Powerbooks (possibly iBook too?) update soon...



  • Reply 41 of 43
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    Apple is listening.

    I think you've missed the point here. It looks like the small speed bumps and a video 32 or 64mb. But I think we are finally going to see HIGHER RESOLUTION, on the TI books.

  • Reply 42 of 43
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    ZO: You are completely right. iBooks and OS X are a JOKE. The new iBook ROCKS, on just about everything but speed. This is only in OS X though. MacOS X is a JOKE in terms of responsiveness on my iBook 500mhz w/10.1.4. I sure as hell hope 10.2 gets it right or I'll eXcorcise it, until I get my super dooper PBG5

    I think the coming updates on portables will obviously a) focus on SPEED. I don't know how fast the new iBooks will be, but the new low end better be faster than the current high end!

    For the PBG4, b) More RAM, HD, VRAM(new video?), cache, and mhz for PBG4. Hey, if we get incredibly lucky, the resolution will get bumped and Bluetooth on the mobo. New case possibly.

    When these portable updates will occurr? I am betting on MWNY for the PowerBook (it'll be a screamer, I have a hunch) and SOON for the iBook. Both portable lines are currently terrible for their respective markets. Consumerish people don't like waiting for OS X on iBooks (do they seriously ship with X booting now!?) and as Giant mentioned, the cache really cripples the PBG4. So does the current PBG4 screen, IMHO. The screen was why I bought a new iBook.
  • Reply 43 of 43
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member
    When I was looking at the Apple store today, I noticed that most lead times on the Ibooks ranged from 10-20 days. Is this normal?
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