Consumer Reports compares iOS 6 Maps directions to Google's Android Maps



  • Reply 81 of 83
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by ShredR View Post

    As a long time Apple user and deeply embedded in the entire eco system I am extremely disappointed in what they have produced to replace the Google based version in iOS6.


    So a user ensconced in the Apple ecosystem is disappointed that they've expanded their ecosystem to no longer rely on third party stuff and to better integrate this new aspect with the rest of the ecosystem?


    Why release it now when Maps clearly isn't ready for even average use?


    You're right! Google Maps should have never been released. It left out towns, too.

  • Reply 82 of 83
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    So a user ensconced in the Apple ecosystem is disappointed that they've expanded their ecosystem to no longer rely on third party stuff and to better integrate this new aspect with the rest of the ecosystem?



    You're right! Google Maps should have never been released. It left out towns, too.


    Perhaps you didn't read my post. I said; "what they have produce" not "that". I am happy that Apple is working in this space but not yet the result of "what" they have produced.


    Google has taken years to get their maps to the current state. My fear is that Apple could take years to catch up. You'd have to be a very one eyed fanboi not to see the superiority that Google currently has in this space.


    When are Apple going to have an equivalent to street view in the app and of the same or superior quality to Google Street View? This is a feature I and my colleagues were using on a daily basis.


    Why wouldn't the designers of the Apple maps have place names etc. scale appropriately as you zoom on the map? Surely this is fundamental to the design.... I mean really fundamental.


    Satellite imagery - it's not a deal breaker why wouldn't Apple have used the best available across the globe straight from launch instead of something inferior to other map providers (not just google)?


    Given Apple's famous attention to detail, I just don't think they prepared as well for this release as they should have.


    I am a loyal customer and I want my iOS products to be effective as they were before and that isn't the case currently.
  • Reply 83 of 83

    Originally Posted by ShredR View Post

    You'd have to be a very one eyed fanboi not to see the superiority that Google currently has in this space.


    Google has superiority of data. Not UX, not integration, and not appearance.


    Guess who also didn't have superiority of data, but had superiority of UX, integration, and appearance when they launched their system… 


    When are Apple going to have an equivalent to street view in the app and of the same or superior quality to Google Street View?


    They already do, and as with Street View, it will take time to build out.


    I am a loyal customer and I want my iOS products to be effective as they were before and that isn't the case currently.


    They're exactly as 'effective' as before.

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