Apple stock soars to all-time intraday, closing high after favorable verdict



  • Reply 21 of 77
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    cameronj wrote: »
    Probably this tiny little continent called Europe ;)  It's melting down (very slowly) in case you haven't heard ;)

    The EU never had a chance. Introducing the Euro only hastened its decline. But, the market may not tank because of it, though it could decline somewhat. We've already had several months of frustration due to the EU's problems, but it's mostly back where it was before.

    As long as we don't double dip, we should be ok. And while you can always find one or two who say we will, there's no evidence for it right now.
  • Reply 22 of 77
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Keep on thinking that.


    Fine, this stuff with two years' worth of ruined corn crops is going to cause some consternation. 

  • Reply 23 of 77
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    cameronj wrote: »
    Of course I'm happy about 2%, as I own the stock.  But sorry, you don't know what you're talking about.

    Apparently, neither do you.
  • Reply 24 of 77
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Wrong again! In the stock market, a 2% rise in one day for a major stock is a soar. You may not be happy with that, but it's true nevertheless.

    This is psychological, not monetary.


    2% in one day is a pretty good day for Apple indeed, especially with the market going down a bit.

  • Reply 25 of 77
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member

    Ok so I am gonna go out on a limb here.  I will quote FoxNews.  It's Obamas fault.  There now sell all your stock and retire because it's Obamas fault.

  • Reply 26 of 77
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The EU never had a chance. Introducing the Euro only hastened its decline. But, the market may not tank because of it, though it could decline somewhat. We've already had several months of frustration due to the EU's problems, but it's mostly back where it was before.

    As long as we don't double dip, we should be ok. And while you can always find one or two who say we will, there's no evidence for it right now.

    What about the fact that global economic growth appears to have peaked?  The only question is how far down does it go before it starts going up again... and if Europe can't draw a line under this crap, it's going to keep suffering.  Businesses and markets hate nothing more than uncertainty, and Europe can't seem to stop broadcasting uncertainty.  The USA can't be propped up by stimulus forever.  Eventually there has to be real demand, and that's been missing for a long time now.  You keep feeding the patient Ecstasy and eventually the brain stops making its own happiness.

  • Reply 27 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    2% is not "soaring"


    It's not just about today. Apple's stock on been on a nice rise ever since the drop after the recent earnings report. If I recall correctly, it was down at around 570.

  • Reply 28 of 77
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    It's not just about today. Apple's stock on been on a nice rise ever since the drop after the recent earnings report. If I recall correctly, it was down at around 570.

    No denying that it has soared in the past year, the past 5 years, the past 10 years.  And I couldn't be happier that I've owned it for almost all of the past 5 of those (including today).  But not today.  And it was just about today.  We're talking about the headline.

  • Reply 29 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    But not today.  And it was just about today.  We're talking about the headline.


    I don't think that the article can be faulted for using the word "soaring". Apple did rise to an all time intraday high today, higher than it's ever been, and I believe that meets the definition of soaring. Even if AAPL only rose .5 % today, it would still be soaring.

    1.     to fly upward, as a bird.



    to fly at a great height, without visible movements of thepinions, as a bird.


    to glide along at a height, as an airplane.


    to rise or ascend to a height, as a mountain.


    to rise or aspire to a higher or more exalted level

  • Reply 30 of 77
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    I don't think that the article can be faulted for using the word "soaring". Apple did rise to an all time intraday high today, higher than it's ever been, and I believe that meets the definition of soaring. Even if AAPL only rose .5 % today, it would still be soaring.

    1.     to fly upward, as a bird.



    to fly at a great height, without visible movements of thepinions, as a bird.


    to glide along at a height, as an airplane.


    to rise or ascend to a height, as a mountain.


    to rise or aspire to a higher or more exalted level

    LOL if we're going to reduce the word soaring to "a tiny tiny rise" then yeah, you're right.  But you're the only one saying that.  The people with whom I'm arguing  on this thread are clearly claiming that a 2% rise is a large increase simply because Apple is large.  Sadly I'm guessing they wouldn't be so happy if Apple did what most large companies do at best, and increase in value by 8-15% in a solid year.  Something tells me most stockholders of Apple wouldn't consider that "soaring" over the course of a year.  Yet by your definition, as long as Apple stock increases by a penny every day for the next year, it will have SOARED EVERY DAY, and it's 0.05% gain over the course of the year would be met with happy headlines proclaiming that AAPL stock SOARED in 2012.  Right?


    Riiiight ;)

  • Reply 31 of 77


    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Probably this tiny little continent called Europe ;)  It's melting down (very slowly) in case you haven't heard ;)

    No offense, but I'd rather that herbapou answered the question. :-) I am guessing he won't now (or will provide a variant of your answer).


    That aside, I don't think the meltdown of the euro will happen, since Greece (and possibly Spain, Portugal) will be out of the euro long before that. It was a mistake to include countries with dramatically lower labor productivity (combined with no out by way of monetary/fiscal policies).

  • Reply 32 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    LOL if we're going to reduce the word soaring to "a tiny tiny rise" then yeah, you're right.  But you're the only one saying that.  The people with whom I'm arguing  on this thread are clearly claiming that a 2% rise is a large increase simply because Apple is large.  Sadly I'm guessing they wouldn't be so happy if Apple did what most large companies do at best, and increase in value by 8-15% in a solid year.  Something tells me most stockholders of Apple wouldn't consider that "soaring" over the course of a year.  Yet by your definition, as long as Apple stock increases by a penny every day for the next year, it will have SOARED EVERY DAY, and it's 0.05% gain over the course of the year would be met with happy headlines proclaiming that AAPL stock SOARED in 2012.  Right?


    Riiiight ;)


    I guess it comes down to how somebody defines soaring. If AAPL hadn't hit an all time high today, then I obviously wouldn't have considered a 2% rise to be soaring.


    As for your penny increase scenario, it would be pretty funny if AAPL behaved like that. It would make trading AAPL kind of boring though, if a $675 stock only moved a penny each day. Even RIM and other failed stocks move more than that each day.


    But you're right, by the definition which I gave, I guess that AAPL would be soaring if it only went up a penny each day, and hit a new all time high every day. Luckily for us and for others who dabble in the stock, that scenario won't happen, so there's no chance of me looking foolish. :)

  • Reply 33 of 77


    Originally Posted by Eric Dolecki View Post

    It is when the stock is already worth so much... 2% is a lot. And yes. Soaring.


    It's easy to see how people can argue about this.  But to me, the 2% increase is a $12B increase.  Twelve billion dollars kind of sounds like "soaring" to me.  Or from another perspective, my perosnal AAPL holdings went up $30K today, which is 50% of my original investment back in the previous century.  So either way I look at it, 50% or $12B, I think AAPL soared today! image

  • Reply 34 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by tylerk36 View Post

    Ok so I am gonna go out on a limb here.  I will quote FoxNews.  It's Obamas fault.  There now sell all your stock and retire because it's Obamas fault.

    Well, many things are his fault. But why the need to take a dig at Fox News in a topic that has nothing to do with it?


    I bet that Obama losing is going to be a great thing for the stock market and the economy in general. I can hardly wait.

  • Reply 35 of 77
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    cameronj wrote: »
    Doesn't matter what the base price is.  Whether it's 2000 cents or merely 600 dollars.  Percentage moves are all that matters when considering how "big" a move is.  If you invest $6000 and buy 10 shares, $120 is not a lot.  If you invest $600,000 and buy 1000 shares, $12,000 is not a lot.

    2% is not "soaring"
    Whether it's soaring or not that 2% represented an $11 billion increase in market cap. That's not nothing.
  • Reply 36 of 77
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Whether it's soaring or not that 2% represented an $11 billion increase in market cap. That's not nothing.

    Sounds like we're getting close to agreeing ;)  Apple went up today in a slight, non-zero, non-nothing amount.  Perfect.  Every share you own gets a tiny $12 worth of that huge gain.  

  • Reply 37 of 77
    cameronj wrote: »
    LOL if we're going to reduce the word soaring to "a tiny tiny rise" then yeah, you're right.  But you're the only one saying that.

    Tell you what. I'll lend you $10000, if you give me a 2% return every day for the next year before you pay me back the principle, Then you can tell me about soaring.
  • Reply 38 of 77
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Tell you what. I'll lend you $10000, if you give me a 2% return every day for the next year before you pay me back the principle, Then you can tell me about soaring.

    Let's see - $10,000 investment and you get $200 back every day? Yes, that would be pretty impressive. 730% return on investment.
  • Reply 39 of 77
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member


    Originally Posted by mmmdoughnuts View Post

    Tell you what. I'll lend you $10000, if you give me a 2% return every day for the next year before you pay me back the principle, Then you can tell me about soaring.

    See, all the people who claim it's such a huge gain change it up so it's not just 2% in a day (which is small).  It's always oh gee 2% every day for a year is really large so 2% in one day is large!  Or Apple is up so much this YEAR it's really soared!  Wrong!  2% in one day, SMALL gain.

  • Reply 40 of 77
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    No offense, but I'd rather that herbapou answered the question. :-) I am guessing he won't now (or will provide a variant of your answer).

    That aside, I don't think the meltdown of the euro will happen, since Greece (and possibly Spain, Portugal) will be out of the euro long before that. It was a mistake to include countries with dramatically lower labor productivity (combined with no out by way of monetary/fiscal policies).

    For me its not one thing in particular, its the combination of all the data combine with the
    latest run and the fact that september is offen a bad month, I dont like it.

    I just ride on those options since 530, so securing the profits and taking a pause. If we get a pull back, i will slowly get back in since I expect Apple to rally on huge earnings expectatins in january 2013.
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