Wrap up: Apple CEO Tim Cook's Goldman Sachs Conference keynote



  • Reply 21 of 21
    solipsismx wrote: »
    It seem to me that being motivated is a more important traits for success than simply having aptitude. I know people that run successful businesses that don't seem to be very bright and others who are that would rather play video games all night and sleep all day. Sometimes I wonder if there are too many distractions in the modern world to pull our focus. I am, unfortunately, highly interested in too many fields.

    I'm also interested in way too much fields and read a lot on what interest me. Not really study, like you. It's a bit annoying because I can get frustrated that there is only so much time, and I need to constantly find the balance between it all. Some friends complain about this lack of interest - in them, that is.

    I agree, there's way too many distractions in the world. And way too much options. Even high school kids have a difficult time to keep up with all their hobbies, sports, guitar lessons and such. Some actually experience stress. And that I think is way too young.
    I have and do study them extensively but I wish I would have had a single laser focus on just one for my life so instead of being good in multiple fields I could be the leader of one field, perhaps even changing the world instead of being just a cog in the machine.

    The world? You're already changing it.
    solipsismx wrote: »
    1) You're 71yo? Rock on! Are you older than Mr. Applebaum?

    I believe he turns 74 on 8/29... But did not find it here
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