Microsoft set to launch Xbox Music with free unlimited streaming



  • Reply 41 of 49
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    9secondko wrote: »

    The simple facts are that nobody really needs or wants MS anymore with their subpar quality and style and business paractices.

    The only simple fact here is, that you are trying to shove your personal opinion down everyone's throat, which doesn't make any argument at all, but does makes you look arrogant, clueless or both.
    For a PC, you can have a Mac.

    Yes. And for a Mac, you can get a PC. Or two.
    Smartphone? iPhone is the best game in town.

    Relative, like everything else. I'm yet to meet iPhone, SG3 or WP7.5 user who is actually not happy with his/her phone. I know people who like it large, and people who like it smaller. I know people who like tinkering, and I know people who don't. Hell will freeze before all of them choose same device as best for their needs.
    Tablet? anything other than an iPad is a downgrade.

    Same target, same distance.
    Games? Get the Wii U and you'll have the best out there. Plus the internet services are *gasp* free...

    Unreleased console with limited number of titles (and even more limited number of original titles), limited storage that will hurt availability of number of games that do require to be installed on HDD, unknown (presumed) 3-core CPU and unknown graphics. It has potential to end up a bit better than current consoles in some ways, worst in others, and nowhere near any decent gaming PC, by looking at available info (heatsink, internal fan and other images, available specs). My opinion is guessing much as yours, but at least I've tried to support it with some arguments.
    anyone buying into an MS ecosystem only has themselves to blame. They aren't even hiding it anymore.

    Nor are you hiding your uninformed arrogance.
    Free music is great. but it's hardly the only game in town either in that regard. and as mentioned earlier, we will see how long it is free, or like Gmail, what the "free" actually costs you in terms of privacy.

    Hotmail (or is free, and considered safest available, much as I could find out on the web, from reviewers whose knowledge and experience actually give some worth to their opinion..
  • Reply 42 of 49


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Not exactly. Apple released iTunes for Windows to avoid antitrust issues. Nothing more.


    Antitrust had nothing to do with it. iTunes required a computer to live on and the Mac computer was a pale and tiny part of the installed computer base. It was a genius move and Steve Jobs was slow to realizing that.



    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    So you think Apple should be forced to support the competitions devices. Perhaps they should have to service them at the stores if the owners use a Mac computer, and what about the PCs owned by iPhone users, lets make them support those as well.

    Music in iTunes has been drm free for years and can be loaded on anything. The video stuff and books is cause the copyright holders demand it. If they didn't Apple wouldn't bother. But it doesn't mean that Apple needs to support other hardware just because the files can be used on them. Anymore than they should support a PC cause you are hooking on iPhone to it or those Beats you broke cause you bought them at n Apple Store

    And I think I'm not alone when I say that I would much rather they spend their time making iTunes, iOS 6 etc better for their paying customers than sorting out how to code an iTunes Store app for every possible variant of Android.


    Sometimes the word "support" means that the company makes provisions for specific services and/or accessories to work easily with iDevice products. It could be said that iTunes supports its music contents being moved to any other music player. Or, "Apple products support any listening device using the standard mini headphone plug. It's less easy to "support" video or iBook playback on other non-Apple devices, so "support" can be an "all or some" proposition. 


    I doubt you will ever see iDevice or Mac computer apps running on other company''s products. 

  • Reply 43 of 49


    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post


    Spotify has nearly everything I'm looking for - plus it automatically recognized my entire iTunes collection (over 100GB) - NTM it makes play lists and lets me see friend's playlists as I choose. 

    So I use iTunes almost exclusively for importing CD's and for podcasts these days. 


    I don't use Spotify, but if I would, I like you solution.

  • Reply 44 of 49


    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post


    Like I said, I don't see why anyone should be pissing on this move. I say "good" for the customer on this one.


    I micturate on Microsoft and any fail ideas they come up with. This move is like offering a bribe to take the bad medicine of Windoze 8.

  • Reply 45 of 49


    Originally Posted by Entropys View Post

    So what happens if you have a monthly cap on downloads from your ISP?


    Then you'd be double-damned with the ISP at your throat and MS squeezing your balls.

  • Reply 46 of 49
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member


    Originally Posted by rcoleman1 View Post

    What's the point? There are no great Windows devices to support the service except the Xbox.



    I hear people say this a lot but I must say, it seems that none of the people that talk like this have experiance with Windows as of late...


    1: After using windows 8 and seeing it evolve from the preview that came out last fall to the RTM that I am running now (as a technet subscriber) I can tell you it gets better every couple weeks, with every set of updates.


    2: I switched from iPhone  to the Nokia Lumia 900, and I dont regret it for a second, it is a great phone, it works really well and has a fantastic UI.


    3: I have seen and used Windows 8 tablets, and they are LIGHTYEARS ahead of the iPad. 


    This is the Mac all over again, Apple has a great product but Android and Windows are passing it by and Apple is just standing still, the iphone is too small, it was always uncomfortable to type on with my big man hands....



    Please Apple fans, when Windows 8 comes out, give the tablets a try, they are really cool! 

  • Reply 47 of 49


    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post


    The listening hours are limited to 10 for non-paying users after 6 months.


    It's also a different service to iTunes. This is another Spotify clone.


    Xbox Music launches with a bigger library than iTunes too (in the US at least) which is a first for any service of this kind I believe.


    I think it's a pretty compelling service for users of PC/Xbox/Windows Phone/Surface. 6 months of free unlimited service gives people plenty of time to evaluate how good this service is.


    Do you have any idea of how many mediocre singers there are out there doing covers of popular tunes? 90+ times out of 100, if you can't find it on iTunes, you don't want it. Besides you'll need to sort through all this dross looking for the best tunes...why not just start with the best tunes?

  • Reply 48 of 49


    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post



    I hear people say this a lot but I must say, it seems that none of the people that talk like this have experiance with Windows as of late...


    1: After using windows 8 and seeing it evolve from the preview that came out last fall to the RTM that I am running now (as a technet subscriber) I can tell you it gets better every couple weeks, with every set of updates.


    2: I switched from iPhone  to the Nokia Lumia 900, and I dont regret it for a second, it is a great phone, it works really well and has a fantastic UI.


    3: I have seen and used Windows 8 tablets, and they are LIGHTYEARS ahead of the iPad. 


    This is the Mac all over again, Apple has a great product but Android and Windows are passing it by and Apple is just standing still, the iphone is too small, it was always uncomfortable to type on with my big man hands....



    Please Apple fans, when Windows 8 comes out, give the tablets a try, they are really cool! 


    You make this plea to give Win 8 a you know that people were five times as happy with Win 7 in the same period before the final release? Your high threshold for pain notwithstanding, I suspect that Win 8 has already failed to impress the usual Windows crowd. 


    Personally, I own iDevices, not just because I think they are excellent, but because I get the whole unequalled ecosystem of service and apps and stores and iTunes.... for free!

  • Reply 49 of 49


    Originally Posted by Shameer Mulji View Post

    I don't agree with that anymore.  Streaming is becoming a very popular choice among consumers and Apple should play in that game.  This new Xbox music service looks really nice from what I've read and it gives users a choice of the best of all worlds - a la carte, subscription, and free ad-based. what's wrong with that. Plus the fact that the music collection is just as big as iTunes. 


    It's not the size of the music collection that appeals to me, it's the quality of the music offered. Because iTunes doesn't offer "I Feel Like Homemade Shit" by the Fugs, can be a good thing. 

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