no wine before its time".


    These are good problems to have, but problems nonetheless!

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  • Reply 37 of 88
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    tylerk36 wrote: »
    The retina display seems to be the norm for apple now.  I bet they come out with a MacMini w/ retina display.  Doh!!

    Haha good one . All joking aside I predict a Mac Mini with only SSD soon and what's more within two years no MBP as we know them, all SSD. So what will differentiate a MBP from an Air then? Perhaps the end of the MBP is in fact not far away. MacBook Air Pro maybe?

    An HD is the new Floppy to Apple and they will soon be history. Once Apple really go all SSD watch the technology leap forward in size, speed and endurance (TRIM etc) plus we will see possible short supplies for PCs as Apple eat up all the high end product ... that or prices will fall dramatically.
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  • Reply 38 of 88
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by Eric Litvin View Post


    Use flash chips, the Ivy-Bridge is based on 22nm (smaller processor), use quieter/less heat fans, remove the optical drive, etc.....

    Ok... the processor won't make a size difference (W'ere talking nanometers), although it should run slightly cooler.

    I doubt 2012 will see their only desktop have no large storage, so while flash storage might exist in tandem, it likely won't replace it.  

    Ok- the optical drive is gone.  Now what?  Put a SSD in its place?  Or move everything around so it can be 1mm thinner?

    The quieter/less heat fans I don't understand at all.  It isn't loud now, and less heat fans would be crazy as it gets hot (not too hot- but less fans it surely would).


    These all play into my points.  Yes- it could have no optical.  Yes- it could be thinner.  But how much thinner and how can the design REALLY change?  Outside of going from white to stainless back in 2006, which was major- the only other change back in 2009 was modest.  While I think it will change- it won't change much because it simply can't.  Look at the kick-a retina MBP... most people (not us nerds) couldn't tell the difference between that and a 15" 2011 at first glance.  Just like they probably couldn't notice the glass trackpad/no button back in 2009.


    There is only so much you can change to an already gorgeous and industry-leading design.  Again- use the Retina MBP as example.


    But, then again- That's why I don't work at Apple.

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  • Reply 39 of 88
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member


    Originally Posted by Eric Litvin View Post


    Use flash chips, the Ivy-Bridge is based on 22nm (smaller processor), use quieter/less heat fans, remove the optical drive, etc.....


    If anyone in their right mind would want a desktop to forgo mass storage and optical drives, to be frank, they're nuts.


    Desktops are about one thing - power.  That's it. End of story. Nothing else matters. They need vast amounts of RAM, huge hard drives, the ability to rip and burn optical discs (BDs obviously now being the standard), and they need very good cooling to stop the top end CPUs and GPUs from melting.


    By all means strip out all the powerful stuff to make a dumbed down laptop or tablet, but leave desktops alone. They're for people who actually have work to do, and want to get that work done to the highest standard in the quickest time. As the Mac Pro is now abandoned (or as good as), the iMac needs all the power it can get.

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  • Reply 40 of 88
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    andysol wrote: »
    Ok... the processor won't make a size difference (W'ere talking nanometers), although it should run slightly cooler.
    I doubt 2012 will see their only desktop have no large storage, so while flash storage might exist in tandem, it likely won't replace it.  
    Ok- the optical drive is gone.  Now what?  Put a SSD in its place?  Or move everything around so it can be 1mm thinner?
    The quieter/less heat fans I don't understand at all.  It isn't loud now, and less heat fans would be crazy as it gets hot (not too hot- but less fans it surely would).

    These all play into my points.  Yes- it could have no optical.  Yes- it could be thinner.  But how much thinner and how can the design REALLY change?  Outside of going from white to stainless back in 2006, which was major- the only other change back in 2009 was modest.  While I think it will change- it won't change much because it simply can't.  Look at the kick-a retina MBP... most people (not us nerds) couldn't tell the difference between that and a 15" 2011 at first glance.  Just like they probably couldn't notice the glass trackpad/no button back in 2009.

    There is only so much you can change to an already gorgeous and industry-leading design.  Again- use the Retina MBP as example.

    But, then again- That's why I don't work at Apple.

    You know tiny changes can add up especially incrementally. I look at several MBPs before me from several years span ... the oldest being a white MacBook G4 ... each one was gorgeous in its day ... but wow they look like antiques a few years later next to my latest one. I'm sure in five years what ever gorgeous Mac we have (if they even exist it might be an iPadPro or something not yet imagined by us mortals) it will make today's Air look cute and old fashioned.
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