New photos of rumored next-gen iPhone display shielding surface online



  • Reply 21 of 28
    sgtfire wrote: »
    Walk like an E-gyp-tian. Now that's funny. And I also agree with Phone UI, all these leaks takes all the fun out of it. We basically know everything about the phone before it even is announced. I'll be getting one anyway as I'm currently using a crapdroid. Counting the days!

    That's what they said about the iPhone 5 rumors in 2011, and then Apple announced the iPhone 4S. I remember how "disappointed" everyone was because the rumor mill had pumped echo-chamber-amplified lies and misinformation into everyone's heads.
  • Reply 22 of 28
    gatorguy wrote: »
    ...which if true means these aren't all "leaks" but instead intentional advance promo work coming from Apple.

    Riiight. And Jason Chen must secretly be an Apple employee who received his "stolen" iPhone 4 so Gizmodo could "leak" it before Steve Jobs showed it to the public.
  • Reply 23 of 28
    Microsoft will put a keyboard on their Windows Phone 8 cover and call it innovation.
  • Reply 24 of 28


    Originally Posted by SgtFire View Post

    Walk like an E-gyp-tian. Now that's funny. And I also agree with Phone UI, all these leaks takes all the fun out of it. We basically know everything about the phone before it even is announced. I'll be getting one anyway as I'm currently using a crapdroid. Counting the days!


    One month and three days and counting here as well. 


    I've been looking forward to this day. My old pre-smart phone died while waiting for Verizon to get the iPhone, so I went crapdroid. Now that I'm off that contract, I've been highly awaiting the next iPhone to come out.

  • Reply 25 of 28
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    Now that Steve is gone, the fear of punishment for leaks is diminished. We'll see more of them than when Steve was alive.

    Steve talked about the "values" that Apple stood for with Walt at All Things D especially related to the Gizmodo iPhone4 racket.

    Steve and Apple's values would certainly not have settled with ProView, and certainly the amount of iPhone 5 leaks is... disturbing.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    Also, something is a bit weird with the 16:9. Nothing in iOS6 so far even hints at 16:9, which is very, very tight for Apple iOS. Which is good, but kind of weird as well, because developers are all preparing for iOS6. If the iPhone 5 had 16:9 for apps, etc. How would it adjust? Is it just for video and apps will get none/different use of the extra width?

    Tell me this doesn't pique your curiosity a little.
  • Reply 27 of 28
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by sr2012 View Post

    Steve and Apple's values would certainly not have settled with ProView, and certainly the amount of 6th iPhone leaks is… disturbing.


    The iPhone 4 was leaked completely. Steve even acknowledged that on stage.


    Originally Posted by sr2012 View Post

    Is it just for video and apps will get none/different use of the extra width?

    Tell me this doesn't pique your curiosity a little.


    My curiosity's piqued at why you think Apple would go to the trouble of introducing a brand new resolution and not actually use it. Apple's not the type to put stuff on their hardware that isn't for any purpose. I'm sure you've seen those PC laptops (and towers, of course) with the plastic cut-out for a VGA port, but there's no port and the piece of plastic supposed to be cut out is still there with an outline in its shape. That's basically the equivalent of giving us a larger screen and not using it.


    Don't worry! No one was told about retina displays before the iPhone 4 was released and everyone did just fine.

  • Reply 28 of 28


    Originally Posted by silverpraxis View Post


    The people denying the apparent new iPhone design are akin to science-deniers. In the face of mounting evidence, they cling to some irrational and illogical hope of something completely contrary to fact-based reality. 


    Gotta love that, comparing rumors to science!


    Mind you, I am not saying some of the leaked parts are not legit. They may well be.  I am just saying that TC and co. may actually have an ace up their sleeve, so the doubling-down thing may yet turn out to be as much science as these rumors. We'll see.

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