Google Now for iOS allegedly demoed in 'leaked' promotional video



  • Reply 21 of 32
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Presumably your personal information and location is sent in realtime to Google's real customers too. As you approach your destination the shops can have neon signs welcoming you by name and lists of all the things you bought recently on display alongside all the things like that others also bought.
  • Reply 22 of 32


    Originally Posted by hfts View Post

    I don't use gmail (that spam driving piece of turd), nor do i have any google accounts.


    Weird, I use gmail exclusively and I NEVER see spam. Not sure how you're using it wrong. But whatever, continue to spout BS.


    When I used Hotmail, I could get over a hundred spam messages a day easily.

  • Reply 23 of 32


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Tempo (from SRI, the birthplace of Siri) is the ultimate smart calendar for your iPhone!




    So since everyone who doesn't trash Google on this site is inevitably called a paid shill, can I assume you're a paid shill for these app developers?


    And no offense, but it's easy to list the Amazing! features that your Incredible! and Awesome! app has, it's another thing to actually back it up.

  • Reply 24 of 32
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Weird, I use gmail exclusively and I NEVER see spam. Not sure how you're using it wrong. But whatever, continue to spout BS.


    Moderate a forum for a little while. You'll see Gmail-based spam. imageimage

  • Reply 25 of 32
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member
    I'm willing to try Google Now. No issues with spam in my Gmail account so far. So what if I see an occasional ad? I don't avoid television because of commercials.

    At least the ads are something i am interested in.

    Google is smart to bring their best to iOS.
  • Reply 26 of 32
    mikeb85mikeb85 Posts: 506member


    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    If we do see Google Now on iOS, what then is unique about the Android experience?

    Boatloads of Bloatware?

    Crappy or non-existent Customer Service?

    Inconsistent User Interface?

    Incredible Insecurity of the platform?

    Questionable App Quality?


    Bloatware depends on carrier...

    Customer service depends on which manufacturer you buy from...

    Inconsistent user interface depends on manufacturer...

    Security depends on user (ie. not downloading questionable apks and installing from 'unknown sources', not rooting, and not downloading spamware)...

    Questionable App Quality - it's down to the user to decide not to download shitty apps. 


    What kind of Android experience you get really depends on which manufacturer you buy from, and whether or not you're stupid enough to download malware.  The OS itself is inherently very secure, but security ultimately lies in the hands of the user...

  • Reply 27 of 32

    Everyone seems to have missed the biggest part about this.

    Google Now only runs on Jelly Bean (it's one of Jelly Beans best features, according to many Android users/reviewers). That means only 16.5% of Android users can actually use this.


    I don't know what iOS version Google Now will require, but even in the worst case scenario (say it's only for iOS 6) then over 60% of iDevice users will have access to Google Now. Compared to 16.5% for Android. Now that's what I call fragmentation when your competitor has more devices that can run a flagship App vs your own OS.

  • Reply 28 of 32
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,583member


    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post

    Everyone seems to have missed the biggest part about this.

    Google Now only runs on Jelly Bean (it's one of Jelly Beans best features, according to many Android users/reviewers). That means only 16.5% of Android users can actually use this.


    I don't know what iOS version Google Now will require, but even in the worst case scenario (say it's only for iOS 6) then over 60% of iDevice users will have access to Google Now. Compared to 16.5% for Android. Now that's what I call fragmentation when your competitor has more devices that can run a flagship App vs your own OS.

    Why would Google care if more iOS users than Android ones have access to Google Now? I suspect at the end of the day they just want to make sure more users have access to Google services, not where they come from.

  • Reply 29 of 32
    bleh1234bleh1234 Posts: 146member
    Check out Google Now for Chrome. Now even Microsoft users can use it.
  • Reply 30 of 32


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Why would Google care if more iOS users than Android ones have access to Google Now? I suspect at the end of the day they just want to make sure more users have access to Google services, not where they come from.


    Way to miss the point. Google doesn't care, but fandroids will be fuming over this. How can they claim Android can "do more" if that pesky Google keeps releasing Apps for iOS? And how can their dream of Apple "failing" ever come true?


    This just highlights the fragmentation problem in Android when 2 year old iPhones can run one of Google's premiere Apps while most 1 year old Android phones can't. 

  • Reply 31 of 32
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,583member


    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post


    Way to miss the point. Google doesn't care, but fandroids will be fuming over this. How can they claim Android can "do more" if that pesky Google keeps releasing Apps for iOS? And how can their dream of Apple "failing" ever come true?


    This just highlights the fragmentation problem in Android when 2 year old iPhones can run one of Google's premiere Apps while most 1 year old Android phones can't. 

    They probably can if they're updated to 4.1 or higher. It's not a hardware issue per-se AFAIK.


    I don't know why Android users would be fuming about Google Now being available on iOS. It's unlikely the vast majority of them care either way and even fewer would know that the same feature is available on iPhones anyway. Would iOS users be pissed if Siri was available on other mobile platforms? Doubtful. So there isn't any point to miss.

  • Reply 32 of 32
    srangersranger Posts: 473member

    I have to admit that I like google is the best predictive notification system I have seen...

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