Samsung design chief talks plastic and software, says future is in devices with 'souls'



  • Reply 181 of 219
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


     It's also trivially easy to (technically) not be attacking a person but still make statements that make said person look like a complete fool, so if there is a way for smart people who are very familiar with the English language to essentially insult someone and get away with it, it's a bit biased to say that another person less capable with English perhaps should be censured for the occasional insult.  


    Case in point, the "upturned" irony marker. Both TS and Philboogie tend to use that, and it's a way of saying "you're a moron" without using the words "per se".


    I agree with you that debate rules and forums don't really fit together. I'll go further, forums where people are both active users and moderators (TS...) have a clear "judge and party" issue. now, who cares. TS also is fun to read, and life's not going to stop because of Ai...

  • Reply 182 of 219
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member


    Originally Posted by hfts View Post

    I have two degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry, do you?

    I overly simplified my statements.

    You mentioned metal, we are not talking about the manufacturing process here. Plastics do give off noxious and very dangerous compounds. I suggest you read up more before making a fool of yourself.

    So in a fire what would you do? Hint, move away from artificially made materials, carpets, curtains and PLASTICs.

    Sigh ... It's very difficult to discuss topics with those who have no background or qualifications.

    Let me ask you this, how many different kinds of plastics are there? Thousands and thousands. So you know by fact that NONE give of toxic gases etc. when melted.

    What happens to something that melts? Usually, the constituents break free from the overall structure due to bonds (chemical) being destroyed. You will be most interested to know the toxic properties of these compounds.

    For example salt is Na+ and Cl-. Sodium is highly reactive, try dropping some in water, Chlorinevis a highly toxic gas.

    Isn't chemistry wonderful and strange.

    So if you are so bloody smart tell me why ice floats on water? Hint: You won't find it on Wilkpedia.

    I know, as I use to be a Chemist.

    When you give up and ask me and I will give you the answer then you will need to acknowledge that

    I know what I'm asking about. Apologise and never question me again when it comes to Chemistry, is that a deal?

    You know, most engineers on this planet, if not all, know that and more. Maybe a bit of humility might strengthen your argument? Just saying...

  • Reply 183 of 219
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    abobrek wrote: »
    Yes, very true. What I mean by Samsung had Apple on it's knees is that if the S4 had useable and innovative features, the tides would of turned and I think the general public would have bought more into the Samsung gimmick. Let's say if the S4 had 3-D capabilities, laser keyboard or some other futuristic-off-of-the-wall features then people would consider Apple old news. The fact of the matter though, is that Samsung screwed themselves over with the S4. I see the S3 outselling the S4. The iPhone 5s and 6 will be the nail in the coffin for Samsung. Samsung is lost without copying Apple and the S4 proves it.

    3D? Wow. A headache in your pocket. Laser keyboard? Now you need to use your phone in a flat surface. Sammy follows. It doesn't lead.
  • Reply 184 of 219
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,595member


    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    You know, most engineers on this planet, if not all, know that and more. Maybe a bit of humility might strengthen your argument? Just saying...

    ...and for what it worth Jragosta knows much more about chemistry than htfs realizes. I suspect JR's Ph.D in Chemistry might trump whatever schooling the OP had. Perhaps he has it backwards on who would be due an apology.


  • Reply 185 of 219
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    hfts wrote: »
    Really? I don't think so based on past practices. But say it enough times and you will believe it eventually.

    There is no reason for self delusion, I know because I wouldn't bother with a manufacturer who didn't upgrade their products. Samsung updates their phones especially the S series. Your a very negative person, did a Google employee wrong you in the past?
  • Reply 186 of 219
    kimk69kimk69 Posts: 77member
    stelligent wrote: »
    There is such a possibility of not visiting a site you don't like, rather than demanding a change.
    Well, I think that's what we're saying. We will have to leave. Not that anybody really cares. We're not asking for a change. The site is changing. This is one of my top 2 reader sites, but maybe not any more because they seem to be changing for the worse in my opinion but maybe you all want that. I mean, I can see some droid and samscum stuff to keep up on things but its getting to be a bit much for the name of this site. I've been reading and reading about all kinds of shituff lately here but first time commenting about it since someone else seems to share my view. Maybe we're the only 2 people. Doubt it. Isn't this the one and only reader site that came on my Mac's mail & safari app with snow leopard? Can't remember, one came installed I thought it was this maybe it was apple hot news or something. Eh, whatever.
  • Reply 187 of 219
    rhyderhyde Posts: 294member
    While the media hasn't completely given Samsung a pass, I like comparing their reaction to the G4 against the the release of the iP 4S. People were bitching like made that it looked just like an iP 4. Now the G4 looks a whole lot like the G3 and the press is commenting on the internal features.

    Is there a double standard here, or what?
  • Reply 188 of 219


    Originally Posted by bennettvista View Post

    I'm ready to switch to some new MacRumors type website... Tired of all this Samsung promotional BS and Samsung trolls. Apple Insider has obviously been co-opted by our Korean enemies...


    Seriously?  This is about two electronic companies... you do realize that Samsung is South Korean right, and they are one of our closest allies in Asia.  Some of you guys take this fanboy war way too seriously, its about electronics for crying out loud.  Ive been an iphone user since the 3GS, and my gf picked up an S3 over the holidays.. and I gotta admit it sometimes that it's not that bad.  Especially the bigger screen, we always end up watching youtube on hers since the screen is too small on my 4. 

  • Reply 189 of 219
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by knightryda12 View Post

    …Samsung is South Korean right, and they are one of our closest allies in Asia.


    Both the good and the bad of this mean nothing whatsoever.

    Some of you guys take this fanboy war way too seriously, its about electronics for crying out loud.

    Please read the name of the website you are on. Now do you see why some here complain about the amount of competitor stories?

  • Reply 190 of 219


    Originally Posted by Abobrek View Post

    Yes, very true. What I mean by Samsung had Apple on it's knees is that if the S4 had useable and innovative features, the tides would of turned and I think the general public would have bought more into the Samsung gimmick. Let's say if the S4 had 3-D capabilities, laser keyboard or some other futuristic-off-of-the-wall features then people would consider Apple old news. The fact of the matter though, is that Samsung screwed themselves over with the S4. I see the S3 outselling the S4. The iPhone 5s and 6 will be the nail in the coffin for Samsung. Samsung is lost without copying Apple and the S4 proves it.

    Neither company is going anywhere... if you think the 5S and 6 will be the nail in the coffin for Samsung, you are truly mistaken and have no idea about market trends.  Why are so many people threatened buy a true Apple competitor?  Look back at history people, competition is always a good thing.  PC/MACs, PS3,XBOX, Toyota/Honda/GM, etc.. we get better products in the end!

  • Reply 191 of 219
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by knightryda12 View Post

    Look back at history people, competition is always a good thing.  PC/MACs…


    That's the worst possible example you could have used.


    And it's Mac.

  • Reply 192 of 219


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Both the good and the bad of this mean nothing whatsoever.

    Please read the name of the website you are on. Now do you see why some here complain about the amount of competitor stories?


    My points is, there are no enemies here.  Please leave politics out of this... we are consumers with free choice in a free market.  If I buy a Samsung product, it does not mean I'm supporting the "enemy".  Apple employs 100 chinese for every american...  hopefully they bring the money and jobs back to America. 


    I love reading about how the competition is doing, maybe I'm in the minority but if apple fans like me understand what the competition has and is implementing, how is that a bad thing?  I want to see what Apple is missing or the advantages I am receiving. 


  • Reply 193 of 219


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    That's the worst possible example you could have used.


    And it's Mac.


    Do you not understand my original point?  Or are you going to focus on my slight oversight?

  • Reply 194 of 219
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by knightryda12 View Post

    If I buy a Samsung product, it does not mean I'm supporting the "enemy".


    Just IP theft. Which is the enemy.


    Originally Posted by knightryda12 View Post

    Do you not understand my original point?  Or are you going to focus on my slight oversight?


    Well, when that point mirrors the modern one, it's not an oversight.

  • Reply 195 of 219
    Glad to see marketers and technologists talking about the soul of products. It has been a missing element for far too long in the design shop. Here is a piece that asks this important question - "Are you obsessed about quality, do your products have soul":
  • Reply 196 of 219
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    .  Apple employs 100 chinese for every american...  hopefully they bring the money and jobs back to America. 

    Hmmm. Where did this tidbit come from?
  • Reply 197 of 219
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    hfts wrote: »
    I have two degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry, do you?
    I overly simplified my statements.
    You mentioned metal, we are not talking about the manufacturing process here. Plastics do give off noxious and very dangerous compounds. I suggest you read up more before making a fool of yourself.
    So in a fire what would you do? Hint, move away from artificially made materials, carpets, curtains and PLASTICs.
    Sigh ... It's very difficult to discuss topics with those who have no background or qualifications.
    Let me ask you this, how many different kinds of plastics are there? Thousands and thousands. So you know by fact that NONE give of toxic gases etc. when melted.
    What happens to something that melts? Usually, the constituents break free from the overall structure due to bonds (chemical) being destroyed. You will be most interested to know the toxic properties of these compounds.
    For example salt is Na+ and Cl-. Sodium is highly reactive, try dropping some in water, Chlorinevis a highly toxic gas.
    Isn't chemistry wonderful and strange.
    So if you are so bloody smart tell me why ice floats on water? Hint: You won't find it on Wilkpedia.
    I know, as I use to be a Chemist.
    When you give up and ask me and I will give you the answer then you will need to acknowledge that
    I know what I'm asking about. Apologise and never question me again when it comes to Chemistry, is that a deal?

    Baloney. Your entire post indicates a lack of knowledge of chemical sciences. Stuff like "What happens to something that melts? Usually, the constituents break free from the overall structure due to bonds (chemical) being destroyed." is proof that you're not a chemist. No chemist would use language like that. Not to mention, of course, that it's wrong. Melting does not break chemical bonds. Since you don't even understand a simple Freshman Chemistry principles, your opinion is totally worthless.

    My PhD in Chemistry from an Ivy League School is well documented for anyone who cares.
  • Reply 198 of 219
    scribescribe Posts: 5member


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Function should always dictate form and in the case (quite literally) of Samsung's Galaxy series of devices, the use of Polycarbonate allows for devices that are lightweight, impact resistant, durable and more efficient to manufacture.

    As for the overall design/shape of the devices, the smooth edges and surface contours are obviously the result of extensive ergonomic research and development, as when compared to nearly all competing devices, they tend to be far more comfortable to hold/use for extended periods of time (such as when reading/watching videos).

    Anyway... All the moaning/naysaying regarding the design of the Galaxy S4 is just more of the same rhetoric that greeted the Galaxy S3... a device that went on the sell in the 10's of millions, just as the Galaxy S4 will do.


    I must agree with this comment from daharder.


    I loved my two iPhone 3GS devices very much, with their only real weakness being that they didn't withstand the test of time particularly well. However for me the iPhone 4 was a step back. It was thin and looked nice, but is the most uncomfortable phone I've ever held, despite its small size. It was fragile and broke easily when dropped and a protective case would have defeated any stylistic gains. The design introduced issues to the antenna as well.


    I think this is a good example of the Samsung comment relating to prioritising functional design. The iPhone 4 was clearly about trying to make something work around a set style, not about making the device functional then building up from there. This continues in the iPhone 5. Steve Jobs was very much against wide-screen in phones, he believed it wasn't ergonomical. However the thinking behind the iPhone 5 screen size is blatantly apparent today; 1. to compete with growing display sizes (paying no attention to style or design) 2. To mask the now dated style inherited from the iPhone 4, where the screen looked to be surrounded by copious amounts of glass-covered plastic, especially in the white edition, giving off a Nintendo DS kind of feeling (too much useless bulk around the edges).


    So in credit to Samsung, despite a huge 5" 1080p display and a battery almost twice the size of that in the iPhone 5, the firm has produced a device that is only 0.3mm thicker and only 18g heavier, with little wasted space, that is more comfortable to hold than both its Apple and Android competition, that can be thrown about and exposed to sharp objects without the need of a protective case and, if the S3 is anything to go by, will age incredibly well.


    So yes, the case is plastic, but it's light, durable, smooth and comfortable to hold and, something most people often don't mention, not uncomfortably cold when it has been sat on the kitchen top or in the car overnight or on a cold day. At the end of the day, carbon nanotubes and graphine are flexible and squidgy, but they're stronger than diamond, is someone now going to tell me these are inappropriately cheap materials for a high-end smartphone?

  • Reply 199 of 219
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Scribe View Post

    The iPhone 4 was clearly about trying to make something work around a set style, not about making the device functional then building up from there.


    "Clearly", huh.

    …a device that… …will age incredibly well.



    …not uncomfortably cold when it has been sat on the kitchen top or in the car overnight or on a cold day.


    Oh brother.

    At the end of the day, carbon nanotubes and graphite are flexible and squidgy, but they're stronger than diamond, is someone now going to tell me these are inappropriately cheap materials for a high-end smartphone?


    When an Android manufacturer makes a device out of nanotubes, you let us know.

  • Reply 200 of 219


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    "Clearly", huh.




    Oh brother.


    When an Android manufacturer makes a device out of nanotubes, you let us know.


    Lol, sounds like you are just merely an extension of apple's management.  This kinda of attitude is what leads to the downfall of even the most successful companies.  If you blindly ignore or even fail to notice the competition's advancements, you will be surpassed and blindsided whether you like it or not. You have to pay attention to what the competition is doing, not just merely dismiss them. I hope apple is listening to us... COMPETITION IS GOOD!

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