Apple's 'Made for iPhone' conference said to hammer out Lightning guidelines in November



  • Reply 21 of 30

    Originally Posted by marks47 View Post

    This is the same thing as a dealer suing the battery maker of a brand they don't like if you replace what is in your car.


    No, there's no special "battery code" involved. If the car used proprietary "battery adapters" that the battery company then copied, you can bet they'd sue and they'd have all the right in the world to do so.


    The EU passed a law that said all phones had to have micro-USB as charge ports. So guess what Apple had to include to all EU iPhone5's? Adaptors that makes it possible to use a micro USB cable to charge/sync their phones.


    Did they have to include it, or did they just have to make it available for sale? And what does this have to do with the topic?


    By the way, you can be sure that Belkin and Griffin and all those guys are just THRILLED to stay signed onto Apple's Made for iPhone program. They get to turn over 20-30% of the profit on every sale to Apple for the privilege.


    And you can bet as a customer that I'd be just THRILLED when some substandard, corner-cutting crap from Belkin fries itself or my iDevice because it didn't meet Apple's requirements in this regard. 

    There is nothing bad about this chip or its inclusion.


    I have owned every iphone and nothing but OS X for the last ten years.


    We don't care.


    …why should I applaud them jilking me out of that much more money for a freaking cable?


    So don't pay it. 

  • Reply 22 of 30
    marks47 wrote: »

    I have owned every iphone and nothing but OS X for the last ten years.
    I do believe in the free market and capitalism.
    Yes, I think they have great products and they're #1 brand in the world for a reason, but why should I applaud them jilking me out of that much more money for a freaking cable?

    You make an excellent point - you CAN be a fan of Apple and not applaud every single move they make. It's called being rational. The "moderator's" reply to you is immature and insulting to everyone's intelligence. He does not speak for us although he claims to. Unfortunately, he's a bit of a dictator who doesn't tolerate opinions that differ from his. Hence, this post will likely be deleted shortly.
  • Reply 23 of 30
    "Apple has gone to substantial lengths in designing Lightning's built-in security"

    It's not security. It's DRM. It's solely to prevent/hinder anyone from making a cable or device from connecting to an iPhone 5 without paying Apple for the privilege of doing so.
  • Reply 24 of 30

    Originally Posted by whatisgoingon View Post

    It's solely to prevent/hinder anyone from making a cable or device from connecting to an iPhone 5 without following the guidelines of quality Apple has set forth for the purpose of demanding a higher level of quality from third parties and so as not to ruin the iDevice.


    Funny how things change when you look at them another way.

    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    You make an excellent point - you CAN be a fan of Apple and not applaud every single move they make. 


    Grow up. In no way do I not believe this. His "point", however, is shaky at best.

  • Reply 25 of 30
    lerxtlerxt Posts: 186member
    oneaburns wrote: »
    You make an excellent point - you CAN be a fan of Apple and not applaud every single move they make. It's called being rational. The "moderator's" reply to you is immature and insulting to everyone's intelligence. He does not speak for us although he claims to. Unfortunately, he's a bit of a dictator who doesn't tolerate opinions that differ from his. Hence, this post will likely be deleted shortly.

    Couldn't have said it better myself, however he won't delete is because he will use it to troll,to generate more comments.
  • Reply 26 of 30


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Here it comes: the 'greedy' accusations... in 5,4,3,2,...

    Is this what you live for? Counting cars that don't stop at Stop signs?

  • Reply 27 of 30
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    marks47 wrote: »
    The EU passed a law that said all phones had to have micro-USB as charge ports. So guess what Apple had to include to all EU iPhone5's? Adaptors that makes it possible to use a micro USB cable to charge/sync their phones.

    I have owned every iphone and nothing but OS X for the last ten years.
    I do believe in the free market and capitalism.
    Yes, I think they have great products and they're #1 brand in the world for a reason, but why should I applaud them jilking me out of that much more money for a freaking cable?

    I understand your displeasure marks- I hate that I don't have a dock or multiple ones at that. They should have had this meeting the week after announcement- for sure.

    But- if you've messed with the new iPhone and looked at the connector- they HAD to use a smaller connector, and I'm glad they did so the phone could be thinner and the smaller connector allowed for more battery-room.
    Also- micro USB doesn't allow for video out. Lightning does- so that's a plus. Now- of course all the apple apologetics will scream that lightning allows for USB, and that's why it's so much better and micro USB sucks. However, those same fools will scream at you for wanting an optical drive or Blu ray player on an iMac or an sd card reader on (name the device) because "it's outdated"... As if streaming to an Apple TV hasn't completely replaced the need for video out on a connector.... But I digress...
  • Reply 28 of 30
    vorsosvorsos Posts: 302member

    Someone made a clean spot on the old micro-USB ball. Now we have to dust off the whole thing.


    The Lightning assembly looks Damn Strong. I can't see micro-USB being able to physically support any iOS device in docks, clocks, or cars.

    Now factor in the long-term extensibility of Lightning vs micro-USB's shortcomings, and everything else that's been said in these forums a hundred times and the iphone 5 is already being produced and sold and oh my god when can we let this gooooo

  • Reply 29 of 30

    Tallest Skil, 

    "We don't care" specifically-  Do you know how many posts get posted on sites like this that are just trolls that hate apple products and the users that buy them? Are you new to this industry?  So I guess it's meaningless for someone with a long history of Apple purchases to comment, vs. some idiot who decided to be a troll and grand-stand for attention on your site. Fine. Whatever. I don't care if you remove my account. I signed on only so I could talk about this topic. I like the site, but not enough to be demeaned.



    Thanks for the comments, oneaburns.

    Andysol, I actually don't mind the fact they changed the physical form of the connector. I kind of like the way it looks. I have always felt the 30-pin connectors were ugly, too big, and worried that they'd break. (I never did, but still...) I'm only "outraged" by the DRM built in. 


    As far as the REAL issues that Tallest Skill brought up, no, I'm really NOT worried that belkin or griffin or some random chinese company is going to "blow up" my phone with a simple cable that charges my phone or allows data sync'ing. I have almost NO faith in random chinese company, but they don't make money by sending us cheaper simple charging cables that blow up my phone. Neither would the wholesalers that distribute them, and neither would the end merchants. And if the chip weren't there, and it were just a straight-through wire connection for the pins in question, I probably wouldn't have much to worry about, would I?  Granted, something like iHome docks and video docks or whatever would need more electronics in there, and yes, I'd feel better buying stuff from those manufacturers, but again, for charging and sync'ing? No. 

  • Reply 30 of 30

    Originally Posted by marks47 View Post

    Do you know how many posts get posted on sites like this that are just trolls that hate apple products and the users that buy them?


    Want a specific number? image


    So I guess it's meaningless for someone with a long history of Apple purchases to comment…


    Your "long history of purchases" is what is meaningless. We don't care what you say you have. A troll can say the exact same thing and be (gasp) lying about it. 

    It doesn't matter what you have. We don't care what you have. We care about the content of your argument itself. 


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