Front & back panel purportedly from Apple's next iPhone captured on video



  • Reply 21 of 49

    Not a huge fan of the two-tone back. Reminds me of this:


  • Reply 22 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    …it's 1 pixel off from being exactly 16:9 which means it's still 16:9…



  • Reply 23 of 49
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Not a huge fan of the two-tone back. Reminds me of this:

    I like the look a lot. The two-tone and the colours. The device was crap but that's a different issue.

    One additional thing that makes me think this is real are some of the iOS 6 colour choices. For instance, Mail app has a grey-blue Menu Bar that I think will look very nice with this rumoured dark metal color.
  • Reply 24 of 49
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    Widescreen will make typing easier as you get another 176-178 pixels vertically. They can even add a numbers row so you don't have to keep pressing the number button and in landscape, they can allow you to split the keyboard like on the iPad.

    I don't think a 4.1" 16:9 screen will be exceptionally big and movies would look much better.

    I think the overall design is really nice but it's still not clear that this is the final design. This could be one of a few models and aspect ratios. It leaked quite early on and no copyright notices have been issued by Apple to Youtube. This would be classed as a stolen prototype but nothing has been done by Apple so far. Perhaps they are realising that legal action means confirmation of its authenticity and even more publicity. The build quality looks too good to be fake.
  • Reply 25 of 49

    Just thinking about the serial number on the phone in the video, couldn't they trace that back to the day it was built and potentially the people who had access to it?

    If I was sneaking video I would have covered it up, maybe giving weight to the controlled leak theory.



  • Reply 26 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It leaked quite early on and no copyright notices have been issued by Apple to Youtube. This would be classed as a stolen prototype but nothing has been done by Apple so far.


    Apple doesn't do that anymore. Just as you said, about three years ago they stopped asking sites to take down images because that immediately validated them.

  • Reply 27 of 49
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Marvin wrote: »
    They can even add a numbers row so you don't have to keep pressing the number button and in landscape, they can allow you to split the keyboard like on the iPad.

    Hmm... in landscape mode it'll still be the sam vertical height so I can't see how a row of numbers would do anything but reduce the amount of non-keyboard real-estate. I'm thinking they'll be able to add some buttons on the side or make the buttons thinner and wider thus allowing for more real estate for relevant data. In portrait mode I think we'll just get to have more usable space.
  • Reply 28 of 49


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    The rumours are that it's 1 pixel off from being exactly 16:9 which means it's still 16:9 by all other measures. How is that 1 pixel difference an issue?



    Nobody will want a 16:9 screen on an iPhone.  If 16:9 was best, Apple would have used it from the first generation.  But Apple decided AGAINST 16:9, and for very, very good reasons.  16:9 is NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING except TV shows.


    Apple does extensive prototype testing.  It decided that the very very bestest screen shape and size was the one they decided upon.  Any other size, any other shape is inferior.


    I do not believe that Apple is going to shitcan the best size screen.  I do not believe that Apple is going to shitcan the best shaped screen.  Not in a million years.


    If 16:9 was any good at all, Apple would not have rejected it so soundly for 5 generations of iPhones.  Apple does extensive prototype testing.  It KNOWS what the bestest is and Apple always uses the bestest.  Changing the size and the shape would be a HUGE mistake, because that would mean shitcanning the bestest in favor of something that is less bestest.





  • Reply 29 of 49
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    I want a wider and longer "4inch" display completely redesigned casing. It just looks like they stretched the length out to say ohhh well its 4 inches. Just seems like a like they tried to shoe horn in the "4 inch height of the screen rather than simply make it wider and longer. Smaller isn't always better. I really want to have a new and significantly different iphone. 

  • Reply 30 of 49
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member


    Originally Posted by JerrySwitched26 View Post



    Nobody will want a 16:9 screen on an iPhone.  If 16:9 was best, Apple would have used it from the first generation.  But Apple decided AGAINST 16:9, and for very, very good reasons.  16:9 is NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING except TV shows.


    The world has moved on since the first iPhone. Remember that when the first iPhone was being designed, third party apps weren't even on the roadmap. Most apps will benefit from the extra vertical height.

  • Reply 31 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    The world has moved on since the first iPhone. Remember that when the first iPhone was being designed, third party apps weren't even on the roadmap. Most apps will benefit from the extra vertical height.


    Notice the /s at the end of his post.


    Notice also he's a multi-account troll and you should disregard everything he has ever said.

  • Reply 32 of 49
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member


    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post



    IMO the present 3.5 is just right if you focus more on phone then web/apps etc.

     If it is 4"...  they may have had no choice in order to fit the LTE chips and keep the battery life they wanted. Are there any small form factor phones out there that have LTE and have decent battery life?

    However, IMO they are leaving money on the table by not having a 4.5 inch size to compete with the SGIII and for those that have more focus on web and apps. Simple expand the present screen ratio up to 4.5(retina screen be damned!). Time will tell.

    I agree there is nothing wrong with the current size.  My request though would be a design that doesn't have to be wrapped in rubber condom for protection.  Come on who cares how thin they can make it if you immediately have to put an ugly protector on it.

  • Reply 33 of 49
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Notice the /s at the end of his post.


    Notice also he's a multi-account troll and you should disregard everything he has ever said.


    D'oh. :(

  • Reply 34 of 49


    Originally Posted by JerrySwitched26 View Post

    Nobody will want a 16:9 screen on an iPhone. <snip>  16:9 is NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING except TV shows.

    AMEN, brutha. 16:9 makes no sense in a computer, let alone a phone. I seriously hope this isn't the next iPhone.

  • Reply 35 of 49
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member

    This must be the most leaked Apple since the iPhone 4. Whatever happened to the culture of secrecy?


    It's interesting though that we've seen the iPhone 5 in extreme detail, but have yet to see much of the iPad mini.

  • Reply 36 of 49
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member


    Originally Posted by JerrySwitched26 View Post



    Nobody will want a 16:9 screen on an iPhone.  If 16:9 was best, Apple would have used it from the first generation.  But Apple decided AGAINST 16:9, and for very, very good reasons.  16:9 is NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING except TV shows.


    Apple does extensive prototype testing.  It decided that the very very bestest screen shape and size was the one they decided upon.  Any other size, any other shape is inferior.


    I do not believe that Apple is going to shitcan the best size screen.  I do not believe that Apple is going to shitcan the best shaped screen.  Not in a million years.


    If 16:9 was any good at all, Apple would not have rejected it so soundly for 5 generations of iPhones.  Apple does extensive prototype testing.  It KNOWS what the bestest is and Apple always uses the bestest.  Changing the size and the shape would be a HUGE mistake, because that would mean shitcanning the bestest in favor of something that is less bestest.






    Oh pish posh. 16:9 is the standard because it's shape we see in in. That's why TVs are 16:9, it's the perfect shape.


    Obviously video will hugely benefit from a 16:9 aspect, but games will also get a massive boost. The current screen is so tiny that on screen controls cover much of the screen. Going wider will help a little, although of course, not as much as just making an iPhone with a modern screen size, as well as a modern ratio.


    When Apple designed the first iPhone few were watching video on the go, or playing games on phones, so it didn't really matter that the screen was so tiny.

  • Reply 37 of 49
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    kotatsu wrote: »
    Oh pish posh. 16:9 is the standard because it's shape we see in in. That's why TVs are 16:9, it's the perfect shape.

    Obviously video will hugely benefit from a 16:9 aspect, but games will also get a massive boost. The current screen is so tiny that on screen controls cover much of the screen. Going wider will help a little, although of course, not as much as just making an iPhone with a modern screen size, as well as a modern ratio.

    When Apple designed the first iPhone few were watching video on the go, or playing games on phones, so it didn't really matter that the screen was so tiny.

    For video from TV, sure, but it's far from a perfect aspect ratio. There really is no such thing unless you qualify it for a specific use. For example, 16:9 isn't perfect for theatrical releases but it's decent balance for those that want to use letterboxing and those that prefer to shave some picture off the screen. I'd wager at some point even our TVs will become wider and larger thus closing the gap between a theater experience and the HEC.

    The iPhone could go wider so long as it device isn't much bigger. The problem with most of these high-end smartphones is that they are pushing the boundaries of being useful with one hand. What we're seeing with these rumours is an iPhone that isn't any wider in portrait view thus allowing the thumb to sweep just as far across the display as before and still be able to slide into the pocket easily. It might even be slightly easier to use and pocket if the casing, display tech and other components allow for it to reduce it's in-hand volume.

    The iPad is a prime example of why a tablet should be around 4:3 and not 16:9. I'd rather use letterboxing on that display to create a smaller window for the occasional times I watch video than have poor formatting for reading which is what I use it for the most. And I'm not talking about reading books, I'm mostly reading article on webpages.
  • Reply 38 of 49
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member

    Nobody will want a 16:9 screen on an iPhone.  If 16:9 was best, Apple would have used it from the first generation.  But Apple decided AGAINST 16:9, and for very, very good reasons.  16:9 is NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING except TV shows.

    Apple does extensive prototype testing.  It decided that the very very bestest screen shape and size was the one they decided upon.  Any other size, any other shape is inferior.

    I do not believe that Apple is going to shitcan the best size screen.  I do not believe that Apple is going to shitcan the best shaped screen.  Not in a million years.

    If 16:9 was any good at all, Apple would not have rejected it so soundly for 5 generations of iPhones.  Apple does extensive prototype testing.  It KNOWS what the bestest is and Apple always uses the bestest.  Changing the size and the shape would be a HUGE mistake, because that would mean shitcanning the bestest in favor of something that is less bestest.


    Edit: missed the s in your post. That's a nasty little s lol

    What about web pages or the keyboard? They would also benefit from a larger screen.
    Of course people tend to prefer what they are used to. I tried a galaxy nexus and I think that will always be too big for me. My current phone, the nexus s, has a perfect size for me. Too bad that it seems they are not going with that aspect ratio on the iPhone 5. If found a concept with that ratio and it looks great!

  • Reply 39 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    This must be the most leaked Apple since the iPhone 4.


    That'd be because there hasn't been a new design since the iPhone 4… And we saw iPhone 4S leaks before its launch, so your statement's not based in much of anything.


    Whatever happened to the culture of secrecy?


    We know absolutely nothing about the actual device nor if these parts are anything but a purposeful leak. I'd say that's fairly secret.


    It's interesting though that we've seen the 6th iPhone in extreme detail, but have yet to see much of the iPad mini.


    Wonder what that says about the idea of an iPad mini.

  • Reply 40 of 49
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Author Danbo said he has "no idea" if the power cable's new mystery feature will connect to a near-field communications chip.


    Because the (possible) new hardware component would be attached to the mute switch cable, that component could function even when the iPhone's screen is powered down.  So it could be for something related to mobile contactless payment using NFC.  There wouldn't be any need to power up the screen, unlock, then make the purchase.  You'd just wave the phone while it's "sleeping."  (Or is that called "power napping" now?  iOS devices seem to have always had the "power nap" feature.)



    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The back panel was said by those who had hands-on time with it to have a high-quality milled aluminum feel consistent with Apple products while remaining remarkably thin.


    Liquid Metal?  Maybe there's a way to put aluminum in the process now.

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