Rumor: Production of Apple's 'iPhone 5S' now underway at Foxconn



  • Reply 41 of 53
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member


    Originally Posted by JoshA View Post

    Siri doesn't do/say a thing for me.

    I prefer to use my iPhone quietly, I don't want people wondering why I'm talking to myself !   image


    So do the "raise to speak" thing with Siri so that other people just think you're talking to someone on the phone.



  • Reply 42 of 53
    theothergeofftheothergeoff Posts: 2,081member


    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post

    I also have a 4s. Great design. Solid. It would be great if they would also update the 4s specs- LTE, processor etc.( I guess they can't fit the newer chips in which is shame). For myself I don't need a larger phone.

    agreed.  I think if Apple ever makes a 'mass market' phone, it will be on the 4s frame...  In the 4 year obsolescence curve, the 4s will be 2 years old this summer, and will have 2 years left, and has working componentry that will drop in price.   The fact it has enough guts to operate Siri, makes it the base bottom for Apple in the long game (3-4 years from now).    


    Given that the 4s is slated to be the '.99cent' phone this coming fall for subscriptions, I'm curious if Apple will jump the curve one direction or the other (add LTE, lightning, create a 8GB version, etc, and lower the unlocked price to under $300 immediately).   Driving the unlocked price down has an added incentive for major partners in that the subsidies drop and then these become their 'entry level phone' for people dumping dumb phones but staying with their current carrier...  effectively undercutting the cheap androids that are sold in the sales meetings (push the iPhone... we make as much, and sell more in overages later!)


    This all is based on the path that Apple is looking at the AppleID/ITMS as a cost recovery for these phones, and that keeping people 'in ecosystem' is a long term profit strategy.   a tight iOS/OSX/iCloud synergy, coupled with a lower cost entry point, coupled with AppleTV and content deals (we are your radio, your music store, your newstand, your university lecture hall, your movie theater, and your cable TV company)...    I'm not saying Apple will start selling crap, but that Apple can subsidize HW quality with back end content profits (if I sell you a $300 phone vs $545, I need to get you to buy $1000 of stuff on your phone over 2 years, to make the same 'profit'.. with the added benefit that you are locked into the 'company store' and will not want to leave the iCloud ecosystem (it's where your backups are, your music, your shared folders... the cost of extraction for the non-tech person will be too great a barrier, and it's implicit lockin on the next device).

  • Reply 43 of 53


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    For those that buy their phones outright and not going through ATT, Sprint, or Verizon- I get not upgrading at times. But for those who are going through those providers already- you're only doing yourself a disservice not upgrading. You can sell a 2 year old iPhone for within $20 of a brand new subsudized iPhone. So every two years, get the latest and greatest. The only person wanting you to hold onto your old phone is the service provider. Take advantage of the subsidy, upgrade, then sell your old phone and its basically a wash.

    You have my blessing unfettered- I agree with you. image

    Yeah, the wife and I haven't been so happy with ATT (biggest issue being dropped calls) and I was hoping to look at alternatives when we went to get new phones. I guess I'll wait until the 5S is released and check options then.

  • Reply 44 of 53
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member

    I hope they bring color. That might be a good motivator to upgrade (it's just appearances but still).

    It would be so funny to see Samsung follow and bring lots of colors out (not just the current white, black and red)


  • Reply 45 of 53
    tbell wrote: »
    The iPhone 5 is significantly lighter, much faster, and outright beautiful. I still am sometimes amazed when I pick it up.

    I agree. Even with an otterbox commuter on, feels lighter than a naked 4/4S
  • Reply 46 of 53
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I use Siri all the time - mostly for dictating emails and texts. If you're holding the phone up close to your mouth, you don't need to speak that loudly - and it's obvious that you'er not talking to yourself. I don't, however, do that in a crowded place.

    I remember the days before cell phones - when people talking out loud alone in the streets really meant something, LoLz.....


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    Why? What has changed since the 5 was released that a minor update is required this soon?

    Sorry, but this rumor is stupid. People are already going to be upset enough when the iPad 5 is announced in the coming weeks.

    I will never get this getting hot and bothered logic.  IMO, Apple should innovate as often as they can add significant value/functionality in a polished package that makes sense. 


    There are 1) [actual] competitors out there, y'know [see below], and 2) why should those ready to upgrade have to wait until those who weren't ready finish their contracts or whatever (which will ALWAYS be a moving target depending on date of purchase)?? 


    Plus as has been noted many times here, 3) the device you already own hasn't lost any functionality BECAUSE a new one's been released, so if you were happy you should STAY happy (unless the hit on your planned resale value's a bummer, which is the one thing I will grant here).



    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post

    I'd settle for a very simple update: I say "Turn on Bluetooth" and Siri turns on Bluetooth. I realize such a feature would represent a huge technological leap for Apple, but we can always hope, yes?



    Originally Posted by TBell View Post


    A new Samsung Galaxy release. 



    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    At this point with all of my iOS devices, as well as my clients all working just fine for their needs... I want to wait before purchasing anything new, to see what Apple has in store for us with iOS 7.

    It is with iOS 7 that Apple needs to be working day and night on, and really "wow" us this year. image



    Originally Posted by Sol77 View Post


    I really wish Apple would implement a "creative" and "formal" or "pro" mode, allowing you to go into settings to turn on "creative," which would allow you to assign extra gestures, or perhaps alter a limited number of things like the animation for moving from page to page, etc.  It could be a very simple feature that is automatically "off" so that users who want to "keep it simple" don't need to bother with it.  I think this would allow many Apple users to "customize" while also allowing apple to delimit the range of this customization and retain control of the optimal experience.  Would it really be so much of a stretch to have a limited "customize" option in the settings allowing for a few of the enjoyable cydia-style options but done formally through Apple? 


    I don't think Apple "needs" to do this...but it'd be nice.


    Not only nice but along with the other three posts above, absolutely overdue....  ...we don't ALL need to be "protected from ourselves."  P&S cameras figured THIS one out long ago by including a default "intelligent auto mode" for newbs and trogs who just want to aim and press a button - while allowing others to get into all kinds of photo settings.  And Macs still have the ability to get "under the hood."  So why not iDevices as well????

    Anyway, along with the once generally well-liked here but now probably to-be-burned-at-the-stake Andy Ihnatko, will point out that I'm about to achieve official troll status myself after my "loyal" years on the site by saying I've been increasingly leaning in the direction of this article (below) - and will note that IMO Apple's finally become a victim of their own long and carefully crafted "reality distortion field," i.e., that it's enveloped them as well:

    PS: And also as has been pointed out many times, no, unless you're an NBA player you already CAN'T reach the whole iPhone 5 screen with your thumb.

  • Reply 47 of 53
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    Why? What has changed since the 5 was released that a minor update is required this soon?

    Sorry, but this rumor is stupid. People are already going to be upset enough when the iPad 5 is announced in the coming weeks.

    What changes are the availability of better performing internal components in the massive quantities and the high quality control specifications that Apple requires.


    People who get upset that technology keeps advancing deserve their silly lives.

  • Reply 48 of 53
    quest01quest01 Posts: 69member

    The iphone 5s will blow away the samsung galaxy s4 when it comes out.

  • Reply 49 of 53
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    boeyc15 wrote: »
    I also have a 4s. Great design. Solid. It would be great if they would also update the 4s specs- LTE, processor etc.( I guess they can't fit the newer chips in which is shame). For myself I don't need a larger phone.
    It's really not a larger phone. It's way thinner and lighter. Exact same width. And as far as height- they really cut down the size of the top and bottom "bezel", so it isn't much taller, really.
  • Reply 50 of 53
    tobiwantobiwan Posts: 73member

    I had each version since the 3G at the release date.  I thought the 4/4S form factor would always be my favorite and was concerned the 5 would be a let down.  As soon as I held it I instantly knew it was special.  It was so light.  Then it was extremely fast.  At work I had to jailbreak my 4S to be able to switch to edge network because 3G is at capacity.  We have about 4500 employees on campus.    Switching to LTE made the 5 blazing fast.  It was like the 3G all over again on steroids.


    All that being said this might be the first upgrade I skip.  I always sell my previous phone for more than what it costs me to upgrade including AppleCare but this time I might just wait until the 6 comes out.  Time will tell when it comes out but I don't see a major change or reason to upgrade this time around.

  • Reply 51 of 53
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    bigpics wrote: »
    I remember the days before cell phones - when people talking out loud alone in the streets really meant something, LoLz.....
    I will never get this getting hot and bothered logic.  IMO, Apple should innovate as often as they can add significant value/functionality in a polished package that makes sense. 

    There are 1) [actual] competitors out there, y'know [see below], and 2) why should those ready to upgrade have to wait until those who weren't ready finish their contracts or whatever (which will ALWAYS be a moving target depending on date of purchase)?? 

    Plus as has been noted many times here, 3) the device you already own hasn't lost any functionality BECAUSE a new one's been released, so if you were happy you should STAY happy (unless the hit on your planned resale value's a bummer, which is the one thing I will grant here).


    Not only nice but along with the other three posts above, absolutely overdue....  ...we don't ALL need to be "protected from ourselves."  P&S cameras figured THIS one out long ago by including a default "intelligent auto mode" for newbs and trogs who just want to aim and press a button - while allowing others to get into all kinds of photo settings.  And Macs still have the ability to get "under the hood."  So why not iDevices as well????

    Anyway, along with the once generally well-liked here but now probably to-be-burned-at-the-stake Andy Ihnatko, will point out that I'm about to achieve official troll status myself after my "loyal" years on the site by saying I've been increasingly leaning in the direction of this article (below) - and will note that IMO Apple's finally become a victim of their own long and carefully crafted "reality distortion field," i.e., that it's enveloped them as well:

    PS: And also as has been pointed out many times, no, unless you're an NBA player you already CAN'T reach the whole iPhone 5 screen with your thumb.

    I just finished the entire series from Andy (link above)... and must say, he's right on his assessment of Apple, iOS, the diferences and pain of moving to Android... but most of all, nailing it down to what I see as 3 shortcomings of the iPhone.
    1. Size - must be adressed this year for the reasons stated often enough. Approached by Apple just like the current best-selling tablet on the market: iPad Mini: covering the market segment that wants/needs an alternative format/size.
    2. App integration - must happen with iOS 7. I have a Nexus 7 that I test web-dev on... and this feature really is by far my most liked feature. Rest of Android: meh.
    3. iPhone Customizing and/or extensions (Pro or Easy Mode): certain keyboards, as Andy mentioned... would be nice... as well as being able to "dig deeper" if and when you want to AND know what the heck you're doing.

    I'm going to go so far as to say, that those 3 "small" changes to how Apple thinks about iDevices... IF implemented... could pretty much put a wrap on getting back to 60% of the market for "flagship smart phones" in circulation. It would bring back the Andy Ihnatkos and Steve Wozniaks of the tech world, among the millions of people that have jumped specifically because of these momentary flaws in Apple's development of the iPhone... especially the size factor. More important: it will stop people even like myself, of "considering" the thought (I'm just keeping an eye out for now... but...?!)

    In fact I'm absolutely SURE that at Apple HQ this very moment... elegant solutions and answers are being worked on. I would hope that releasing those ideas to the faithful and optimistic fans won't take too much longer.

    As it pertains to "rampant viral RFD", I seriously don't think the current management (which I summarized yesterday in a post) has the SJ bug. SJ had his reasons... and in many cases he was absolutely right in "forcing change and adoption" in how we interact with computer technology. For example: get touch right and thoroughly integrated from Day 1(!). See the polar opposite of that strict and focused execution with the MS Surface. (not working!).

    However, in some instances SJ carried his personal philosophies too far... and held on to them unflinchingly for too long. Yes. We and the world "get's it" by now. Time for Apple to treat a large swath of us as "advanced users" and "big enough" to know what we want to do with our iOS devices, what size to use, and the proper "power settings" to let us have our fun!

    Because owning an Apple device of any kind, should... Always. Be. Fun & Enjoyable! I do believe even SJ said that once upon a time ;)
  • Reply 52 of 53
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    Addendum to my above post:

    I seriously believe that if Apple does make "The Big 3 Changes", they'll not only wrap up the "premium smart phone category", they will drive a serious stake into the heart of Microsoft, Blackberry & Co.... and "super wedge" between Samsung and Google. Samsung will surely point the blame at Google, and possibly dabble in forking Android and/or developing Tizen sooner than they would have. I don't believe Google will stand for that, and possibly bust up the handheld alliance because of it, taking any further Android developments in-house and keeping them locked up there.

    All kinds of repercussions if Apple plays it's hand correctly... and soon. 8-)
  • Reply 53 of 53
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post


    I upgraded simply because I live in a market with LTE. If not for that, I'd still be carrying around my 4S because that extra inch of screen real estate makes not a difference in the world.


    Yeah, I have LTE as well, though I rarely find myself using it.  But the little that I do use it, it makes a huge difference, I agree.

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