Apple's Cook: We'll move into new 'spaceship' campus site by 2016



  • Reply 41 of 44
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    @ digitalclips, Thanks, always enjoy the view from Clearwater—I believe—as well.

    To be dramatic about it, in these dark days of antiApple-ism, more thought is being given to what we are losing by not understanding, and the blatant undervaluing. I know it's got me thinking. Gruber is on the case, and he linked to a blog post yesterday on the essence of Apple's uniquness, which then leads to another great Asymco post, here:

    I've only gotten into a few of the comments, but poke has great one up top.

    Anyway, Apple is still the underdog, 'cause now they're really out to take it down.

    tjrsv wrote: »
    Well, I certainly agree with you on most fronts and enjoy reading your posts.  No one can replace Jobs, or expects that of Cook, or Ive.  But they do need to step on it and learn how to drive this sports car named AAPL as well as Jobs did, both in product innovation, as well as financial/shareholder innovation.  Viewing AAPL as a ship only spells Titanic to me, and WS seems to be viewing them as the same at the moment. Believe me, I want them to succeed immensely, as I love the integrated ecosystem. 

    Hah! I hadn't thought of the Titanic, but now you mention it . . . maybe sports car is a better image, even if unrealistic when it comes to the engine room.

    Anyway, the Asymco link above is an exercise in smart positive thinking.

    Edit: jungmark has a point there also. Maybe vessels and vehicles are the wrong metaphor class.
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  • Reply 42 of 44
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    move in on Steve Jobs's birthday 2016?... break ground on the passing of the Steve Jobs?... sounds good to me!...
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  • Reply 43 of 44
    haarhaar Posts: 563member


    Originally Posted by WontonParmesan View Post

    Instead of a cafe they should have an organic garden & provide fresh juice (nutrition) for the employees. The health of the workers are the health of the company.

    Remember this.



    and i am sure they do this!... because there is not a free lunch at apple... it is at cost..and from what i understand it is  awesome Cafeteria...

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  • Reply 44 of 44
    I'm glad that so many are so willing to discredit everything they'll ever say.
    We need a way to mark user accounts that have done this so that people can see what nonsense they spew… A color would be great, but good luck getting something like that implemented… If signatures could be locked, a simple link to wherever they did it would work, but they… ah, wait… 

    Wow, you're even more innovative than Apple is now.
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