Microsoft rumored to release 7-inch 'Xbox Surface' gaming tablet



  • Reply 41 of 44
    If it plays Halo I'll buy it.

    Halo stinks.

    On ice.

    Modern Combat FTW!
  • Reply 42 of 44
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    luxom3 wrote: »
    40 Million XBox live subscribers gentlemen.
    If true, this IS NOT an iPad toy like you see preschool kids on the plane playing or watching bids.
    Think mobile hardcore gaming, portable lan parties, COD/Halo groups at Starbucks...
    This could be a literal game changer.

    News flash: ALL game systems are toys. Just because some 35-year-olds buy them don't make them not toys! It's not actually a bad thing, except for people on your side of the fence sneering at things for being toys, when games are toys.

    Any assertion otherwise is snobbery and elitism. This idea of making a separate distinction for "serious gaming" device that is somehow not a toy is self-contradictory and very silly.
  • Reply 43 of 44


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    See, here's what I don't get when people like you claim you're "not blinded by fanboyism." The rumor of an Xbox tablet has you people singing its praises, like the rumor has already won, and the iPad is no longer a contender and Apple is now doomed. Except for the fact that this is just a rumor: you have no specs, no hardware, no benchmarks, no announced titles, prices, description, features, nothing. Versus iPad's real hardware, specs, benchmarks, hundreds of thousands of titles, prices, features, and an entire ecosystem. It's real, you can buy one now, and you can play real games on it, including triple-A sports titles, fighting games, shooters, racing games, arcade classics, and plenty of casual games. Go ahead: pretend none of that exists. Pretend your rumored Xbox tablet is real and already beaten iPad. And say with a straight face that you're not the one blinded by militant fanboyism. While you're "fooling yourself" over a rumor, I'll go play Need For Speed and Rage on my real iPad. Let me know when your rumored 7-inch Xbox gaming tablet wades into the pool.


    You completely miss the point of what I did say while simultaneously crediting me with a number of things I in no way actually said.  All that clap-trap about singing the praises of an xbox tablet yadda yadda is just that - clap-trap.  I never said any such things.  I pointed out that the threat from the Win8 eco-system is bigger than you guys want to admit, and by extension, a good xbox tablet is not a bad idea.


    I'll make this simple:


    1) Windows 8 and xbox form an ecosystem that is equally capable to the ecosystem Apple provides.


    2) Just like Apple, that ecosystem extends across many device types including tablets, phones, and desktops.


    3) Unlike Apple, Windows 8 apps sold through the windows store will run on tablets as wells as desktops and laptops.


    4) XBox is not a gaming console, MS has transformed it into a console that happens to play games.  If they continue to execute on that strategy, they will be meeting Apple on every front (including the beloved hobby) but with more capabilities.


    5) That makes the market disrupting threat real and one that fanboys such as yourself ought to pay some attention to.

  • Reply 44 of 44
    I don't think this will be a success if its not able to play full fledged Xbox 360 games. I have an Xbox 360 and its great and I just got Halo 4 yesterday and its awesome but that's a different story. I don't see an Xbox 360 portable device being successful. Who knows it could be but leave Xbox 360 as a console only device.
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