New Zealand police choose iOS over Android in tech push, to distribute 10,000 iPhones and iPads



  • Reply 21 of 61
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Yet another company that actually spent time to do an in-depth comparison between iOS and Android and end up choosing iOS.

    Of course. So the stock is down again this morning.
  • Reply 22 of 61


    Originally Posted by stike vomit View Post


    Let's just hope that none of these police iPhones get lost and fall into criminal hands, or that Apple plugs the iOS security hole before they get issued.


    It would be worse. They could have acquired GS3's which automatically quit after 150 days when the NAND Flash goes bad. Or you visit a website and your phone gets reset to factory defaults.

  • Reply 23 of 61


    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post


    It would be worse. They could have acquired GS3's which automatically quit after 150 days when the NAND Flash goes bad. Or you visit a website and your phone gets reset to factory defaults.


    Unlikely, considering that Samsung already patched those issues.

  • Reply 24 of 61


    Originally Posted by stike vomit View Post


    Unlikely, considering that Samsung already patched those issues.


    And Apple will patch this issue. Not sure what point you're trying to make except convince people you're another useless troll.

  • Reply 25 of 61
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member

    I wonder if they have MagicPlan (which is free), and in particular, the more recent MagicPlan CSI installed on their iOS's?


    Great apps. Have both and one of my highly recommended apps, MagicPlan in particular, is well worth considering for just about any one.


    Great web site for support. Videos are some of the best I have ever seen, and the support page exceptionally comprehensive and instructive. Suggest anyone interested in getting into CAD, using MagicPan and Google's free Sketchup together would be a great start

  • Reply 26 of 61
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,574member

    Only slightly off-topic: AI's working on another IDC article on 2012's Android/iOS marketshare. Should keep the forum comments flowing for a couple of daysimage  (Hint: iOS and Android controlled over 90% of the handset market in the 4th quarter. I'll let AI beak it down by OS tho)

  • Reply 27 of 61

    Good morning Tallest Skil. Sleep well?

  • Reply 28 of 61


    Originally Posted by stike vomit View Post

    Good morning Tallest Skil. Sleep well?

    Are you two sleeping together??!!

  • Reply 29 of 61

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Are you two sleeping together??!!


    I don't know whether to be concerned or reassured that my sleep schedule is being monitored. image


    If I die, some people here might be first to realize that…

  • Reply 30 of 61


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Are you two sleeping together??!!


    Nope. When my posts start disappearing around this time of day it usually means he/she/it is awake.

  • Reply 31 of 61

    Steligent:  Tja, måske jeg skulle gøre det.

  • Reply 32 of 61

    Interesting choice, though I'm not sure how they're going to keep them dry all day...


  • Reply 33 of 61


    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Poor old Microsoft and BlackBerry. Enterprise and Government are important customers to them and they're losing them one by one.


    Well, perhaps at the lower levels; my antedotal observations is any iOS device operated in a 'secure' enviroment is neutered if allowed at all(most major defence contractors do not allow iOS devices. Granted they do some evaluation demo's etc).   

  • Reply 34 of 61
    I was working in Parliament when the original iPad came out and a couple of the ministers imported them. They wanted me to set them up on the Exchange server but I politely said I couldn't "officially" but I then gave them the required details.

    There was an article in the Dominion Post about how ministers were angry that they couldn't use their iPads because Parliamentary Services claimed they were less secure than BlackBerries despite the fact studies already published showed they were on par or slightly more secure.

    Glad they got that sorted eh. :-)
  • Reply 35 of 61
    cde79 wrote: »
    The only thing I worry about is the switch in telcos from Telecom to Vodafone. NZ Police will notice a massive reduction in coverage. I feel sorry for rural NZ.

    This is a big win for Apple however they might have little to do with it. (apart from making a great product) I suspect Vodafone are selling the hardware at a loss and making it up it in the service and support contract. Or just running the whole thing at a loss because this is a massive win for them to beat Telecom/Partners who normally win most govt contracts.
    Actually, having been on Vodafone since they were BellSouth I would have to say that I often find the complete opposite.

    Telecom's service is bad. When Telecom and Vodafone are in the same areas I find Vodafone out performs. I have Vodafone for my personal phone and Telecom for my work phone.

    Telecom does however have more towers but this will change because Vodafone is rolling out the rural side of the UFB (Ultra Fast Broadband). It won't affect police too much because they have radios as their primary source of communication.
  • Reply 36 of 61
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member


    Originally Posted by nht View Post


    Now, now...


    In War, Resolution; In Defeat, Defiance; In Victory, Magnanimity

    Now, now...

    If you want to go the the corner bookstore to do a reading on Winston Churchill, go right ahead.

    Other individuals would prefer to engage in lively debate and not be concerned with someone's ability to throw yet another quote out there and expect it to actually mean something.

    Start at 2:21 quote boy.

  • Reply 37 of 61
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Yet another company that actually spent time to do an in-depth comparison between iOS and Android and end up choosing iOS.

    Yet another company living of tax payers money who needs the spend their budget to the last cent in order not to get budget reduction next year.

    It seems they've finished replacing their Holdens recently - I haven't seen older models on streets for a while, not in Auckland at least - so new expense must be invented.

    In two years time, they will do it again. With different platform.

    But I feel so much safer now. /s
  • Reply 38 of 61
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Actually, having been on Vodafone since they were BellSouth I would have to say that I often find the complete opposite.

    Telecom's service is bad. When Telecom and Vodafone are in the same areas I find Vodafone out performs. I have Vodafone for my personal phone and Telecom for my work phone.

    Telecom does however have more towers but this will change because Vodafone is rolling out the rural side of the UFB (Ultra Fast Broadband). It won't affect police too much because they have radios as their primary source of communication.

    I'd say they are both pretty much on par, but it can depend a lot what phone you use for either.

    Both my phones - work and personal - are on Vodafone, so I can compare. In Glenfield mall, for example, there are two spots where my 3Gs will have no service at all. I'd normally blame it on Vodafone, except that my (otherwise crappy) Nokia E5 seems to be doing nice, showing strong signal and all that.

    I did notice quite a number of posts around forums, from people claiming they moved from V to T recently and could not be happier about that, but it is always hard to estimate, but it is always hard to estimate how large (and how vocal) group actually is...
  • Reply 39 of 61


    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    I also suspect that you have no valid information to base this comment on. Are you an analyst in training?

    My comment was pure speculation. I do not know what you are infering by the comment about me being an analyst in training? An analyst in what?

  • Reply 40 of 61


    Originally Posted by lowededwookie View Post

    Actually, having been on Vodafone since they were BellSouth I would have to say that I often find the complete opposite.

    Telecom's service is bad. When Telecom and Vodafone are in the same areas I find Vodafone out performs. I have Vodafone for my personal phone and Telecom for my work phone.

    Telecom does however have more towers but this will change because Vodafone is rolling out the rural side of the UFB (Ultra Fast Broadband). It won't affect police too much because they have radios as their primary source of communication.


    When I'm in the middle of the Tararuas tramping or out at castle point chilling the only the network I can pick up is telecom. I fail to see how UFB will assist police with cell coverage? Performance wise it has already been proven that Telecom's speed and coverage is far superior see various speed test videos uploaded on youtube; unfortunatly I don't like Telecom. Personally I'm with TelstraClear (package deal because they offer cable) who biggy back Vodafone's cell network and the service/speed is absolute rubbish.

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