Traffic from Apple's unannounced OS X 10.9 continues to grow



  • Reply 41 of 201


    Originally Posted by supremedesigner View Post

    So what will happen after 10.9? 10.10?


  • Reply 42 of 201

    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    But it's hard for me to look forward to dinner on June 19 when I have no idea who I'll be having dinner with or what I'll be eating or where I'll be.

    That's the beauty of it. Now you can make the plans that make looking forward worth it!


    That too optimistic? I'm trying to be more optimistic. 

  • Reply 43 of 201
    supremedesigner "Hmm, OSX 10.10 - isn't that OSXXX?"

    That would be Mac OS 10.10.10 or X.X.X.
  • Reply 44 of 201
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Of course one can look forward to a future event, but looking forward to something that you have no knowledge of is silly.

    If I have a dinner date with Taylor Swift, I can look forward to that dinner. But it's hard for me to look forward to dinner on June 19 when I have no idea who I'll be having dinner with or what I'll be eating or where I'll be.

    I have yet to be disappointed with the features and changes they've offered with a new version of Mac OS X so using that decade long precedence I can honestly say that I am looking forward to the next version of Mac OS X. That doesn't mean I will like it just as you may not like your date with Taylor Swift or the restaurant you go to or your expectations might be off from what actually happens, but in that same vein based on the current data set we can both look forward to the event… except that a new version of Mac OS X is actually going to happen.
  • Reply 44 of 201
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
  • Reply 46 of 201

    interesting that the trend line showing the presence of iOS 8 is identical...

  • Reply 47 of 201

    Originally Posted by OllieWallieWhiskers View Post

    interesting that the trend line showing the presence of iOS 8 is identical...


    Well, you know us Apple users: always changing our user agents.

  • Reply 48 of 201
    Wow, is that all people are concerned with: naming convention? I thought it might be more interesting to have some rumours about new features. I would very much wan them to resolve having to separate file systems: Finder and iCloud. Really, if MS would do that, everybody would find this just laughable. So, please fix that!
  • Reply 49 of 201

    OS 10.10.10 would be X.X.X and I can not see Apple who does not like pornography will use.   They will go to OS 11 before they go to OS 10.10.

  • Reply 50 of 201

    So disappointed. I read this and thought "10.6.9, YES!" Then I read a little more... 10.9. Darn.

  • Reply 51 of 201
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member


    Originally Posted by Adam_Apple View Post

    I wonder what Mac OSX 10.9 will be called. What big cats are left? They've already done cheetah, puma, jaguar, panther, tiger, leopard, snow leopard, lion, mountain lion.... What's left?



  • Reply 52 of 201

    Originally Posted by deekster_caddy View Post

    So disappointed. I read this and thought "10.6.9, YES!" Then I read a little more... 10.9. Darn.


    How did you miss the title, and why would you think Snow Leopard would get another update?

  • Reply 53 of 201
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member

    According to Wikipedia Panther and Mountain Lion are the same animal. Puma and Cougar are also other names for that same animal. There is also Catamount, but that truly must be the lamest sounding big cat name. The big cat naming convention is getting old fast, though. One more, perhaps and I'm with the Sabre Tooth crew. 


    jragosta, you really are sad if you can't look forward to an event without knowing all it will entail. By now you should know that all Apple events are great. The only thing that has been ruining these events over the last few years is that by the time they come around most of us have already moved on to the next thing. The reveal is inevitably a bit of a disappointment because its already old hat. Nonetheless, all Apple event days equate to low productivity days for me. 

  • Reply 54 of 201
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member

    Will Apple be able to sell on the App Store, it is XXX after all...




  • Reply 55 of 201
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by supremedesigner View Post

    So what will happen after 10.9? 10.10?


    Seems pretty likely given that 10 comes after 9.  

  • Reply 56 of 201
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by NorCal Explorer View Post

    OS 10.10.10 would be X.X.X and I can not see Apple who does not like pornography will use.   They will go to OS 11 before they go to OS 10.10.


    They will never go to "OS 11."  

    Ain't gonna happen.  

  • Reply 57 of 201
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by RichL View Post




    This is a made up "problem," that only Geeks ever think about.   

  • Reply 58 of 201
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Why? No one knows what's in it, so how can you be looking forward to it?

    From my perspective, since about 10.6, there's been little driving force for a change. I don't have anything that really needs to be changed (with one exception - Safari memory leaks), so I'm completely indifferent to a new OS.

    That, of course, is balanced by the fact that upgrades are so easy and inexpensive that it's a matter of "might as well, even though I don't need it".
    Great point as always jrag. That iCloud thing sucks. I hate having contacts, calendars, notes, photostream, bookmarks and messages sync with my Mac.
    Sarcasm on all 3 sentences btw.
  • Reply 59 of 201
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member


    Originally Posted by Adam_Apple View Post

    I wonder what Mac OSX 10.9 will be called. What big cats are left? They've already done cheetah, puma, jaguar, panther, tiger, leopard, snow leopard, lion, mountain lion.... What's left?

    After they finish with Mac OSX 10.9 though, they have to go to Mac OSXI 11.0. Mac OSX 10.10 would just be the same as Mac OSX 10.1.



    Originally Posted by jmgregory1 View Post

    Hmm, OSX 10.10 - isn't that OSXXX?


    Apple's never used ANY Roman #'s to denote a particular version of OS X, tho as noted, Apple's free to (but won't) release OSX X.X if they so choose, and as for the strength of the "OS X brand" which is nearly as established as "Windows" is for MS, and certainly as established as Android has (astonishingly) become in only four years.

    Any OS XI (or whatever it might be called) would have to represent a deep re-architecting from where the electrons meet the substrate up.  Which might not be "OS anything," but Apple's free to not only release 10.10 and 10.11, but 10.37 many years from now if anything resembling today's personal computers still exist, if they want to. 

    Also, cat names haven't hurt as branding devices either and there are plenty left if you dig, tho' many are synonyms, and there are always all the breeds of cats we have around us that could work.  E.g., Himalaya and Abyssinian come to mind, along with the hybrid cats like Bengal and Savannah, or if Cupertino's feeling whimsical, Calico - but likely not "Apple Domestic Short Hair," LoL. 

    I personally have expressed being impressed with a few Android phones, but their code names, based around sugar-laden treats have always turned me off as a consumer to the point that it actively pushes me away from being put in the position of having to say, "Oh yeah, I have 'Ice Cream Sandwich'."  But I don't know any dog people who haven't bought a Mac because it was associated with cat names....



    Originally Posted by iVlad View Post

    I really hope 10.9 is last version of OS X and iOS will take over. I want OS X to be classic OS to be used for professionals, designers, scientists, video-makers and photographers, while iOS will be used for main stream.




    1. Didn't Windows just do this?  And look how that's taking off like wildfire at the sub-PC level, and moderately at best with their bread 'n butter PC OS. 

    Plus at the moment, people have to purchase three different "Win 8 apps" to run on PC's, RT devices and phones.  Nothing confusing there. Nope. Uh-uhh. We cool.


    2. The above made me realize something about the "new nomenclature" in the computing world.  Namely that in one sense it's technically wrong.  iPhones and iPads et. al are not really post-PC devices (except in the sense of being computing devices that came after PC's), rather, functionally, they're all sub-PC devices to date, since none are comparable in horsepower for serious computing tasks.  And yes, you can make and receive phone calls from a PC - with a phone number even, and for free, e.g. via Google Voice.  Which leads to....

    3. Why are you "hoping" Apple deliberately dumbs down the base OS of its more capable machines and abandon all the things it does far better in some "Classic" ghetto?  NTM, we've been told over and over from the start (though not, I note, lately) that iOS IS OSX right down to its roots, or rather at base is a subset of OS X, so it seems more likely that Apple could provide a shell allowing iOS programs to run on OS X - even in a (full-screenable) window if they want to, and that actually sounds interesting and practical. 


    In this mode, iOS apps might even allow for extensions when hosted on the parent platform that give them some additional functionality and interaction with the rest of OS X if that was desirable - and, yes, would allow people who choose to, to spend full time in that ONE MODE of OS X, shielding them from the rest. 

    (This will only happen, BTW, when Apple adopts - as it will - touch screen capable PC class devices, I hasten to add.)

    And then the market would dictate if that's the main way users want to interact with the PC device class.  All power to the consumer (balanced by Caveat Emptor!).  So any "merging" of the OS's could phase in seamlessly without costing those of us who can compute in more than one way anything in the short run.

    Consider how well other shells like VM Ware Fusion and Parallels can already run the alien system of Windows within the Mac Desktop, and it seems obvious Apple could do an even more seamless version of this for iOS on OS X.

    4. What I was saying about post- vs. sub-PC devices leaves me salivating over the prospects of what truly more capable and different from today's PC's actual post-PC devices might be and what revolutionary new capabilities, functions and form factors they'll have.....


  • Reply 60 of 201
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