Apple, Samsung portray different visions of the future given jury's decision



  • Reply 21 of 45
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    dogchop99 wrote: »

    Found the above... even the article quotes SAMSUNG as... "Clearly Samsung's bolder approach, which in a way echoes Apple, Inc. (AAPL) is winning out."

    That just pretty much sums up the industries answer to why SAMSUNG is making soooo much money at the moment.
    I'd love to see HTC, Motorolla, and SAMSUNG spend some time and money - collaboratively - and develop a REAL alternative to what APPLE has done and offer some REAL competition, but clearly these companies just aren't capable of innovating even this simple idea!


    Yea ok. Samsung's gonna hitch it's wagon to 2 dying horses.
  • Reply 22 of 45

    They're both right. If Samsung wins, it will hurt Apple's ability to innovate, and if Apple wins, it will hurt Samsung's ability to copy. Fortunately, our patent system was setup to protect innovation at the expense of copying. Let's see if the jurors are smarter than our forum trolls.

  • Reply 23 of 45
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    If they come out with something not slavishly copying the iPhone the Apple haters will just claim how Apple is stagnant, how Samsung et al. are the only true innovators, etc. A complete a change of pace from their previous statements that Apple has done is so obvious and that it's the only way to make a phone or tablet, which itself is a complete change from the original statements of how stupid Apple's iPhone and iPad were.

    Well the brilliance of the iPhone is not what it looks like but what it can do. That's one thing Samsung cannot copy no matter how they try, and it was a process that started with the iPod. No company at this moment can afford to start slow and work its way up.
  • Reply 24 of 45
    This article should have a byline of Apple PR.
    "Stop stealing our rectangles!" Apple bellowed. FAIL.
  • Reply 25 of 45
    bcodebcode Posts: 141member

    Wow.  I don't envy the Jury on this one...  A lot of responsibility riding on this decision.


    I can't imagine they'll give them the whole 2.75bil, but I'm hoping they'll go for half of that at least.

  • Reply 26 of 45

    I know a win is a win, but I hope Apple wins this case, plus any appeals on the facts, merit, etc, & not due to the Samsung attorneys antics. Sometimes I wondered if they had been watching too many lawyer based TV shows or something, & could do whatever they wanted to try to win the case.


    Will be interesting to hear what Judge Koh will decide to do about those antics after the trial is over.

  • Reply 27 of 45
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post

    Only uneducated people think that Apple should win.


    People talk about standard features like 3G?


    Well there are standards for design too. Rectangles and rounded corners are design standards, so no one company can claim ownership of it.


    Just because there's a legal structure around one and not the other does not make one inherently more important than the other.



    First off, 3G is a "standard" specification because a variety of industry participants collaborated on signaling technologies.


    Nobody collaborated to form a standard for designs that Apple made famous. So there is absolutely no connection between the two.


    Also, Apple didn't patent rectangles and rounded corners. It patented a series of elements to create an iconically distinctive device form factor for its iOS products. Apple isn't suing everyone who develops a device that incorporates rectangles and rounded corners. No lawsuits against the Kindle Fire or a variety of devices that have rectangles (such as the Nokia Lumia phones). You are simply (and quite obviously) repeating Samsung's official propaganda.


    In addition to its filed design patents (readily available), Apple also has registered and unregister (simply famous) trade dress related to the appearance of the iPhone. 


    If you have been paying attention, you'll recall that in 2000, Apple successfully sued eMachines and Daewoo when they copied the original iMac and tried selling the eOne and EPower PCs intended to steal Apple's goodwill with lookalike clones that closely mimicked the iMac. Apple stopped them from making iMac knockoffs, but didn't prevent them from selling PCs, or even all-in-one PCs, and there are certainly a lot of PC makers still around 12 years later. 


    "Just because there's a legal structure around one and not the other does not make one inherently more important than the other"


    You might as well say "the fact that someone owns a house and the fact that I want to own their house is equally important, and just because there's a legal structure around their title deed doesn't mean I can't enter their house and start living in it."


    Either you don't understand the basics of living in a free country under the rule of law, or you're a revolutionary Communist who should be slashing throats in SE Asia to enslave/rescue your fellowman in an insane political experiment rather than sitting on the web sharing your failure to understand intellectual property using copy/paste operations.  

  • Reply 28 of 45
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by LizSandford View Post

    This article should have a byline of Apple PR.

    "Stop stealing our rectangles!" Apple bellowed. FAIL.


    And which "rectangles" would they be, pray tell?


    So how about Samsung's bellowing of "Stop stealing our smileys" working out for you?


    Is that a "fail" too, except it's probably in German so I guess it's "durchfallen".




    Here's the patent

  • Reply 29 of 45
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    This article should have a byline of Apple PR.
    "Stop stealing our rectangles!" Apple bellowed. FAIL.

    "...and if you look to the left, you'll see what we like to call a 'straw man'..."
  • Reply 30 of 45

    "Stop stealing our rectangles!" Apple bellowed. FAIL.


    Like some people not getting what it's all about, & coming up with this time & again. FAIL

  • Reply 31 of 45

    No offence intended. My reply was not meant to be personal, just a general comment about some people on these forums.

  • Reply 32 of 45
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by TogetherWeStand View Post

    No offence intended. My reply was not meant to be personal, just a general comment about some people on these forums.


    If people are paid to post here, as is suspected for some of these posters, then why worry?


    At the end of the week they'll still collect their cheque so they probably don't care.

  • Reply 33 of 45


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    If people are paid to post here, as is suspected for some of these posters, then why worry?




    Paid or unpaid that doesn't matter, being personal crosses a line. You should treat others as you wish be treated yourself.

  • Reply 34 of 45
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member

    Paid or unpaid that doesn't matter, being personal crosses a line. You should treat others as you wish be treated yourself.

    And he does. If he made an equally facile comment he'd expect to get smacked up with some common sense by the reasonable posters here.
  • Reply 35 of 45
    xrcxxrcx Posts: 117member

    I would really love to see the Jury do the right thing here and decide in Apple's favor and throw the book at Samsung. This whole, "it will hurt competition and apple is trying to be a monopoly" is just crap.


    While I prefer IOS I honestly never had a problem with andriod phones or tablets until I started reading boards and comments. Sure Apple fans were a bit prissy about owning their product, but the trolling that has followed since Andriod has become popular is insane, everywhere I go I read horrible hate filled messages from (andriod fanboys, paid stooges, or just uninformed fools who are ignorantly repeating what they hear from other android fans). I have heard so much of it that it actually has make me detest Andriod for no other reason than the people who use them. Even here, which is supposed to be an apple fansite, people flock in and trash apple and post stupid misinformed garbage.


    Anyone who isn't braindead can take one look and see that Samsung copied apple products, i am not going to argue the legalities of each patent, thats for the jury to do, but take one real hard look and honestly tell me that Samsung didn't copy the look and feel of Apples products, no one with a conscience can make that statement.


    I would love nothing more than to see a viable "original" competitor emerge in the smartphone market to keep Apple honest. But I haven't so far, and its really sad that comanies like Samsung have chosen to take the road that they have. Claiming that they had to copy because innovating something else was too hard is just insane.

  • Reply 36 of 45
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    xrcx wrote: »
    Anyone who isn't braindead can take one look and see that Samsung copied apple products

    Maybe you're more correct than you know. You've heard of prosopagnosia, right. Perhaps there is a variation of this brain damage that prevents something similar with technologies for some people. Technophenosia?
  • Reply 37 of 45
    strat09strat09 Posts: 158member
    I laughed at the joke about Steve Jobs yelling in court for Samsung being a copy cat of Blackberry, Palm and Apple... Hahaha. :p

    And Apple has the right to those patents... Samsung didn't invent anything. I've never even bothered with their products. It's always been Blackberry and Apple for me. : )
  • Reply 38 of 45
    Tell me something, fellow posters. Since the start of this trial, and the absolute bungling by Samsung's attorneys, how many of you have a distaste for [B]anything[/B] that Samsung has produced? I have been seriously thinking about getting another HD TV, and I have found that anytime I see a Samsung one, I gaff at it in disgust. I don't even bother looking at it.

    How many of you have had the same knee-jerk reaction that I have had?
  • Reply 39 of 45


    Originally Posted by Mike Eggleston View Post

    Tell me something, fellow posters. Since the start of this trial, and the absolute bungling by Samsung's attorneys, how many of you have a distaste for anything that Samsung has produced? I have been seriously thinking about getting another HD TV, and I have found that anytime I see a Samsung one, I gaff at it in disgust. I don't even bother looking at it.

    How many of you have had the same knee-jerk reaction that I have had?

    Frankly, I have had that reaction ever since I saw a Samsung product. Their flip-phones (with those big antennas on top) were bulky, scratch-prone, slow, and had offending startup and ring tones. A cheaper Nokia was a hell lot better.

    And it's become worse since Samsung's obvious copy acts. I have been recommending all my friends to buy anything but Samsung, be it phones, TVs or tablets.

  • Reply 40 of 45
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Mike Eggleston View Post

    Tell me something, fellow posters. Since the start of this trial, and the absolute bungling by Samsung's attorneys, how many of you have a distaste for anything that Samsung has produced? I have been seriously thinking about getting another HD TV, and I have found that anytime I see a Samsung one, I gaff at it in disgust. I don't even bother looking at it.

    How many of you have had the same knee-jerk reaction that I have had?


    Well I gotrid of the Samsung fridge when the cost to replace broken plastic shelves was higher than an iPad, I got a Bosch mainly for the far cleaner design and it's not Samsung the fridges they make have doors that stick up higher than the cabinet for some weird reason, maybe to make it look bigger than it is, the curved handles do not fit my kitchen at all.


    Washing machine barely outlasted the warranty before it broke after paying to get a quote to fix it, again more than the cost of an iPad so I replaced that with an Electrolux.


    Home theatre system, the DVD drive failed leaving me with these speakers with plugs made especially for the all in one DVD thing, I had to buy another DVD player and plug it in, that I replaced with a Pioneer Amp, Sony Blueray, Apple TV, in ceiling speakers with normal wires, a powered sub-woofer.


    The only Samsung things I have left is a 42" plasma in a spare room that I got free when I bought my house and my Galaxy Nexus.


    I don't think there is ANY field they are in where they are associated with quality, the only thing they seem to excel at is built in obsolescence.


    When buying a camera it's Canon or Nikon, NOT Samsung.


    Audio equipment Sony, Pioneer< Marantz or others NOT Samsung.


    Whitegoods, Smeg, Bosch, Blanko NOT Samsung.


    Samsung to me means vacuous, gaudy, shiny stuff loaded with empty promises.

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