2. How Do The People That Capitalize Every Word In A Sentence Exist? I mean, sure, titles; that I can understand. But when they type every sentence like that, how do they exist? They're having to hit Shift for every word. Did they learn to write like that? And what books are they reading that do that?
Its the official Chinese way of spelling. They want to EMPHAsize the very meaning of every word. Isn't chinese calligraphy capitalized on all title words.
Seeing the Home Button i wonder if apple ever engineered into a better Home Button. The amount of Home Button complaint is ridiculously high.
That's because people don't take care of their possessions. Get dirt under the button, of course it's going to break. Same with any keyboard key. The only way to fix that is with a touchscreen keyboard, but you can't take away the Home Button without redesigning the primary UX of the phone.
This makes no sense to me. I think you are just making this up and inadvertently presenting it as fact because you don't know how to write english sentences properly or clearly. Please point to the source that indicates Apple designs it's phones with two separate teams, handing the design off every year to the opposite team.
As a grammar nazi, you should be well aware of the difference between "its" and "it's".
This makes no sense to me. I think you are just making this up and inadvertently presenting it as fact because you don't know how to write english sentences properly or clearly. Please point to the source that indicates Apple designs it's phones with two separate teams, handing the design off every year to the opposite team.
You can't disprove it!
/God theory.
He doesn't need to, the burden of proof lies on the one making charges. Things don't exist until proven otherwise. daMoog is stating something as fact without providing any evidence to support it, there is no reason for anyone else to accept his conclusion because as far as we can tell, at this moment it relies on a baseless belief.
daMoog is stating something as fact without providing any evidence to support it, there is no reason for anyone else to accept his conclusion because as far as we can tell, at this moment it relies on a baseless belief.
And it makes no sense besides to fragment the design process instead of consolidating the experience over several generations of production.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the massive problem of dust getting in between the screen and digitizer, the 3GS had. I sincerely hope this isn't the case and the 'updates' listed in the article will prevent this from happening in the 6th gen iPhone.
Edit: Referring to Tallest Skil's suggestion that it can be dirt under the button:
That, and maybe pushing the button too hard habitually.
iPad I still going strong with daily use of several hours since the day they came out, knock on wood. The battery is getting a bit shallow, though.
My concern about Home Button longevity has led me to use the iPad gestures for getting to the home screen and switching apps instead of the button, since I won't be getting a subsidized upgrade every two years. If you you don't know, put all five fingers on the screen and push up for the running apps, or pull them all together (like a giant pinch to zoom) to get to the home screen.
If you you don't know, put all five fingers on the screen and push up for the running apps, or pull them all together (like a giant pinch to zoom) to get to the home screen.
Oh, I've used those on my iPad exclusively since they first came out. They're great. Four finger swiping left and right moves between apps, as well. With the boinging effect if you're at either end of the line (there's a bug in 5.1.1 that they'll never ever fix where if you close an app in the Multitasking Bar while not on the Sprinbgoard, that app doesn't actually close and you can still swipe over to that app).
The iPhone 3G5S.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
1. How, inherently?
2. How Do The People That Capitalize Every Word In A Sentence Exist? I mean, sure, titles; that I can understand. But when they type every sentence like that, how do they exist? They're having to hit Shift for every word. Did they learn to write like that? And what books are they reading that do that?
Its the official Chinese way of spelling. They want to EMPHAsize the very meaning of every word. Isn't chinese calligraphy capitalized on all title words.
Originally Posted by ksec
Seeing the Home Button i wonder if apple ever engineered into a better Home Button. The amount of Home Button complaint is ridiculously high.
That's because people don't take care of their possessions. Get dirt under the button, of course it's going to break. Same with any keyboard key. The only way to fix that is with a touchscreen keyboard, but you can't take away the Home Button without redesigning the primary UX of the phone.
As a grammar nazi, you should be well aware of the difference between "its" and "it's".
He doesn't need to, the burden of proof lies on the one making charges. Things don't exist until proven otherwise. daMoog is stating something as fact without providing any evidence to support it, there is no reason for anyone else to accept his conclusion because as far as we can tell, at this moment it relies on a baseless belief.
That, and maybe pushing the button too hard habitually.
iPad I still going strong with daily use of several hours since the day they came out, knock on wood. The battery is getting a bit shallow, though.
And it makes no sense besides to fragment the design process instead of consolidating the experience over several generations of production.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the massive problem of dust getting in between the screen and digitizer, the 3GS had. I sincerely hope this isn't the case and the 'updates' listed in the article will prevent this from happening in the 6th gen iPhone.
My concern about Home Button longevity has led me to use the iPad gestures for getting to the home screen and switching apps instead of the button, since I won't be getting a subsidized upgrade every two years. If you you don't know, put all five fingers on the screen and push up for the running apps, or pull them all together (like a giant pinch to zoom) to get to the home screen.
Originally Posted by LarryA
If you you don't know, put all five fingers on the screen and push up for the running apps, or pull them all together (like a giant pinch to zoom) to get to the home screen.
Oh, I've used those on my iPad exclusively since they first came out. They're great. Four finger swiping left and right moves between apps, as well. With the boinging effect if you're at either end of the line (there's a bug in 5.1.1 that they'll never ever fix where if you close an app in the Multitasking Bar while not on the Sprinbgoard, that app doesn't actually close and you can still swipe over to that app).
"The iPhone 5"
What did you just say?
EDIT: h, it's DED, so whatever.
Originally Posted by blackbook
That's a possibility.
I don't mind the new design but I still don't feel it's a cohesive design.
Anyway it's the features it has that's going to make or break it.
Cohesive design? How so?