Construction of Apple's 'spaceship' campus may not be finished until 2016

in General Discussion edited January 2014
According to a construction timetable submitted by Apple to the city of Cupertino on Tuesday, the company may not be able to start work on the project until 2014, meaning the campus' expected completion date could be pushed back until 2016.

Apple Cupertino Campus 2

The updated proposal, discovered by Bloomberg, was submitted on Nov. 14 and notes that Apple had wanted to break ground in 2012, but an environmental impact report may not be completed until June of next year.

?They could conceivably break ground in 2013, but only if everything goes smoothly,? said Cupertino city manager David Brandt, pointing out that much relies on the city council's approval and lack of opposition from residents. ?The project is running a little bit slow.?

According to the publication, the Nov. 14 submission includes the same renderings seen in previous reports and not much has changed from the original plans besides the relocation of an auditorium which will now be placed farther from a nearby road. Apparently Apple's updated filing provides a way to complete the massive undertaking without moving any dirt from the 176-acre lot that was previously owned by Hewlett-Packard.

The city was made aware of the submitted changes in August, but by filing in November, an approval in early 2013 is unrealistic, said Brandt. Apple initially planned to have the complex completed by 2015.

Design drawings and specs for Apple's proposed Campus 2 were were revealed by late company cofounder Steve Jobs at a Cupertino city council meeting in June 2011. Further details of the project have been "leaked" in the ensuing months, including images of the circular four-story main building which at 2.8 million square feet will be one of the largest buildings in the world.

Aarti Shrivastava, director of community development for the city of Cupertino, said that the recently-submitted plans will be posted online after Thanksgiving. The city is currently preparing additional servers to handle an expected spike in traffic.


  • Reply 1 of 32

    They must have found some Spotted Owls nesting in the old HP complex. Those are hard little buggers to shoot.

  • Reply 2 of 32
    That headline is completely misleading. "Construction of Apple's 'spaceship' campus may be delayed until 2014" or "Construction of Apple's 'spaceship' campus may not be completed until 2016" are both acceptable.
  • Reply 3 of 32
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,111member
    Environmental impact report delayed? Compared to the what's currently there - the big buildings and huge parking lots - Apple's should be an easy report to do!

    Steve Jobs wanted to place all the orchards back that were common during his younger years there, install more green power, and return most of that land back to its natural state. There are already countless cars that contribute to traffic there and the new campus I don't think would add to that since the workers are already commuting to the nearby buildings anyways that would eventually relocate to the new campus.

    Just lame.

    However, if any impact report should be done, I would wonder about the bank change that the current owner of the condominiums/apartments will be getting when the campus is completed. The owner was pretty savvy about keeping his lot of land out of Apple's hands. It's going to really be worth something in a few years.
  • Reply 4 of 32


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That headline is completely misleading. "Construction of Apple's 'spaceship' campus may be delayed until 2014" or "Construction of Apple's 'spaceship' campus may not be completed until 2016" are both acceptable.

    I was thinking the exact same thing ... the way this headline is worded it makes it sound as if construction isn't starting until 2016, then you read the article and find out that isn't the case at all.  

  • Reply 5 of 32



    Aside from the fact that the headline is grammatically incorrect to begin with. 

  • Reply 6 of 32
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member



    Judging from the encroachment of advertising space on the iPad version of AppleInsider, I probably won't be reading about its completion seeing as entire articles will probably only have a few square millimetres per story:



  • Reply 7 of 32
    jSnivelyjSnively Posts: 431administrator
  • Reply 8 of 32
    jSnivelyjSnively Posts: 431administrator
  • Reply 9 of 32
    It's just a landing pad for our galactic neighbors when they arrive.

    And each alien gets a free iPad to welcome them.

    Then they laugh because it will be 10,000 year-old technology to them.
  • Reply 10 of 32


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post



    Judging from the encroachment of advertising space on the iPad version of AppleInsider, I probably won't be reading about its completion seeing as entire articles will probably only have a few square millimetres per story:



    I know what you mean. Actually, the computer version is not much better! I realise advertisements financially support AI, of course, but can't AI put the advertisements in the webpage in such a way that they don't distract the reader too much. Also I'd like to see AI redesign the webpage a bit to make reading the latest reports a more pleasant experience.

  • Reply 11 of 32
    Ironically, the completion of this building will coincide with Apple's irrelevance. They'll probably be little more than a modern day Sony by 2016. Big, sure. Powerful in the market, sure. But without Jobs, no longer able to conjure magic out of thin air with new, unimagined products being announced every few years.
  • Reply 12 of 32


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post



    Judging from the encroachment of advertising space on the iPad version of AppleInsider, I probably won't be reading about its completion seeing as entire articles will probably only have a few square millimetres per story:



    It works on my Mac. Try it on your iPad. 

  • Reply 13 of 32
    gtr wrote: »

    Judging from the encroachment of advertising space on the iPad version of AppleInsider, I probably won't be reading about its completion seeing as entire articles will probably only have a few square millimetres per story:

    Things like that really push people towards adblock. Is it that hard to understand?

    You can notice the impact to the site with the number of comments compared to the redesign. It seems like I am not the only person to think so. Good thing it doesn't scare the trolls away!!
  • Reply 14 of 32
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
  • Reply 15 of 32
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    gtr wrote: »

    Judging from the encroachment of advertising space on the iPad version of AppleInsider, I probably won't be reading about its completion seeing as entire articles will probably only have a few square millimetres per story:

    Use AdBlock on iPad with Mercury web browser or Atomic Web Browser.

    As for AppleInsider, that ship has sailed, where to, I am not sure.
  • Reply 16 of 32
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    sr2012 wrote: »

    Spaceship gate.
    Starship gate.
    Star gate.

    Is Apple building one on the opposite end of the Earth so it can products made in China even faster? That means it would take 42 minutes from start to finish. This is true for any segment, not just directly through the center, for any place on this planet, assuming there was absolutely nothing between the two points to impede your journey.
  • Reply 17 of 32
    sr2012 wrote: »
    Use AdBlock on iPad with Mercury web browser or Atomic Web Browser.

    Yup. AppleInsider helped sell me a copy of Atomic Web Browser. Not perfect (would prefer to be able to block some specific javascript), but it restores some useability. Ironically, I originally got it just to block the scrolling crap at the top, not knowing you can (supposedly) set your profile to eliminate it.

    I really hope people catch on to the fact that breaking the browsing experience doesn't help generate revenue long term. The worst has to be the SFGate iPhone page though with the ad that scrolls with you.
  • Reply 18 of 32
    I think headline writer may be not finish 4th grade.

    *UPDATE* Headline writer finishes 4th grade, fixes headline. Now hard at work on grade 5.
  • Reply 19 of 32
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    It's bordering on unethical at this stage.



    Originally Posted by GTR View Post



    Judging from the encroachment of advertising space on the iPad version of AppleInsider, I probably won't be reading about its completion seeing as entire articles will probably only have a few square millimetres per story:



  • Reply 20 of 32
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    This building will be beautiful.

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