Initial iPad mini availability may be limited due to issues at display supplier



  • Reply 41 of 47


    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    It doesn't matter how great a product Apple designs if they can't produce it. Apple is becoming another Tesla Motors.

    Their stock is now about 100 points below their high of just a couple months ago and that plunge is deserved. They cannot compromise on quality but they can't push the suppliers passed what they can do.

    Is Samsung really that much better at building quality components than everyone else? If that is the case, Samsung's got Apple over the proverbial barrel.

    Apple can't expect customers to wait until they get their act together -- demand for Apple products contains the critical factor of availability. Customers are not going to wait and will move to competitors.


    Yes, and Samsung is also one of the few (I can't really think of anyone at the moment) that can mass produce in quantities that Apple wants.  Samsung also make 97% of all AMOLED manufactured worldwide. 

  • Reply 42 of 47
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/153710/initial-ipad-mini-availability-may-be-limited-due-to-issues-at-display-supplier#post_2218026"]And if there ever is a "retina" version, then that'll probably be in low supply too, so you'll be getting yours much, much later than March most likely, probably closer to 2014. And where did you get the idea that Apple is on a 6 month update schedule all of a sudden? 

    Haven't you heard? They're going to a 6 month refresh cycle to keep up with the competition or at least that's what many here are claiming.
  • Reply 43 of 47


    Originally Posted by aBeliefSystem View Post

    Useful info considering the launch was rather underwhelming and did nothing for Apple's share price.


    Happens with every announcement. The analysts hype up every rumor, with help from the blogs, and then are 'disappointed' by the truth. AND then start up their whole 'issues might limit supply' so then the price goes down and those trying to short the stock might gain a bit. Few folks get in at the lower price and when it turns out that that 'disappointment' sold huge numbers the stock goes up in leaps and bounds. 


    this year with these new imacs, minis and two ipads the holiday season is likely to be huge. Like record breaking huge. So the earnings report for holiday will likely make the stock soar. Could go as high as $800, perhaps even push $850 for a day or two. And folks will sell if it does cause they won't expect it to stay that high for longer than perhaps a week. And that selling will bring the price down and the circle of life begins again. 

  • Reply 44 of 47


    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    Apple can't expect customers to wait until they get their act together -- demand for Apple products contains the critical factor of availability. Customers are not going to wait and will move to competitors.


    Folks say this every launch and yet folks do in fact wait. 

  • Reply 45 of 47


    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    Fact. The earliest the out of stock stores can will be getting iPhone 5 is mid December. 


    Not sure what stores you are going to but the ones in LA get new stock every day. I've actually watched the website during the whole Personal Pickup thing and seen from day to day 'not available' to 'available' on every model at least every other day if not every at basically every store. Yes those online orders are buying them out so if you call during store hours they are 'out' but that's why they did the online thing in the first place. So you could secure your phone and not have to call and chase for nothing. AND the malls are much happier that folks aren't camping out and such for weeks. 


    It's expected that after the initial weekends they will do the same with the iPads. 

  • Reply 46 of 47


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Haven't you heard? They're going to a 6 month refresh cycle to keep up with the competition or at least that's what many here are claiming.


    The claim is wrong. We don't know that they are going to a 6 month cycle and if they are then it is due to component prices dropping. It's not Apple's style to lower prices mid cycle. They keep the price the same and up the specs. So if the price for some fancy new display they would like to use lowers so now they can use it and not have to increase the price, that's cause for a refresh. If the price for storage or RAM goes down, that's cause for a refresh. All three at once is really cause for a refresh. And so on 

  • Reply 47 of 47
    I sent this suggestion to Apple, anyone agree ?

    As a consumer and investor in apple I would like to see Apple put a GPS chip in the iPad mini making it both wifi and cellular independent Navigation System that works 100 % of the time by accessing the military GPS signal like any othe GPS dedicated device.

    As a truck driver, I can tell you some 7" NAV systems sell for $350., same as iPad mini in cost. The mini's screen size will make it the biggest among NAV systems.

    This will create potential for iAds editions of Apple maps software , e.g. searching the displayed area for restaurant coupons with on screen locator icons.

    As a buyer of NAV's, iPads, iPhone's , I see it as a much appreciated product enhancement giving it much more value, which stockholders will like as well.
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