Apple has reportedly lost ownership of 'iPhone' trademark in Mexico [u]



  • Reply 41 of 64
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    The rest of the world would like to tell you "go f** yourself".

    That's pretty much the same message that I have for most of the world.


    I don't wish to get too political here, but I view much of the world as being primitive and ignorant. And I am very well travelled and have seen much of the world.

  • Reply 42 of 64
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member

    This story is flat out wrong.


    Apple has not lost the ability to us the name 'iPhone' in Mexico, and there is no chance of an injunction against their product.


    Another case of our 'professional' news services these days running with the ball before checking their facts.


    Watch what happens in the next few days as the truth starts making the rounds.

  • Reply 43 of 64


    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    The rest of the world would like to tell you "go *** yourself".


    Don't get riled up over it. Apple will make a business decision, which means they'll either paying off the holders of the "iFone" trademark, or (least likely) they will change the name, packaging and consumer info available in that market.


    I'm betting someone gets a nice payday.


    UPDATE: has actually done its homework and the way this story is reported here is complete bull.


    From The Verge's story:






    The tech media, in love with the idea that Apple's litigious ways had backfired, took the story and ran with it.

    Unfortunately, it just isn't accurate — while Apple did lose an appeal over the iFone trademark in Mexico, it has no bearing on its ability to sell the iPhone in that country, and sources tell The Verge that there is no injunction in place. Indeed, the iPhone 5 is already available unlocked on Apple Mexico's website, and the launch with TelcelMovistar, andIusacell appears to be unaffected. So what's really going on here?Trademarks are filed in classes — internationally-recognized categories that describe what a trademark is for. So Apple has a trademark for the word "Apple" in Class 9, which includes computers, software, cameras, and mobile phones, and Apple Vacations* has a trademark on "Apple" in class 39, which includes travel arrangement. As you'd expect, companies like Apple file to protect ultra valuable trademarks like "iPhone" in every class they can come up with an argument for, since it protects against infringement and brand dilution. That's where iFone comes in — it has a single Mexican trademark on the word "iFone" in Class 38, which covers telecommunication services. Apple runs a few of those, like iMessage and FaceTime, and indeed, it has a Class 38 US trademark on "iPhone."

    Apple already owns two iPhone trademarks in Mexico in Class 9 and Class 28, which covers electronic game devices. But in 2009, Apple's lawyers decided iFone's Mexican Class 38 mark wasn't being actively used, and they filed a lawsuit to try and get it canceled so they could register their own pending Class 38 mark on "iPhone." iFone obviously disagreed and convinced the Mexican courts that they were still using the mark in commerce, which is where today's ruling comes from — Apple lost another round of appeals trying to cancel the iFone mark in Class 38. iFone attorney Eduardo Gallastegui was obviously happy about it, telling wire service Efe that "iFone is fully entitled to the use of its brand name."

  • Reply 44 of 64
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/154003/apple-has-reportedly-lost-ownership-of-iphone-trademark-in-mexico#post_2225767"]Mexican people don't know the difference between an "F" and a "PH? 

    Seriously, who is going to confuse iFone with an iPhone? 

    What does the ruling mean, that Apple will have to change the name of the iPhone in Mexico or something? That sounds ridiculous, and that is obviously not going to happen.

    Screw that, Mexico is not an important country and I doubt that they are an important market for Apple, and I would suggest that Apple also pull out of Mexico. Heck, it wouldn't bother me if Apple were USA only from now on. Apple would still be a very profitable company if that were to happen, just on a smaller scale. The bigger Apple gets, the less the stock market seems to appreciate Apple. Let the foreigners all buy Android phones or Windows phones, because they wouldn't have any other choice.

    Yet Apple has no problem suing companies that use the word "pod" . Sorry dude, but this works both ways. You asked who would confuse iFone and iPhone, right? You realize it was APPLE that filed the lawsuit in the first place back in 2009. So, obviously Apple thought that it was confusing enough that they wanted to take the name usage from the other company.

    By the way, your comments like "Mexico is not an important country" and "let the foreigners buy Android and Windows phones" really makes you out to be a class A dickhead.
  • Reply 45 of 64
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    This story is flat out wrong.


    Apple has not lost the ability to us the name 'iPhone' in Mexico, and their is no chance of an injunction against their product.


    Another case of of our 'professional' news services these days running with the ball before checking their facts.


    Watch what happens in the next few days as the truth starts making the rounds.

    then could you do us a favor and link us to the correct story?

  • Reply 46 of 64


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    then could you do us a favor and link us to the correct story?


  • Reply 47 of 64
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member

    Thank you very much sir. Very helpful.


    I really appreciate the work TheVerge has been doing.

  • Reply 48 of 64
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Left out of the AI article is that an injunction on sales of Apple's iPhone could be enforced, blocking it from the Mexican market according to the story. Apple has no rights to market/sell under the iPhone name in Mexico.

    ...was most amusing.

  • Reply 49 of 64


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Thank you very much sir. Very helpful.


    I really appreciate the work TheVerge has been doing.


    They typically do the yeoman's work and get their stories right and well-researched... the commenters on their forums, on the other hand, are Apple-hating Android fascists of the first order.

  • Reply 50 of 64


    Originally Posted by True View Post

    What a dumb commentary...  and lack of consideration for other users outside the United States.

    Yes, I'm selfish, I know. That isn't a crime last I checked.image


    You must be a mexican in disguise

  • Reply 51 of 64
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by El Mexicano View Post

    You must be a mexican in disguise


    Who me? Nope, I'm not Mexican.


    I do love Mexican food though. There's a a pretty good Taco truck (with real Mexicans in it) that comes around to my neighborhood and I often buy stuff from there. I actually had Mexican for dinner from there last night.image

  • Reply 52 of 64
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    then could you do us a favor and link us to the correct story?


    Huh!  That article seems to suggest that Google Translate may be less accurate than Apple Maps is accused of being...wonder if it's a beta?

  • Reply 53 of 64
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member


    Originally Posted by Rodent View Post

    HaHa, apple ain't the power that they thought they were since Jobs died!

    Can't say I agree with your logic here,

    But I do applaud the accuracy of your user-name! ;-)


    (shouldn't be hard to answer that, I suppose)

  • Reply 54 of 64

    With iNolongerphone's marketshare in Mexico in the low single digit, it wouldn't matter anyhow.


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Left out of the AI article is that an injunction on sales of Apple's iPhone could be enforced, blocking it from the Mexican market according to the story. Apple has no rights to market/sell under the iPhone name in Mexico. I imagine the pressure is on Apple to come to a monetary agreement with the trademark holder sooner rather than later.

  • Reply 55 of 64
    Just call it 'AppleiPhone'' or at worst 'iApplePhone' and be done and move on. I deal a lot with registered trademarks and that would be the easiest solution.
  • Reply 56 of 64
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member


    Originally Posted by Commodification View Post

    Just call it 'AppleiPhone'' or at worst 'iApplePhone' and be done and move on. I deal a lot with registered trademarks and that would be the easiest solution.

    Might not be that simple, since it says "iPhone" right on it.

  • Reply 57 of 64
    boredumb wrote: »
    Might not be that simple, since it says "iPhone" right on it.

    True, Apple with have to create a special batch of iPhones specially for Mexico. While every brand would love to use one name in all markets, it's not uncommon to see the exact same product sold with different names in different countries.
  • Reply 58 of 64


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Congratulations. You just made it to my Troll List.

    Oh, can I also sign up for that list? image



    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    They typically do the yeoman's work and get their stories right and well-researched... the commenters on their forums, on the other hand, are Apple-hating Android fascists of the first order.

    Do you have a list for those as well? image


  • Reply 59 of 64
    How much damage will Apple have to pay?
  • Reply 60 of 64

    Originally Posted by capoeira4u View Post

    How much damage will Apple have to pay?


    Zero. That's not what this is.

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