AT&T to enable FaceTime over cellular for all tiered data customers



  • Reply 41 of 48
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    bjaj1 wrote: »
    WOW -- so once again, their most loyal and long term customers get the short end of the deal.

    Please! You are a customer with an unlimited plan that wants to stick it to AT&T on data whenever you get the chance. There is nothing wrong with that but your plan of choice shows you want to get as much data as possible for your dime. This has nothing to do with loyalty or any other entitled feelings you have. They offer a service/product and you pay for it. That's all there is to it.
  • Reply 42 of 48
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    bjaj1 wrote: »
    WOW -- so once again, their most loyal and long term customers get the short end of the deal.

    Please! You are a customer with an unlimited plan that wants to stick it to AT&T on data whenever you get the chance. There is nothing wrong with that but your plan of choice shows you want to get as much data as possible for your dime. This has nothing to do with loyalty or any other entitled feelings you have. They offer a service/product and you pay for it. That's all there is to it.
  • Reply 43 of 48
    For the record, FaceTime works perfectly over 3G on my jailbroken (iOS 5.1) iPhone 4 using 3G Unrestrictor.
  • Reply 44 of 48
  • Reply 45 of 48
    mactoid wrote: »
    I've been an AT&T customer since before the first iPhone was released, and have been a loyal customer ever since. But, AT&T continues to take a steaming dump on my loyalty.

    When I decide to give up my grandfathered AT&T data plan, I'm going to time it with a new iPhone and make a jump to another carrier. If they are not going to appreciate my customer loyalty, I'll no longer be loyal.

    You & I are just another account number to them. Nothing more.
  • Reply 46 of 48
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member


    Originally Posted by DarkVader View Post

    Sure it will. Just jailbreak.

    It also works on the iPhone 4, lies about hardware not being capable notwithstanding.


    I know it's not a hardware issue.  




    Originally Posted by Carthusia View Post

    Yes, that would appear to be the case. This, partly, seems to be a strategy to incentivize grandfathered customers like us to move to a tiered plan.


    I can also see, from a business perspective, the network burdens of unlimited Facetime-over-cellular. 


    I think it's really a shameful tactic.  And understand...there are no "unlimited" plans anymore...even for those of us that are grandfathered.  If you exceed the cap, they just throttle you instead of charging you.  So the part about what "unlimited" use would do to their network is bogus (no offense)  




    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Apparently... and make sure you keep it because (as I note above) any changes you make will result in higher costs.

    Absolute theft on the part of the carriers.


    It's one reason I didn't switch to VZW.  I went with AT&T when I got my first iPhone (a 3G).  I stayed around for the iPhone 4, and then almost bailed for VZW when I got my iPhone 5 due to the LTE coverage.  I changed my mind when I realized it was going to cost me up to $20 a month more, and I'd have to accept a true data cap.   Fortunately, while AT&T still blows, the LTE coverage is better than I expected.  They apparently flipped on the new units the week after I got my phone! 

  • Reply 47 of 48
    jd_in_sb wrote: »
    Not really. The last time we saw this headline it was about FaceTime for shared data plans only. This is for tiered plans, a much broader audience.

    I guess you have a point
  • Reply 48 of 48
    Not sure if this is an indication of things changing but I'm on a grandfathered unlimited data plan and using a 4s. I live in San Diego. I having been checking my FaceTime over Cell for many weeks with no luck. Just tried again 30 mins ago and found FaceTime over cell toggled on. Tested a FT call over 4G and it was perfect. Things are looking up! :)
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