I love… I don't even know what to call it. Alternate history, I guess, but thinking about it in terms of how it operates in the higher dimensions. How the butterfly effect plays out based on closeness to a POD.
Let's suppose that when Google's founders come to him and ask Steve to be their CEO, instead of declining… he takes it. It being Google and takes being buys them out and makes them part of Apple.
I love thinking about what would have become of that Apple.
That page could be out of date. Wiki also suggests they've retained control, but I never go solely by wiki. I just like it, and they always have a reference list at the bottom of the page. I can't find anything that suggests otherwise, although I suppose it's possible.
Originally Posted by Stef
Apple, please buy Google before Samsung does.
I love… I don't even know what to call it. Alternate history, I guess, but thinking about it in terms of how it operates in the higher dimensions. How the butterfly effect plays out based on closeness to a POD.
Let's suppose that when Google's founders come to him and ask Steve to be their CEO, instead of declining… he takes it. It being Google and takes being buys them out and makes them part of Apple.
I love thinking about what would have become of that Apple.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Mini DisplayPort is part of the DisplayPort spec. Apple has no control over the licensing anymore.
Wait they don't control licensing on the connector anymore?
That page could be out of date. Wiki also suggests they've retained control, but I never go solely by wiki. I just like it, and they always have a reference list at the bottom of the page. I can't find anything that suggests otherwise, although I suppose it's possible.