Motorola ad slams Apple's iOS 6 Maps as 'iLost'



  • Reply 61 of 153


    Originally Posted by brantdevlin View Post

    You dont see Apple advertising just another box of crap from (fill in an Andriod using company name)!

    Apperantly noboby but Apple has the nerve to stand on thier own merrits when advertising. Very Child-ish.


    You must've missed the whole "I'm a Mac" campaign, and many of their other ads since the company's inception.

  • Reply 62 of 153
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member

    Was at the dog park yesterday and on the way home, a bridge was closed and we had to take a detour. I used the Apple maps program for directions home and they were spot on. Being a TomTom user for 6 or so years, I was pleased with the performance of the turn-by-turn directions provided the maps app provided. Not trying to be an Apple apologist, but what I've used of the map program so far, I can't say I've found anything to complain about really. As for Google (er, I mean Motorola), I think they're being juvenile and petty. 


  • Reply 63 of 153
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member


    Originally Posted by nowayout11 View Post


    You must've missed the whole "I'm a Mac" campaign, and many of their other ads since the company's inception.


    Yeah, but the "I'm a Mac" ads spoke the truth. ;)

  • Reply 64 of 153
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by GadgetMan View Post

    Has anyone looked in the Legal Notices section of the Settings>General>About to see where they are getting their map and turn-by-turn direction data from?  TomTom, Waze, Postal databases, and other third parties.  So, in addition to have having their own data, they are licensing third party data from reputable sources. 


    There in lies the problem. I have worked on some pretty big database projects and merging data from various sources and purging duplicates is like unwinding a ball of spaghetti. The data is in various disparate formats which makes it a pretty overwhelming undertaking that puts Apple at a serious disadvantage to Google. Google is in complete control of all their own data and has thousands of vehicles on the road acquiring more at an unprecedented rate. I just don't see how Apple can ever catch up unless they deploy the same methodology and become a search engine in their own right because mapping and search are almost inseparable in my opinion.

  • Reply 65 of 153
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member

    Functionally maybe, but it's debatable...Visually...not even close.


    Here's a few examples between iOS 5 and iOS 6 Maps:


    iOS 5 Maps of Forbidden City



    iOS 6 Version

    Where did all the water go?




    iOS 5 Version of a typical intersection.

    Notice the overlaid subway lines on the map?

    Notice the plans of the subway exits?

    Notice all the building data?


    Here's the iOS 6 Verson.

    Notice the one and only subway marker is not even in the right location.

    No Building outlines


    I'm using Beijing as the example because I travel there 6mos. of the year and if I can't see anything on the maps, then I can't get around.

    I live otherwise where my profile states and it's not better there either.


    I understand this is Gen 1 of Maps, but not everyone ONLY uses maps for driving and turn-by-turn.

    many of us use maps for information and exploration.  not just blindly follow GPS telling us how to get someplace.

    I use maps so I can learn where things are and only use them for reference.  These new maps provide nothing useful for many.


    I'm sure eveyone has seen this site already.

  • Reply 66 of 153


    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I'm sure eveyone has seen this site already.


    If you're sure everyone has seen the site, why are you attaching so many space-wasting, bandwidth wasting images?

  • Reply 67 of 153

    It is important to understand one thing - Apple is NOT the only company to forsake Google's Maps API. Others have been dropping Google, too, but likely for a different reason.

  • Reply 68 of 153
    LOL - well Motorola does not have much choice. Every phone manufacturer wants Apple's problem.

    So Apple has bad maps - who did not expect that - Version 1 - give me a break. We all knew that the maps would not be perfect. I used the map application on iPhone4 running iOS6 to go from my house to United Center in Chicago. Compared the directions to Google Maps on an Apple iPhone3GS and they were EXACTLY the same. Not a single difference.

    So with bad maps Apple ran out of product. That is something that Motorola can only dream off on a good day. Their products suck and they cannot sell them with a discount.

    So when Motorola says something like this - I reach for my barrel of salt.
  • Reply 69 of 153


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    No Surprise... Apple looks to have seriously dropped the ball with their iOS 6 'Maps' app so competitors are quite justified in pointing it out (Apple sure would if the situation were reversed).

    Google Maps worked great, and this looks to be a case of a company (Apple) placing silly 'politics' ahead of user experience and one can only hope that they fix things quickly.


    So what you are saying is you havent used the new Maps.


    Which is disappointing, considering you spend your entire life buying every smartphone & tablet possible.  Whats wrong, money ran out?

  • Reply 70 of 153
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    I understand it's your modus operandi to mock those who disagree with your view at every "turn by turn". But this is in Google's terms of service for their mapping API. Some of us actually know a thing or two about mobile software development because we do it. To mock something you don't know just makes you look silly.

    Mocking? Modus operandi? I think you have me confused with someone else. I wanted to know if the OP was basing his post on that particular article or something else. I've never seen any confirmation from any named source that says either Google or Apple was specifically to blame for "missing" map features as compared to the Android version.


    As for Google's TOS and mapping API', what would that have to do with Apple negotiating a license to Google's TBT? I don't see the correlation so you'll have to explain it.

  • Reply 71 of 153


    Originally Posted by Vaelian View Post

    Apple had GPS issues of their own on the 4S. Most of the complaints about poor battery life stemmed from defective GPSes. A friend of mine got one of the affected phones, and her battery problems disappeared as soon as I told her to shut down Location Services (also told her to have the phone replaced, but she didn't appear to care enough). Not saying the problem is the same here, but your personal experience doesn't mean anything.

    "Hi, I'm a Mac! And I'm a PC..."

    I have, and to me they suck as they can't even find mine or any of the neighboring streets here, it's even worse than finding them elsewhere, which would be acceptable because these streets are all named after cities in other countries, and without being able to perform reliable searches the app is pretty much useless, because search for addresses is what I use it mostly for. The fact that these streets are all charted on the map and this issue has existed since day 1 in the beta makes the situation even worse as it's not just the data that's crap but the software as well. Lastly the software is noticeably slower and power hungrier than the old maps, and despite the move to vectorial data (which was supposed to reduce the amount of data one needs to load from the Internet), it's actually loading slower than Google Maps ever did and rendering at a much lower frame rate.

    Apple ditching Google may be good for them, but I am not them and I don't work for them, so it's not good for me and it actually degrades the quality of their service. Like the first poster mentioned, Apple is putting their politics ahead of their customers and deserve the crap they're getting over this.

    I'm sure you can report cases where Google Maps can't even find stuff that's perfectly charted on the map, then.

    Folks forget that Apple bought several mapping companies and is licensing data from a lot of third party providers. The current solution doesn't differ much from what they got from Google, but the user experience does.

    I certainly hope that you use your 30 day refund period to return your phone and get an Android phone if mapping is such a high priority for you. Your continued complaining reminds me of a guy that hammers nails with a screw driver even though a hammer is in the toolbox next to him.

  • Reply 72 of 153


    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    Functionally maybe, but it's debatable...Visually...not even close.


    Here's a few examples between iOS 5 and iOS 6 Maps:


    iOS 5 Maps of Forbidden City


    iOS 6 Version

    Where did all the water go?


    iOS 5 Version of a typical intersection.

    Notice the overlaid subway lines on the map?

    Notice the plans of the subway exits?

    Notice all the building data?


    Here's the iOS 6 Verson.

    Notice the one and only subway marker is not even in the right location.

    No Building outlines


    I'm using Beijing as the example because I travel there 6mos. of the year and if I can see anything on the maps, then I can't get around.

    I live otherwise where my profile states and it's not better there either.


    I understand this is Gen 1 of Maps, but not everyone ONLY uses maps for driving and turn-by-turn.

    many of us use maps for information and exploration.  not just blindly follow GPS telling us how to get someplace.

    I use maps so I can learn where things are and only use them for reference.  These new maps provide nothing useful for many.


    I'm sure eveyone has seen this site already.

    It's quite clear that the Maps are terrible ex-US.


    In my neck of the woods (Boston), business are placed are in the wrong town or state because the street name and number are the same.  Many businesses are simply on the wrong block.  When I ask for directions, I am told to take illegal or impossible left turns.  The directions also refuse to use toll roads, even when the toll roads provide a better routing.  Finally, the traffic data is substantially inferior to Google's.


    I think the software is fine, but mapping is as much about the software as the database.  And Apple's database is a poor, poor substitute for Google's.

  • Reply 73 of 153
    Is it a "software" issue or a database issue. If the latter, Apple is likely in a heap of trouble.

    It doesn't matter how good your software is if the data upon which it relies is garbage.
  • Reply 74 of 153
    I wouldn't take a Motorola phone if it was gold plated and encrusted with diamonds. Complete pieces of crap.

    They do serve one purpose now though, they are a millstone around Googles neck.
  • Reply 75 of 153
    It's funny 'cause it's true.
  • Reply 76 of 153


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Google's 12 billion dollar hooker.


    AND STILL has yet to provide GFE, Girl Friend Experience!  


    I guess that would be considered 'friends w/ no benefits.'



  • Reply 77 of 153
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post


    If you're sure everyone has seen the site, why are you attaching so many space-wasting, bandwidth wasting images?

    because these screen-caps were mine, not the site's.

    the URL was there to further examples.


    my choice to post, your's to view.

  • Reply 78 of 153


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Mocking? I think you have me confused with someone else. I wanted to know if the OP was basing his post on that particular article or something else.


    As for Google's TOS and mapping API', what would that have to do with Apple negotiating a license to Google's TBT? I don't see the correlation so you'll have to explain it.

    You don't see the correlation ...


    You're either playing dumb or you really are. Not my problem either way.

  • Reply 79 of 153
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member

    EDIT: Duplicate (Darn forum software)
  • Reply 80 of 153

    Um, you do know there's a world beyond your sea-to shining-sea...


    And Apple Maps ain't so hot for folks there. For those with passports (c30%), see for yourself...

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