Photos of alleged fully-assembled next-gen iPhone surface



  • Reply 181 of 318
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    One doesn't need a original photo, photohop can create a photo out of nothing.

    So you are saying they created this out of nothing? Good drawing skills!

    Sorry for double post....
  • Reply 182 of 318
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by TheKid2020 View Post

    Get me a new user interface! 

    How is a new user interface going to increase the usability? That is an honest question because if you look at OS X, how much has the user interface changed since 10.0? That was over a decade and the UI is basically the same.


    The iPhone was revolutionary because it distilled down how the UI should work on a screen that size. Windows is trying something new but it doesn't seem any better, in fact worse by most reviews. Sometimes there just isn't a better solution. Look at autos: they haven't changed the basic layout of the shifter steering wheel and pedals in almost a 100 years. How well do you think a car would sell if the steering wheel was replace by levers like a bull dozer and the throttle was a button on the dash. Instead of using the gear selector you had to press the area that is now the horn. Well it wouldn't be too popular as you can imagine. Apple is making well reasoned incremental changes that make sense. Revamping the entire OS just to say it is new has never been their style.

  • Reply 183 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    edit: What [B]muppetry[/B] said.
  • Reply 184 of 318
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    shaun, uk wrote: »
    solipsismx wrote: »
    You mean the car that looked pretty much the same since its debut in the late 50's? That what you think Apple should be copying with a radical new design? Even if you account for the modernized version it's still the same basic cues that gives it a distinctive Mini look and feel. No, you're just the standard troll who will ignore all changes and focus on what hasn't changed and then work up reasons as to why the changes made were bad and the changes not made were even worse.

    Just to drive home how feeble your comments are: Not just cool, but Sub Zero. At least do a little research before you post.

    If you think the Porsche is sub-zero then you're either seriously deluded or having a mid life crisis. Based on your recent comments I suspect the later. As for the Mini you have no idea what's cool and you never will.

    Go put your corduroys on grandad and go for a spin in your Porsche. 

    Well hang on - it was you that brought up the cool wall as evidence, and Soli is correct - Top Gear rated the 911 GT3 as sub-zero.
  • Reply 185 of 318
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    It Absolutely Does Not... and by even posting such a thing proves that you've obviously never seen/held a Galaxy SIII.


    Anyway... It'd be nice if Apple took a more ergonimically friendly approach to the shape of the 'new iPhone, (much less harsh and flat as Samsung did with the GSIII)...


    Maybe something along the lines of this:





    Maybe you should get a job at Apple design. Seems like they could do with some fresh ideas.


    I much prefer the way the iPhone 3GS sits in the hand than the iPhone 4. It's more comfortable to hold with the curved back.


    I don't have a problem with plastic - it's light, strong, very durable and doesn't break if you drop it.

  • Reply 186 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mstone wrote: »
    How is a new user interface going to increase the usability? That is an honest question because if you look at OS X, how much has the user interface changed since 10.0? That was over a decade and the UI is basically the same.

    The iPhone was revolutionary because it distilled down how the UI should work on a screen that size. Windows is trying something new but it doesn't seem any better, in fact worse by most reviews. Sometimes there just isn't a better solution. Look at autos: they haven't changed the basic layout of the shifter steering wheel and pedals in almost a 100 years. How well do you think a car would sell if the steering wheel was replace by levers like a bull dozer and the throttle was a button on the dash. Instead of using the gear selector you had to press the area that is now the horn. Well it wouldn't be too popular as you can imagine. Apple is making well reasoned incremental changes that make sense. Revamping the entire OS just to say it is new has never been their style.

    i also don't recall any other phone before the iPhone that make the phone just another app. There are no dedicated receive and hang up buttons on the HW. It's was just one of 16(?) apps. That was a radical change in many ways.
  • Reply 187 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    clemynx wrote: »
    So you are saying they created this out of nothing? Good drawing skills!
    Sorry for double post....

    Drawing a phone is much easier than drawing a girl.

  • Reply 188 of 318
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    edit: What muppetry said.



    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    Well hang on - it was you that brought up the cool wall as evidence, and Soli is correct - Top Gear rated the 911 GT3 as sub-zero.


    You do know the cool wall is a subjective thing don't you not a statement of fact. Just coz Clarkson says it's cool doesn't make it true. Most people in the UK thing he's an asshole. It's a great TV show but Clarkson is still an asshole and he's not the final word on what's cool.

  • Reply 189 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Drawing a phone is much easier than drawing a girl.

    That's very impressive.
  • Reply 190 of 318


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    How is a new user interface going to increase the usability? That is an honest question because if you look at OS X, how much has the user interface changed since 10.0? That was over a decade and the UI is basically the same.


    The iPhone was revolutionary because it distilled down how the UI should work on a screen that size. Windows is trying something new but it doesn't seem any better, in fact worse by most reviews. Sometimes there just isn't a better solution. Look at autos: they haven't changed the basic layout of the shifter steering wheel and pedals in almost a 100 years. How well do you think a car would sell if the steering wheel was replace by levers like a bull dozer and the throttle was a button on the dash. Instead of using the gear selector you had to press the area that is now the horn. Well it wouldn't be too popular as you can imagine. Apple is making well reasoned incremental changes that make sense. Revamping the entire OS just to say it is new has never been their style.

    Where I agree with you regarding OS X not changing, although it has slightly over the years. You're going to tell me there isn't something better for their multitasking feature? I'm not saying to completely ditch the grid style. However, you also can't tell me folders and gridded icons are something you aren't tired of seeing. Holding down your finger and having to hit the X every time you want to close an app? We have seen better implications of such tasks, so why not implement it? Or simply give it as an option for people who prefer the older style. Your argument about steering a car is a little far fetched. Although I understand your argument. However, cars will come out with different steering wheels, different controls on their steering wheels. You have the option of the sifter on the steering column or the center console (don't know the make, but now their is a dial to switch gears).


    Not to jump products, but you cannot sit there and tell me they can't find a better way to utilize the screen real-estate on the iPad. There has got to be a better UI somewhere in their labs. Take the OS X dock and slap it at the bottom (or wherever you'd want it) on the iPad. Make it so when I run my finger across it the apps are magnified. Something as simple as that would make people drool and wet their pants. 


    I'm simply saying, it has been 5 years going on 6. Let see what Apple can really do. We all know their hardware is top notch and no one can compete. Make using my phone exciting again, please. 

  • Reply 191 of 318
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Are you people freaking kidding me? Do you really think that after over a year of saying this that it means anything at all?


    They have gone through several refinement phases. The phone just gets more perfect with each revision. Let Samsung actually come up with something completely different. These look like a work of mature refined art.

  • Reply 192 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    shaun, uk wrote: »

    You do know the cool wall is a subjective thing don't you not a statement of fact. Just coz Clarkson says it's cool doesn't make it true. Most people in the UK thing he's an asshole. It's a great TV show but Clarkson is still an asshole and he's not the final word on what's cool.

    But you brought it up. No one else but you.
  • Reply 193 of 318
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Drawing a phone is much easier than drawing a girl.

    As if that drawing would pass close examination... Fake 3D I could believe, a drawing no. Sorry but you overestimate what PS can do, or maybe you're using CS11 or whatever. I don't need to lose time searching for videos to show your desperate attempt at trying to win. You win, happy? These images were made with PS from scratch, by one monkey. A daltonian monkey. That's what I believe.
  • Reply 194 of 318
    harbingerharbinger Posts: 570member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    According to AnandTech the change in how they made the WiFi antenna made it slightly better despite the flexboard being significantly smaller than the previous external design. Judging by the break in the material on the back it would appear that at least part of the back isn't an RF reflecting material which tells me that there wouldn't be a problem for them to continue using an internal antenna design with the next model.

    Cool. Thanks!

  • Reply 195 of 318
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by ClemyNX View Post

    Happy 1000th post Shaun!!


    Blimey I missed that thanks. Sugar, I wanted it to be something profound rather than prosaic lol.

  • Reply 196 of 318
    harbingerharbinger Posts: 570member


    Originally Posted by ClemyNX View Post

    As if that drawing would pass close examination... Fake 3D I could believe, a drawing no. Sorry but you overestimate what PS can do, or maybe you're using CS11 or whatever. I don't need to lose time searching for videos to show your desperate attempt at trying to win. You win, happy? These images were made with PS from scratch, by one monkey. A daltonian monkey. That's what I believe.

    May I ask what a daltonian monkey is?

  • Reply 197 of 318
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    thekid2020 wrote: »
    Not to jump products, but you cannot sit there and tell me they can't find a better way to utilize the screen real-estate on the iPad. There has got to be a better UI somewhere in their labs. Take the OS X dock and slap it at the bottom (or wherever you'd want it) on the iPad. Make it so when I run my finger across it the apps are magnified. Something as simple as that would make people drool and wet their pants.

    How is that better? So I have an empty desktop with a wallpaper to stare at but now all my apps that used to fill up a screen are all now squished into a row at the bottom or do I now have 6x as many pages of a single row at the bottom. Double-tap the home button to bring up Fast App Switcher and tell me if truly want to choose apps by sliding a single ribbon of apps back and forth. I certainly don't.
  • Reply 198 of 318
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member

    Lets give Apple the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully Tim Cook realizes that this Iphone5 is going to be the most important thing Apple ever put out. I think we are all going to be positively surprised. Right Tim???

  • Reply 199 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    clemynx wrote: »
    As if that drawing would pass close examination... Fake 3D I could believe, a drawing no. Sorry but you overestimate what PS can do, or maybe you're using CS11 or whatever. I don't need to lose time searching for videos to show your desperate attempt at trying to win. You win, happy? These images were made with PS from scratch, by one monkey. A daltonian monkey. That's what I believe.

    I wasn't trying to win anything nor was I claiming that's how it was done. Was just pointing out what the right person can do with photoshop. Images of a current iphone can easily be changed.
  • Reply 200 of 318
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    harbinger wrote: »

    May I ask what a daltonian monkey is?

    What else but a monkey from dalton? sheesh. Lol. I have no clue either
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