New iPod touch said to have built-in GPS & new colors, to act as game controller

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Apple is reportedly set to unveil a next-generation iPod touch that will be a major change from its predecessor, packing in a dedicated GPS receiver, a high-definition FaceTime camera, and a 4-inch in-cell touchscreen ? and potentially acting as a game controller with other devices like the Mac or iPad.

The details were revealed on Wednesday by the well-sourced Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities. He also indicated that the iPod touch will come in different colors beyond black and white, much like the iPod nano and iPod shuffle, to increase the appeal of the iPod touch to younger customers.

He also believes Apple will somehow enhance compatibility of the iPod touch with other devices thanks to new hardware and software in the device. The new additions would allow the iPod touch to connect to "Mac or iPad devices equipped with larger panel, working like a game controller," he said.

By adding built-in GPS support to the iPod touch, Kuo said Apple will be able to offer better support for its own Maps solution in its new iOS 6 mobile operating system.

White iPod touch mockup

And while the iPod touch is expected to have a high-definition forward-facing camera, the rear camera will be a thinner but lower-grade 5-megapixel module that will accommodate the slim body of the iPod touch.

The updated iPod touch is also expected to have a 4-inch in-cell touch panel matching the screen size of the new iPhone. By switching to in-cell touchscreen technology, the new iPod touch could be 10 to 20 percent thinner than the current version, making it 6 to 6.5 millimeters thin and weighing less than 100 grams.

Kuo also said the new iPod touch will feature the same A5 processor as the iPad 2, while the new iPhone will sport a faster A5 chip. There is no need for the iPod touch to use the A5X found in the third-generation iPad, he said, because it does not need to push as many pixels as that device.

The use of an A5 chip and a higher resolution display were also detailed on Tuesday by Will Strafach, otherwise known as developer "Chronic." He revealed that the new iPod touch is known by the code name "N78AP."


Finally, Kuo expects the new iPod touch will use the new, smaller 9-pin dock connector and cable like the latest iPhone. Apple is expected to let the existing iPod touch model go end-of-life as the company focuses on the redesigned hardware.

Kuo expects Apple will launch the new iPod touch alongside its next-generation iPhone. The new "iPhone 5" is widely anticipated to be unveiled today at a media briefing scheduled for 10 a.m. Pacific, 1 p.m. Eastern. AppleInsider will have full live coverage.


  • Reply 1 of 22
    Since I have an iPhone I hardly read upon iPod updates, but I had to write this so I would be on topic.

    OT: has anyone seen this video from iConcepts?
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  • Reply 2 of 22
    philboogie wrote: »
    Since I have an iPhone I hardly read upon iPod updates, but I had to write this so I would be on topic.
    OT: has anyone seen this video from iConcepts?

    I really like their concept of adding a Mission Control interface to the iPhone.

    Anyway can anyone imagine what colors would look like on a Touch? And where will Apple price it so that it won't compete head on with underpriced Mini Tablets?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 22
    Why spend $200 on an iPod touch, when the mythical iPad mini may only be $249? If you need a media player, I suspect a revamped iPod nano will fill that need.
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  • Reply 4 of 22
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    galley wrote: »
    Why spend $200 on an iPod touch, when the mythical iPad mini may only be $249? If you need a media player, I suspect a revamped iPod nano will fill that need.

    I agree. Maybe they'll drop to $149 if the mini comes out?

    Target is always the best place to buy touches. A couple times a year they get coupons and promos you can stack and end up with an 8gb touch for like $115 or so ($40 of which is in a target gift card- so technically $155 & card). I'll get one then.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 22


    Originally Posted by Galley View Post

    Why spend $200 on an iPod touch, when the mythical iPad mini may only be $249? If you need a media player, I suspect a revamped iPod nano will fill that need.

    I would suspect that a pocketable handheld device would appeal more to young people (the Touch's target market) than even a Mini Tablet would, so yes there is a market for it, but I agree Apple needs to be more price competitive with the Touch.


    Tons of rumors state that the old Touch will stay around so I assume that model will be priced somewhere between $129-179, and the new 4 inch Touch will be the top of the line model. If the 4 inch Touch came with 64GB of storage standard, then a $199-229 price wouldn't be a big issue because it would have far more storage than most Mini Tablet's offer in the $200 range.

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  • Reply 6 of 22
    And possibly a controller for the AppleTV? :)
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  • Reply 7 of 22
    If true, say bye bye to Nintendo ,the psp vita and psp.
    Then say hello to $720.00 per share.
    I should have gotten in when it was 20 bucks.
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  • Reply 8 of 22


    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    If true, say bye bye to Nintendo ,the psp vita and psp.

    Then say hello to $720.00 per share.


    I should have gotten in when it was 20 bucks.


    It still wouldn't have physical buttons or the same type of games unfortunately. Plus this has already been done before, EA has a gamepad app on the iPhone you can use so two people can play FIFA 2012 together on an iPad. I guess with Apple doing it maybe it'll get supported by more developers though which would be good.

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  • Reply 9 of 22


    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    If true, say bye bye to Nintendo ,the psp vita and psp.

    That's a bit of an over ambitious statement.


    SONY and Nintendo make dedicated games machines with AAA game titles from well known franchises and game studios.

    iOS and similar Android and Windows Phone powered devices have casual games from smaller companies and if there are any games from larger companies, they are usually just small titles no where near the complexity of said AAA games - even the handful of first person shooters you get for iOS (N.O.V.A. for example) are no where near as complex and well made as, say, Resistance Burning Skies for the PlayStation Vita.


    iOS has the potential to take the wind out of the casual gaming market on the Nintendo DS (and I suspect it already has), but saying iOS will wipe SONY and Nintendo off the gaming map is just silly. Unless Apple release a device with physical controls and top-tier games, SONY and Nintendo are going nowhere.


    In fact, the biggest threat to Nintendo and SONY is Microsoft. DirectX support and XBOX Integration will be in Windows Phone 8 - if a touch screen phone device was the take away some portion of the AAA market SONY and the Big-N it would be Microsoft.

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  • Reply 10 of 22

    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    I really like their concept of adding a Mission Control interface to the iPhone.


    I like what he added in the video, but that's not Mission Control at all.

    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    If true, say bye bye to Nintendo ,the psp vita and psp.


    No physical buttons, no IP. 

    Nintendo's IP will keep them alive regardless of what else comes out.

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  • Reply 11 of 22
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    No physical buttons, no IP. 

    Nintendo's IP will keep them alive regardless of what else comes out.







    • Adds physical buttons and d-pad to your iPhone and iPod touch gaming

    • Rotating cradle allows for landscape and portrait views of gaming action

    • Connects using wireless Bluetooth technology

    • Works with hundreds of games including Frogger Decades and Temple Run

    • Ergonomic design for hours of comfortable gameplay

    • True control with eight action buttons and a two-axis directional pad



    This might need an update after today but it's a fairly trivial mod.


    If Apple cared they could buy a studio for 1st party studio games and IP.  Bungie is available although they aren't likely to want to be absorbed again.


    Or Epic Games.  Infinity and Gears of War and two solid engines (Unreal and Infinity).


    If Apple bought those two or some other medium sized studios of equal stature that would change the landscape.  The makers or GoW and Halo as 1st party studios?  As they say...Boom.


    Heck, they don't even have to buy them.  They can just buy iOS and OSX exclusives for X many years.  I don't think that convincing Mark Rein to become iOS exclusive with a large check would be all that difficult.  


    Or maybe Insomniac would jump ship with the right incentives.


    If Apple sees this as a requirement then acquiring talent and IP quickly is all possible using nothing but their deep pockets.


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  • Reply 12 of 22

    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    If Apple cared they could buy a studio for 1st party studio games and IP.


    But they don't, and that's why Nintendo has nothing to worry about.

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  • Reply 13 of 22
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member

    The iPod Touch will replace all portable gps navigation devices. 


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  • Reply 14 of 22
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member

    It's an iPhone without a smartphone data plan.

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  • Reply 15 of 22
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member


    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    It's an iPhone without a smartphone data plan.

    It is not a phone. 

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  • Reply 16 of 22

    The tech specs mention nothing about a GPS radio. It looks like it still uses the old WiFi triangulation method.


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  • Reply 17 of 22

    yeah, sadly.  I really wish there was an ipod with a GPS receiver, the wi-fi triangulation method only works when youre in an area that has lots of wi-fi networks.  I use my iphone to map/record my bike routes.  I want an Ipod that can do this because im tired of draining my iphone with a 1-2 hour workout, not to mention my iphone barely lasts my working hours and i need another device that i can use after work.  

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  • Reply 18 of 22
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    yes, except for the missing GPS and SIM, the new Touch is essentially an updated iPhone 4S, with the new 16:9 screen and connector. it's a huge jump in capabilities.

    whatever the name, the Touch is really Apple's "mini" iPad now.

    and its kills the Vita and 3DS.

    but i was surprised Apple did not drop the price somewhat. in fact, it is $70 more @$299. and last year's model was reduced by only $30.

    which means the upcoming mid-sized 8" iPad will be at least $399.

    these prices may not compete well with the slew of $200+ 7" tablets coming to market. we'll have to wait and see.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 22

    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    which means the upcoming mid-sized 8" iPad will be at least $399.


    Or that it doesn't exist at all, because it's a terrible idea. 

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  • Reply 20 of 22
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