Apple television predicted to headline three core product launches in 2013



  • Reply 101 of 202
    ecs wrote: »
    The three most needed core product launches:

    Most needed by whom? You? The 0.001%?

    Like it or not but Apple isn't focused on you anymore. They haven't been since they took Shake off the market. Hell they basically said that the Pro market was no longer their major concern when they did that. It's consumer/prosumer as that is where the money is. If the Pros can find use for their stuff, great. If not, oh well. Even when this hinted Mac Pro comes out, you and yours will likely hate it anyway because it won't have some nifty processor that just it the market, won't be upgradable enough, blah blah. So why don't you just go buy that Windows/Linux box you keep threatening to buy and stop off topic trolling with your Mac Pro whining
  • Reply 102 of 202


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Slightly related, I noticed Sears has a 50" LCD HDTV from LG on Black Friday for, get this: $299!! How low will decent to good quality 42"+ HDTV's  be by next year? How Apple would expect to grab any significant market share for a $2000 TV is questionable IMHO.

    You assume that that is the game plan. You, and Munster etc, could be way off. Assuming that Apple is working on an All in One Monitor/Apple TV set up perhaps the reason this has been vaporware for the past 3+ years is that they are waiting for the component prices to come down enough that they can build what they want at the size and quality they want and keep it at no more the $999 of the current Cinema Display. 

  • Reply 103 of 202


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    There's already a network app called Hulu. Why would I pay $.99 a show when for $7.99 a month I can watch shows from ABC/NBC/Fox and a multitude of other networks?


    $7.99 a month with ads, dependent on having a network connection and Hulu drops episodes and shows based on contracts all the time. 


    But you do raise a good point. Pricing in iTunes (as well as quality and timing of releases) could use a vast improvement. Especially the whole season pass thing. It's absurd that a 'half hour' sitcom costs the same as an 'hour long' drama or that any of them are as much as $5 an episode. Even the standard $2.99 of the broadcast realm is too much. And the $1 off season passes is a huge no way.


    I noticed that the CW did something wacky, probably as a test. They released their Beauty and the Beast remake show for a season pass of $10 right off the top of the season. I wouldn't be shocked if they did that to entice viewers to buy it to see how many folks get the show that way (they can likely see download numbers week over week) to supplement the standard ratings from Nielsen. If I'm right that is an awesome move. Nielsen counts a tiny fraction of folks so they could see some interesting numbers and the price is totally in line with what folks, especially the 18-25 crew that the CW skews to, would pay for a show. If it makes it all 22 eps it will be a huge bargain. I'd say even double that is a more reasonable price for a 22-26 ep season. but not any higher. If this goes well the CW could try this with other shows and it might spread to other networks. 

  • Reply 104 of 202


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Are people going to line up with their 50" TVs to use the genius bar?


    Nope. Because Apple does have in home options. Even for their iMacs. It's dependent on there being a 3rd party shop in your area that does in home but if there is then Apple Care has the option to arrange for that company to come to you if your product is still under warranty/Apple Care. They would use that for the TVs if such a product exists. 


    And even if someone did bring in their TV to the genius bar they would treat it like they treat the current products. Check it in for overnight testing. Replace faulty hardware components, restore the software if that is the issue. It's really not a huge deal. 

  • Reply 105 of 202


    Originally Posted by allenbf View Post


    Yep.  I love my Apple TV but they're behind on content thus far because developers haven't had access.  Roku has done quite well on this.




    I wouldn't be so sure it's the developers that are the issue. It's also possible that it's contractual. Apple might be more than willing to put HBOGO on the Apple TV but they might be demanding that users be allowed to subscribe directly and not have it tied to having cable service from a select list of companies, same as the other paid services on the ATV. Time Warner might be saying no way to that. Thus no HBOGO. 


    And remember that any app can be on the Apple TV via Airplay, which isn't an issue for the vast number of apps since they are games and you'd need a controller anyway (which would be your iphone, ipad etc). The only apps that would be potentially useful in an independent sense are media playing apps like HBOGO, Pandora etc which are all tied to contracts. 

  • Reply 106 of 202


    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    Price will stay $99 entry.



    I wouldn't count on that. If they expanded the on board memory for more caching of rentals etc to say 64GB, added more HDMI and even coaxial for plugging in BluRay players and cable boxes for some new controller API, added bluetooth for using those clone "Nintendo" controllers then I could see the price going up to $149, even $199. But not likely more than that. 

  • Reply 107 of 202


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Apple TV is not simple either. You have to use the TV remote and change the external input selection, then turn on Home Sharing on your computer or type in your Apple ID and password which are usually long and complicated using a horribly awkward interface or type in your Netflix username and password. I often make a mistake entering the text and have to start over again. Then, far too often it fails to remember your account settings or loses connection with iTunes requiring you start troubleshooting and reboot each device, rinse and repeat. It sometimes takes literally 10-15 minutes to get the thing up and running.


    You might want to restore your Apple TV cause I know dozens of folks with an ATV and they put in that info once and haven't again since they bought it. 


    You are correct about the TV remote issue, which is why I wonder if perhaps Apple might be working on some kind of API for controlling outside devices via the ATV. Rather like how many video cameras can be controlled during importing from inside iMovie and Final Cut. Then you could just grab that old ipad you are using as a remote, fire up the remote app, turn on the tv etc and have at it. Even being able to type when needed via the soft keyboard instead of that annoying click wheel in the silver remote. 

  • Reply 108 of 202


    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    My guess is that 3d will always be a gimmick. 


    In live action I agree. Outside of heavy CGI things like Avatar which were filmed from the start for 3D it is just a gimmick. 


    But in that CGI and in Annies, if it is used right it can be very good. The trick is to be subtle and use it mostly for adding inner depth, not doing cute stunts (although the post credit stuff in Despicable Me still cracks me up). 


    And I amstrongly for passive 3D not active. Those shutter glasses kill my eyes. I get migraines and I know many others that do. It's just not worth it for the gimmicks the movies tend to have. In my opinion, The Avengers showed that passive 3D is fine for a live action movie. I could even see Apple eventually trying to get some of the 3D annies etc into the store via their connections to Disney. It might be technologically possible now that we are moving into h.265. And if they let folks pay up via an iTunes Plus kind of deal to add the 3d to previous HD purchases, folks could bite. Might be an interesting experiment. I am loathe to pay $30 for a movie on iTunes right now but if it was that price to get access to the SD, 720p, (slightly higher quality) 1080 and 1080 3D I might go enticed. 

  • Reply 109 of 202


    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Hilarious. He actually forgot the launch of the new Mac Pro, the only core product launch that is actually confirmed.


    He didn't. Munster is focused on Apple making scads of money and thus raising their stock value. The Mac Pro will not sell the units needed to fall into that focus. Thus he isn't talking about it. 


    I would be careful about saying that the Mac Pro is 'confirmed'. Tim's letter and phrasing were just vague enough that he could be confirming a new Mac Pro or he could be saying they didn't talk about the Mac Pro because it is being nixed but the new thing isn't ready to talk about yet. We could be about to see the end of the Mac Pro as we know it in exchange for a more powerful iMac or even Mac Mini (with lack of user updating). 

  • Reply 110 of 202
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    hentaiboy wrote: »
    Re Apple TV set. Implement complete voice control (Siri).

    "TV turn on"
    "TV what's on tonight?"
    "TV change to Channel x"
    "TV switch to Blu-ray"
    "TV record xxx while I'm out"
    "TV turn off"

    That's the differentiator. Screw a 55" LCD with an iPod Touch as a remote.

    Asking it to record an arbitrary program would be its strong suit. For the rest of that, pressing a button would be quicker, though voice control would be a nice fallback.

    I have the Panasonic VT 65" plasma (with stunning 3D).

    Once you get used to modern plasma, you can't go back to LCD (or what passes off for LED).

    If Apple does not offer at least 65", plasma, and 3D, I'd stick with an @TV driving my Panasonic. (Although, the one slight hitch might be that after its recent, gargantuan loss, Panasonic may not be around all that much longer as a maker of TVs).

    Plasma fans don't seem to notice the swimming of static in the image. I don't understand that.

    It's also unfortunate the best home 3D requires the bulkier glasses.
  • Reply 111 of 202
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jeffdm wrote: »
    Asking it to record an arbitrary program would be its strong suit. For the rest of that, pressing a button would be quicker, though voice control would be a nice fallback.
    Plasma fans don't seem to notice the swimming of static in the image. I don't understand that.
    It's also unfortunate the best home 3D requires the bulkier glasses.

    That swimming static is only visible up close. If the viewer is at the correct distance for the given screen size he/she doesn't see it.
  • Reply 112 of 202
    rbrrbr Posts: 631member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    You know what? Whatever. They want to build things based on rumors and what people tell them they want, it's their funeral.


    Hey, Apple is releasing an xMac, too.

    Hey, Apple is building a car. 

    Hey, Apple is making an iPhone nano.


    Boom. There goes the company.

    The one change I believe Apple need to be prepared for is a change of form factor for the iPad. Nothing terribly radical, but an enclosure adapted for use with a keyboard. A bit over a year ago Asus came out with a tablet with an optional keyboard that had a cradle to hold the tablet. The form factor was very interesting. M$'s surface is a variation on this. Neither system IMO is anything near being a substantial competitor for the iPad, but sooner or later they may become one. Apple would be well served in my view to come out with their own integrated (removable) keyboard that maintains the slim profile of the iPad. I am aware that there are third party adaptations which succeed in varying degrees, but I think Apple could do better. There are times when a keyboard is necessary.

  • Reply 113 of 202

    Originally Posted by RBR View Post

    The one change I believe Apple need to be prepared for is a change of form factor for the iPad. Nothing terribly radical, but an enclosure adapted for use with a keyboard.


    That's what external cases are for. You want a laptop, buy a laptop.

  • Reply 114 of 202
    rbrrbr Posts: 631member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    That's what external cases are for. You want a laptop, buy a laptop.

    No! This is a "both" option. You can buy the table by itself and, if you so desire, you can buy the keyboard that integrates with it, but is removable for those occasions when you don't need it. Take a look at the Asus and you will see that it is not a laptop at all and it is much more elegant than any of the "cases" for the iPad I have seen.

  • Reply 115 of 202
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Tallest Skil was absolutely correct. "If you want a laptop, then you should buy a laptop." You may be salivating for the Microsoft Surface with their flipping/folding covers that convert the tablet into a laptop or the new Windows 8 laptops with the rotating display panel that converts them into incredibly thick tablets. Check back in 6 months. They will make Windows Me look like a roaring success.

  • Reply 116 of 202

    Originally Posted by Mr. Me View Post

    …the new Windows 8 laptops with the rotating display panel that converts them into incredibly thick tablets.


    Ooh! I saw a full-page ad for one of those in a magazine! "How horrid," I thought to myself, "they didn't learn from the last set of these in 2004?"


    I mean REALLY. NO ONE wanted to use it then, no one will use it now. Quit shoving this filth down our throats and actually come up with something that people would want for once in your miserable existences. 




    Hey, here it is! I imagine one side carries power to the screen and the other side carries data. How long before both of them just BREAK right off, would you guess? image


    Or you read on a forum "I thought it was a tablet, so I snapped it out. Now the screen part doesn't work and the laptop part doesn't work. And Dell won't give me a new one for free! This is so unfair. I deserve a new one."

  • Reply 117 of 202
    rbrrbr Posts: 631member

    This is the current version of the Asus Tablet to which I referred. It uses a Tegra SoC and runs on Android, not Win 8 or such. You will note that the hinge assembly of the keyboard serves as a docking station. I spoke with the person who had it at some length and it had a number of shortcomings, such as poor battery life and nothing like the number of apps available for the iPad. The form factor, however was good. It was, IMO, much more elegant than any of the (third party) iPad keyboard solutions I have seen. These affairs come off as "second best" whether there really is an available product that is better or not.


    This is a tablet, not a laptop. There are a lot of people dragging around all manner of make to keyboard solutions for the iPad. Apple could be selling their own keyboard and making money on it. Even if there were not direct electrical connection between the keyboard and the iPad, this solution would be entirely workable with a Bluetooth connection as is the case with most of the current offerings. One difference that is apparent between the Android and iOS systems is the provision for a touchpad which, of course would not work with the current renditions of iOS...which is no big deal,  but the keyboard is.


    When the one I saw was closed, it looked a lot like the old Titanium MBP, except very, very thin.


    If you will read my original post, I commented only about the form factor, explicitly stating that I did not view this to be an effective competitor for the iPad, but that, sooner or later (most likely later), there will probably be someone who comes up with a reasonable competitor for the iPad.

  • Reply 118 of 202

    Originally Posted by RBR View Post

    Apple could be selling their own keyboard and making money on it.


    They are. It's called the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard. You can even get cases that have slots for both the iPad and the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard, and there are plenty of cases that have their own Bluetooth keyboards built in. 


    But if you're doing this, you want a laptop. Your computing needs are basically suffering an identity crisis. This is to be expected, obviously, during this transition phase. Nothing wrong with it other than when people don't acknowledge that this is what is happening to them.


    By the end of the decade, laptops will basically be phased out, and only bargain bin manufacturers (like Dell or HP, if they're even still making computers at all by then) would be making laptops.

  • Reply 119 of 202
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    If those things weren't so sad, then they would be funny.

  • Reply 120 of 202
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    He released the Apple TV. I have physical proof that your sarcasm is meaningless.
    Nice hobby.
    You don't. You need a TV and one device. The Apple TV. Period. Swap out the stupid screen any time you want.

    That's already two devices, I don't like that right off the bat. And right now you need a third device if you want to game on your TV. And throw in a universal remote to get it all working right, and that's after you set the whole thing up. You, meaning Joe.

    I'm the type of guy where my ideal would be an Apple branded TV I can take out of the box, put in the living room, plug it in, enter my wireless network password, followed by my Apple ID and everything is set up and ready to go. One remote!

    Followed by a bonfire in the garden for all the other crap it takes the place of.

    Even with the set up you're on about you've two remotes. Right away that's a bad experience.

    One of these days, if they can somehow manage to get the TV show content, via a subscription package, they'll be able to sell an Apple caliber AIO TV at a decent price, and people will buy it. It's that simple. I expect than they'll likely continue to sell the Apple TV box, but when the TV is release it'll be the only device that gets an App Store. My wish on the gaming front for iTV, is an optional hardware controller with real, physical buttons - which you can add on at checkout. Are you a gamer? Then add on a controller, or two, or three.
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