More than $60,000 in "computers and personal items" stolen from Steve Jobs' home



  • Reply 41 of 68
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member


    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    Actually, a lot of people with tons of money live is pretty "normal" neighborhoods here in Silicon Valley.

    The whole Silicon Valley culture in general is relatively casual. Living in gated communities with security guards is the exception around here for rich people, not the norm. People move freely around here, particularly between companies (that's how Silicon Valley got started: guys going from Shockley to Fairchild to Intel to...). Non-compete clauses are basically unenforceable in the state of California.

    Don't know why you think Steve lived in a neighborhood below his standards. Old Palo Alto is full of CEO and VC-types. Steve actually purchased two adjacent lots (both were designated historic) and merged them. The house is located in walking distance of some superb public schools.

    I am very familiar with the Silicon Valley and lived out there for a number of years, and I know where Steve lived and actually looked at places there, most were run down and at the time about more than 15yrs ago the prices were not too bad almost in my reach. Steve also moved there before most CEO and others moved in they came in after him and began fixing the places up and turned it all around. Right across 101 in East Palo Alto which was the shooting and drug Capital of North Calif and until they clean that mess up no one really wanted to buy in the Palo Alto area especially as you near 101. Prior to this most E types lived in Los Gatos or up in the mountain along 280 heading up it SF. I know that has all changed and people are moving into the older area and fixing up the smaller homes.

  • Reply 42 of 68
    diddydiddy Posts: 282member


    Originally Posted by popnfresh View Post

    I'm surprised the house wasn't more secure.

    It was purportedly being renovated at the time - what are they going to do in a residential neighborhood without disturbing the neighbors as it is?

  • Reply 43 of 68
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member

    It is had to believe that Steve's home could be broken into and so much stolen without a security firm being alerted of the burglars presence and the security being there in record time.  I rarely hear of a Billionaire being ripped off like this.  Doesn't sound right.

  • Reply 44 of 68
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    kent909 wrote: »
    I am going to say these items belong to a family member.

    Probably. Well the comput stuff at least. Anything of value to the company would have been kept in campus. And any personal data of Steve's was probably backed up to several hard drives and kept in a safe, at the campus and/or in a safety deposit box some where if kept at all.
  • Reply 45 of 68
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    What does it matter?
    The family's assets are in a revocable living trust, pretty much invisible to the outside world.

    The assets sure. But his guy was taking their iMac, couple of iPads, stereo system etc. none of that was likely Steve's or had his personal info on it at this point.
  • Reply 46 of 68
    maestro64 wrote: »
    I am very familiar with the Silicon Valley and lived out there for a number of years, and I know where Steve lived and actually looked at places there, most were run down and at the time about more than 15yrs ago the prices were not too bad almost in my reach. Steve also moved there before most CEO and others moved in they came in after him and began fixing the places up and turned it all around. Right across 101 in East Palo Alto which was the shooting and drug Capital of North Calif and until they clean that mess up no one really wanted to buy in the Palo Alto area especially as you near 101. Prior to this most E types lived in Los Gatos or up in the mountain along 280 heading up it SF. I know that has all changed and people are moving into the older area and fixing up the smaller homes.
    Waverley Street isn't particularly close to East Palo Alto, it's far closer to El Camino Real.

    Palo Alto real estate has never been that affordable in the past twenty years, because the public school system is so highly regarded that it adds about $100-150K. You have to pay a premium if you want to send your kids to Palo Alto public schools. Steve's house is right in the middle of Jordan (Middle) and Paly (High).

    Steve lived in Woodside before Palo Alto, he knew what he was getting. There's a lot of old money in Old Palo Alto. Note that the architectural laws prevent a lot of large-scale renovation projects in that area. When combining his two parcels, Steve was bound by certain regulations; he found a perfectly legal "loophole" and to the surprise of preservationists at the time, demolished the larger structure.

    Most of the old guard owners in Old Palo Alto started passing away in the Nineties which is why the properties in that area have started moving. It's a little insane right now, multi-million dollar properties with multiple cash-only bids. That's how desirable living in Palo Alto is.
  • Reply 47 of 68
    charlituna wrote: »
    The assets sure. But his guy was taking their iMac, couple of iPads, stereo system etc. none of that was likely Steve's or had his personal info on it at this point.
    They quoted $60,000 in stolen property. Most likely there was something more valuable like jewelry which would be assets. Admittedly $60K is a drop in the bucket relative to the family's wealth.
  • Reply 48 of 68
    maecvsmaecvs Posts: 129member
    When I walked past his place last spring, there was a ghost car parked across the street from the house. I wonder if it's still there?
  • Reply 49 of 68
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Maecvs View Post

    When I walked past his place last spring, there was a ghost car parked across the street from the house. I wonder if it's still there?


    … "ghost car"… ?

  • Reply 50 of 68
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Why say homogenized win you can say homogend. Why says rationalize when you can say rationaled. Seriously? Are you really suggesting a word is wrong simply because it's usage is different in another culture? I'm anispeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have you suggest such pericombobulations.
    PS: Sausage.

    You sound like Don King lol
  • Reply 51 of 68
    maecvsmaecvs Posts: 129member
    … "ghost car"… ?

    An unmarked police car.
  • Reply 52 of 68
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Maecvs View Post

    An unmarked police car.


    Cool. I learned a new use for that phrase today… 


    Steve had a security contingent that lived in the house next door, too. Perhaps they were dismissed by Laurene when he passed.


    Edit: Had WWII on the brain… 

  • Reply 53 of 68
    Cool. I learned a new use for that phrase today… 

    Steve had a security contingent that lived in the house next door, too. Perhaps they were dismissed by Lorainne when he passed.

  • Reply 54 of 68
    maecvsmaecvs Posts: 129member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Cool. I learned a new use for that phrase today… 


    Steve had a security contingent that lived in the house next door, too. Perhaps they were dismissed by Laurene when he passed.


    Edit: Had WWII on the brain… 


    There was no one in the car. It was just parked a couple doors down. I assume to act as a 'scarecrow' to keep the riff raff away. If the car was gone at the time of the break-in, it just may return. 

  • Reply 55 of 68
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Wasn't the house tucked away at the end of a street with a lot woods around it? Maybe this is an [I]actual [/I]case of security through obscurity?
  • Reply 56 of 68
    maecvsmaecvs Posts: 129member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Wasn't the house tucked away at the end of a street with a lot woods around it? Maybe this is an actual case of security through obscurity?

    Perhaps the Woodside one was. The Waverley one is on a corner lot. From the SR Ave side the house only sits about 10 feet from the sidewalk. You can look right in through the windows on that street. 

  • Reply 57 of 68
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    igamogam wrote: »
    Why say "burglarized" when you can use burgled? It's like saying "stolenized" instead of stolen or "thieverization" instead of thievery.

    And we have the winingest teams here in the USA ... you just have to accept they love adapting English here and move on ... / smile
  • Reply 58 of 68
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Why say homogenized win you can say homogend. Why says rationalize when you can say rationaled. Seriously? Are you really suggesting a word is wrong simply because it's usage is different in another culture? I'm anispeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have you suggest such pericombobulations.
    PS: Sausage.

    I'm keeping this response to use in the future and I'll credit you. Awesome ... /LOL (Oh wait a minute ... Black Adder ... you got me)
  • Reply 59 of 68
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Wasn't the house tucked away at the end of a street with a lot woods around it? Maybe this is an actual case of security through obscurity?

    On a serious note: Hopefully SJ used Orbicule Under Cover. I have the family pack and suggest everyone check it out. This plus Apple's FMM all add to a higher chance of recovery.
  • Reply 60 of 68
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I'm keeping this response to use in the future and I'll credit you. Awesome ... /LOL (Oh wait a minute ... Black Adder ... you got me)

    Yeah, I did edit it enough that the comment is original even though many of the last words in the final sentence are from Blackadder. I thought to putting them in quotes but I thought it would detract from my attempt at humor... and I need all the help I can get. My intent was not to take credit for all the *made up* words used.

    On a serious note: Hopefully SJ used Orbicule Under Cover. I have the family pack and suggest everyone check it out. This plus Apple's FMM all add to a higher chance of recovery.

    I think their business model is all wrong. I wish i could code because I think the SW should be absolutely free of charge. People are by and large reactive, not proactive. You make it free and get it on every machine possible. So how do they make money? You have to pay to track your machine. If I lost it i would certainly pay more than they are asking for to buy the license in the hopes that I might recover my property and data. Perhaps they run the numbers and found that machines aren't stolen enough for this to be viable.
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