Samsung takes excluded evidence to the media, gets reprimanded



  • Reply 121 of 124
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by benanderson89 View Post

    If it was Infrared, it would be IR. It clearly states IReen


    IReen… ireen, irene, Irene! Irene Adler! Famed thief! THIEF! SAMSUNG ADMITS IT!

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  • Reply 122 of 124
    misamisa Posts: 827member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    The kind of things Samsung's lawyers are doing are so egregious and so blatantly stupid and self-serving that more and more I think that the problem here is cultural.  This is a case of two groups of people looking at the exact same facts and seeing them completely differently, not a case of some smart lawyer trying to get away with a tricky "tactic."


    The comment about them making 26% of the iPhone just shows an absolutely astounding lack of understanding.  It makes no sense to think of these millionaire business dudes and high priced lawyers being so stupid or trying to get away with such ridiculous stuff.  It makes more sense to assume that they just don't "see it" because the cultural basis of the understanding is missing.  


    Samsung is the same company who flies an entire entourage of staff, each given their own chauffeured Mazerati (or whatever expensive car it is) to drive them to each Olympic venue for being an Olympic sponsor. They are the only Olympic sponsor who does that. And what do these chauffeurs do when they're not driving? They are paid to sit in the parking garage half the day and run the engines. 


    If this is the kind of flashy money they are throwing around, the kind of activity their lawyers and PR staff pull is not surprising. 

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  • Reply 123 of 124
    8002580025 Posts: 184member

    While Apple argued the iPhone "changed phones forever" during its opening statement, the Galaxy maker noted Samsung parts account for some 26 percent of an iPhone and asked, "who's the real innovator?"


    Wow, and 26% of my new house was provided by a local lumber yard. By that logic, the lumber company is the real innovator in the dseign and construction.

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  • Reply 124 of 124
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,680member


    Originally Posted by Misa View Post


    Samsung is the same company who flies an entire entourage of staff, each given their own chauffeured Mazerati (or whatever expensive car it is) to drive them to each Olympic venue for being an Olympic sponsor. They are the only Olympic sponsor who does that. And what do these chauffeurs do when they're not driving? They are paid to sit in the parking garage half the day and run the engines. 


    If this is the kind of flashy money they are throwing around, the kind of activity their lawyers and PR staff pull is not surprising. 

    Where did you get that? According to news articles there's 500 BMW-supplied chauffer-driven limos made available to the group of Olympics corporate sponsors, not just Samsung.

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