EarPods included with Apple's new iPod touch, iPod nano still lack remote and mic



  • Reply 41 of 61
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    Actually, when the Third-Generation iPod Shuffle debut with absolutely no physical buttons on the device itself, forcing users to use the remote buttons on the headphone cords, there were a lot of unhappy Shuffle fans. Some people whined about being "forced" to use Apple Earbuds with the remote buttons for play/stop and volume controls, even though there were adapters available from third party vendors.


    So on the Fourth (current) Gen Shuffle, Apple restored ALL of the buttons and even added one for the VoiceOver feature, and removed the buttons from the included earbuds. It's what you people wanted, isn't it??? The ability to use any standard, off-the-shelf headphones with your iPod?


    Apple can't win.

    How hard it was to leave controls on the headphones?

  • Reply 42 of 61
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    povilas wrote: »
    How hard it was to leave controls on the headphones?

    Hard enough that they didn't do it. That's all that really matters.

    If you don't like the earbuds, buy different headphones. And if it really bothers you all that much, buy an Android device.
  • Reply 43 of 61
    timmydaxtimmydax Posts: 284member
    Actually, when the Third-Generation iPod Shuffle debut with absolutely no physical buttons on the device itself, forcing users to use the remote buttons on the headphone cords, there were a lot of unhappy Shuffle fans...

    Apple can't win.

    It seems like doing both would be classified as a win, then?

    From the amount Apple touted yester-year's iPod VoiceOver feature and Siri, one would think they would continue in that vein. It's not inconveivable that some would be disappointed in this apparent departure from those ideas.

    However, there's no reason Apple should do anything of the sort. They have historically pared down the accessories as much as possible. I wonder how much Apple will save from not including their "standard" pair.
  • Reply 44 of 61
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member
    Um. What? My wife got the last gen Touch for the gym, and it shipped with a remote equipped headphones, so I'm not sure what you all are talking about here when you say this is a continuation, and not Apple just getting cheap with this refresh.
  • Reply 45 of 61


    Originally Posted by TimmyDax View Post

    It seems like doing both would be classified as a win, then?

    From the amount Apple touted yester-year's iPod VoiceOver feature and Siri, one would think they would continue in that vein. It's not inconveivable that some would be disappointed in this apparent departure from those ideas.

    However, there's no reason Apple should do anything of the sort. They have historically pared down the accessories as much as possible. I wonder how much Apple will save from not including their "standard" pair.

    One could argue the pair included IS the "standard pair" for the iPod Touch.

  • Reply 46 of 61
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member

    I guess you can't use Siri with the headphones either- that kind of sucks.  I don't know why they don't include the other ones- it's not like the cost would have been that much greater- and people would be happier- isn't that a priority?  It's not a big deal to me either way, because I won't buy the Touch, but I understand the criticism at least- they had to intentionally say "let's make it without the microphone and volume button".  




    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    No. Actually, I don't troll at all.


  • Reply 47 of 61
    bregaladbregalad Posts: 816member


    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    Sure, a fully-featured set of EarPods would be nice. But I think this is how Apple looks at it - a microphone is a necessity on a phone but not on a media player. Apple typically includes features that are necessary. So this is a matter of principle rather than cheaping out. Just my two cents.

    This is the company that insists on producing only a single model of pretty much everything in order to simplify their operation yet they have gone out of their way to produce 3 different sets of ear buds. For Apple and their subcontractors keeping those 3 supply lines in sync with the products they ship with is pretty easy, but moving to a single model of ear bud would be simpler and more tolerant of differences in demand between the various iDevices.


    For Apple the difference in production cost is probably worth the complexity and, as others have said, it allows them to position the full featured model as an up-sell to nano and touch buyers.


    I do see a possible downside for Apple: if I have to purchase a second set of ear buds to use the bundled software then I'm going to have a look at 3rd party alternatives, something I might not have done if I'd gotten a "good enough" product in the box in the first place.

  • Reply 48 of 61
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member

    I see no issues with these devices.  Any criticism is strictly based on stupidity.  These products are beautiful, clean and very well made.  I know I will be getting an iPod Touch.

  • Reply 49 of 61


    Originally Posted by TimmyDax View Post

    It seems like doing both would be classified as a win, then?

    From the amount Apple touted yester-year's iPod VoiceOver feature and Siri, one would think they would continue in that vein. It's not inconveivable that some would be disappointed in this apparent departure from those ideas.

    However, there's no reason Apple should do anything of the sort. They have historically pared down the accessories as much as possible. I wonder how much Apple will save from not including their "standard" pair.


    Nope. They cannot win. I'm sure you would still have found something else to complain about.

  • Reply 50 of 61
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by tylerk36 View Post

    Any criticism is strictly based on stupidity.


    Well, maybe not. Not yet, anyway. Based on hearsay and unfounded thought, simply because no one has them yet, but not outright stupidity yet.


    I'll be the colored aluminum will cause a resurgence in Scuffgate, for example.

  • Reply 51 of 61
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    stromos wrote: »
    That's extremely easy.  http://www.apple.com/ipod-touch/design/ Watch the Earpods video at 1:47. Liability of chewing or sucking on them?  They can't do that with the bare cord?  I don't disagree with anyone about paying extra and honestly I could care less I only use my iPod Touch for the Apps, iMessage, and email.  I think it's misleading that you as the customer have to dig into the technical specs to discover they don't come with a remote/mic.  If you watched the Keynote you would assume the Earpods are what they showed with a remote and mic.  If you search Earpods on Apple's Store you only find Earpods with a remote and mic for sale.  There are plenty of hints to mislead a person.  That's what I find wrong about it.  I am sorry if I haven't made this clear.  If they were upfront about it I wouldn't have a care in the world.  They do these things on purpose you can't tell me their marketing department doesn't think about these things.

    G'wan, you're misleading yourself. Touches have been coming without remote/mic earbuds from the beginning five years ago.

    But then, for cases like yourself, maybe they should put a disclaimer under the video link on the touch page, saying that the EarPods with switches are extra.

    Edit: I see someone above says they got a 4th generation touch with a remote/mic. Anyone else?

    I guess no one agrees with me that Apple can't ship a device aimed at kids that has this switch. Ok, fine, be that way, all you narcissists who can't think beyond your own use case. (Just kidding, of course. Well, half kidding.)
  • Reply 52 of 61
    timmydaxtimmydax Posts: 284member
    Nope. They cannot win. I'm sure you would still have found something else to complain about.

    Wow, that's ridiculously presumptuous of you.

    The pair that Apple sell separately may have been cost-prohibitive to include with the nano or touch. It may also be that they found only a handful of people used the feature. It does, however, seem slightly incongruous with their past marketing and dedication to alternative methods of interaction with their devices. It also provides an opportunity for upsell to many millions of new users come the new year. Perhaps I am being overly-cynical or overly-critical, but I'm not sure we are all here simply to add our "Jolly good show that Apple!" comment at the end of every story.
  • Reply 53 of 61

    Okay all the ranting aside.  I am still extremely excited for this device. I hope amazon gets a shipment to satisfy preorders soon.


  • Reply 54 of 61
    I got ear pods with my iPhone 5, yet I still use my sennheiser's Bluetooth headphones with a built in mic and controls?

    I think the average user will use their OWN headphones anyway.
  • Reply 55 of 61
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member


    Originally Posted by Flash_beezy View Post

    I got ear pods with my iPhone 5, yet I still use my sennheiser's Bluetooth headphones with a built in mic and controls?

    I think the average user will use their OWN headphones anyway.

    True.  Although I think the average user will use whatever is supplied and not know any better.  The smart user on the other hand.... ;-)

  • Reply 56 of 61
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Flash_beezy View Post

    …I still use my sennheiser's Bluetooth headphones with a built in mic and controls?


    What model? I'm looking into some myself. I have 90% lossless audio; can they distinguish that from lower bitrate stuff?

  • Reply 57 of 61
    …I still use my sennheiser's Bluetooth headphones with a built in mic and controls?

    What model? I'm looking into some myself. I have 90% lossless audio; can they distinguish that from lower bitrate stuff?

    Are they cursed to care?

    Seriously, audiophilia is an expensive and unnecessary disease. What's more important, minute and barely discernible differences in fidelity, or the notes, chord progressions, intonation, vocals and composition?
  • Reply 58 of 61
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Are they cursed to care?

    Seriously, audiophilia is an expensive and unnecessary disease. What's more important, minute and barely discernible differences in fidelity, or the notes, chord progressions, intonation, vocals and composition?


    I just want headphones that let me hear the music as it was intended.

  • Reply 59 of 61
    tonton wrote: »
    Are they cursed to care?

    Seriously, audiophilia is an expensive and unnecessary disease. What's more important, minute and barely discernible differences in fidelity, or the notes, chord progressions, intonation, vocals and composition?

    I just want headphones that let me hear the music as it was intended.

    Thank god that for me 99% is good enough. People literally spend thousands on that 1%.

    I love my Sony earbuds, and to my ear they are 99% as good as any Etys or UEs. Thank God.
  • Reply 60 of 61

    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Thank god that for me 99% is good enough. People literally spend thousands on that 1%.

    I love my Sony earbuds, and to my ear they are 99% as good as any Etys or UEs. Thank God.


    Oh, heavens no! No way would I do that. Heck, 90% is enough. And I certainly don't expect "audiophile" quality from Bluetooth headphones of all things, I'd just appreciate the best possible quality for the price. 


    I run ALAC because I can hear the difference between it and 320 and because I have both a fairly small music collection and the space for it. I wouldn't spend 100 grand on the "right" speakers with the "right" cables and another thousand on a needle to get my records (of which I own none) to sound "right". image

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