Editorial: Google?s Android powered by remarkable new 'Flawgic'



  • Reply 121 of 344
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member


    Originally Posted by mrrodriguez View Post


    By tying Google Glass under poor overall value, you're entire article became worthless.


    That comment was 100% spot on.

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  • Reply 122 of 344
    xzuxzu Posts: 139member
    That was fun, I enjoyed it. Call it what you will, but I think it was a well done rant, thoughtful, insightful. Nice job.
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  • Reply 123 of 344


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    8 hours on LTE. How shitty is that¡

    All your talking points are old and weak, and coming up with something novel and ultimately pointless that Samsung has done on their own in no way means they didn't copy a buttload of other things from Apple.


    I didn't see this earlier.  8 hours on LTE is good but I would if at all possible like my phone to last all day.


    What do YOU think, would you prefer the iPhone5 to be exactly as it is and last for 8 hours OR would you prefer it to be the same thickness as the 4G and last for 10-11 hours?


    It's not a trick question, I'm interested.....



    Personally I would prefer it to last a bit longer as I don't think that the 4/4S was too thick.

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  • Reply 124 of 344


    Originally Posted by nhead View Post

    because apple's invitation abounds


    Oh look, a brand new troll. Well let me welcome you with a little "light reading" on some other things Apple has patented. Feel free to dig up all the "prior" examples you can find. /S





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  • Reply 125 of 344
    That was just a plain 'ol fun read! Should get the greatest number of comments ever seen. Mostly from fandroids. The truth is, copying others work is a staple of this industry, mostly because of the difficulty in actually defending your IP. From legal cost, to judges who simply don't understand what's really happening to American products from the onslaught of foreign companies who are getting away with stealing anything they can make a buck from. It's never ceases to amaze me how many people love to defend a foreign company like Samsung and their stolen products all while watching them take away American jobs by flooding American markets with these same stolen ideas. I see it as downright unamerican to defend that kind of thinking.
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  • Reply 126 of 344
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member

    Everyone here knows, or should know, that DED is a true Apple Fanboy. you always have to take what he writes with a grain of salt. it ain't "fair and balanced." but it is also often very insightful, and filled with a deep sense of history most of the tech web totally lacks beyond its pervasive shallow conventional wisdom. DED thinks outside the box a lot. sometimes he hits a home run, and sometimes he strikes out. i really enjoy reading his stuff. talk about a conversation piece!


    at the very end of this article he got to the "Android is winning" meme, but darn it, not to the biggest Flawgic of all - that "Android" actually exists anymore! there is no "Android" anymore. There is Google Android, and Amazon android (they don't use the word), and now Samsung android (not using the word now either) , and then a bunch of China/India androids we never see here in the US but that dominate those huge markets.


    all around the world OEM's and telcos are mutating an underlying Android OS by adding their own proprietary top level UI's, apps, and web services - in the process marginalizing or totally deleting Google's Android ecosystem from their products. of course they all want to create their own alternate monetized ecosystems instead. Amazon's built all around its big store in the cloud, Samsung's connecting all its many disparate hardware products and hoped for cloud services like Apple does, and the regional Asian OEM's tied into domestic markets unique to those countries.


    when Android fans - hello Eric Schmidt - tout Android's global dominance, of course they are conflating the totals of all these fragmented/forked variants - resulting is a meaningless statistic but gobs of BS PR. which of course the tech web gobbles up. after all, thinking is so hard, but regurgitating is easy!

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  • Reply 127 of 344
    solipsismx wrote: »
    ...... the most profitable company in the world with nearly all the mindshare and majority profits in PMPs, handsets, tablets, and PCs ......

    In fact, 103% of the profits in PCs... or something like that..... ;-)
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  • Reply 128 of 344
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    cowasaki wrote: »
    I didn't see this earlier.  8 hours on LTE is good but I would if at all possible like my phone to last all day.

    What do YOU think, would you prefer the iPhone5 to be exactly as it is and last for 8 hours OR would you prefer it to be the same thickness as the 4G and last for 10-11 hours?

    It's not a trick question, I'm interested.....

    Personally I would prefer it to last a bit longer as I don't think that the 4/4S was too thick.

    So Apple pushes the envelope yet again by making it much thinner and lighter than before — note that you oddly never mentioned weight — and even comes out with an LTE chip that is worlds better than all its competitors despite already leading in their class so that 3G and 4G times are have the same duration and yet you still want to call this rot. I am certain, within your sentence after sentence of how Apple ha failed you as a customer you would have mentioned it was too thick an too heavy as proof that they aren't progressing their designs had they not changed them. That's what a concern troll does. No matter how much change there is it's never enough or the right kind of change.

    Even now you're saying that 8 hours of LTE use isn't enough to last you the day despite it being 25% more than the iPhone 4S gets on 3G. You also appear to be implying that it's 8 hours from the time you turn it on to the time the battery goes dead with your dubious claims of not lasting all day. Now, your may truly be that oblivious to how the device is rated but to me it sounds like typical concern troll antics.
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  • Reply 129 of 344
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,840member


    Originally Posted by nhead View Post

    because apple's invitation abounds


    ...and where is that wonderful HP tablet now? Would it comfort you to know that HP was once a truly innovative company, prior to forking the business and letting true innovation slip away with Agilent. In true fanboi fashion, I'll say that once, long ago, HP was everything to me technologically. Today, Apple is king (and queen and the whole damn chess board)!

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  • Reply 130 of 344
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by kyleish View Post

    Not at all... I'm not going to get emotional over a phone, if Android is doing this or Google is doing that. It's a phone. 

    You don't see me all p****d at Kenmore because they have a similar design to my Westinghouse coffee grinder. They're just things.

    I like tech news as much as the next guy, but some of this stuff is just playground nonsense. Seriously.


    Am I wrong?


    1. You are acting emotional.

    2. According to you, theft is okay unless it happens to you, personally, directly. OKAY GOT IT. That'll be all we need. Next.

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  • Reply 131 of 344
    macinthe408macinthe408 Posts: 1,050member
    Fucking. Greatest. AI. Article. Ever.
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  • Reply 132 of 344
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


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  • Reply 133 of 344
    cowasaki wrote: »
    Ok so ONE single remark is "<span style="background-color:rgb(241,241,241);color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:18px;">CONSTANT ANTI-APPLE COMMENTS" ?  </span>

    Ok, here's a set of snippets from just your first post:
    The problem with publishing ridiculous articles like this .... some kind of brainless fan boy ....I have had Apple computers since ..... ... just replaced my iPhone5 with a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. It is a far better phone ....IOS and the iPhone have not really had any massive jumps ......Siri is rubbish ..... LTE is useless.......the wallet thing is useless for me; iCloud removed some of the things I really liked about MobileMe; a new connector, so what it just makes things less compatible!; no ability to add a memory card, ......maps that wasn't right .... FAR more apps, but so what, this is like the Windows/MacOS thing ..... but unless Apple come up with something new for the iPhone6/7/8 I'll not be going back there.
    Hmmm. It's a wonder that you only got the polite diss that you did.
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  • Reply 134 of 344
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Hmmm. It's a wonder that you only got the polite diss that you did.


    Indeed. I'm in admiration at the restraint being shown here.

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  • Reply 135 of 344
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,392member

    **** the haters. Articles like this is why I visit this site. Rumor/Analyst/News bullshit can be found anywhere else. This is the real golden stuff, regardless of whether you agree with it.


    Personally, I found it absolutely brilliant. Pointedly opinionated, but based on nothing but absolute facts. There's no question Google/Android get a free pass on pretty much everything, even though their strategy is riddled with holes as are the metrics of their success. 

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  • Reply 136 of 344
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,840member

    I just replied to a post and now the original post, featuring an HP tablet design and my reply and that of at least one other is gone, vanished. Have others experienced this?

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  • Reply 137 of 344
    mechanicmechanic Posts: 805member
    I agree with every point of this article, Im just surprised that someone finally had the balls to put it in black and white and publish it. Kudos to Daniel for having the guts to say it the way it really is.
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  • Reply 138 of 344
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    Never made it past the second paragraph.
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  • Reply 139 of 344
    mechanicmechanic Posts: 805member


    Originally Posted by cowasaki View Post

    The problem with publishing ridiculous articles like this is that it stops people taking you seriously. You come over as some kind of brainless fan boy rather than a serious journalist.

    I wholeheartedly disagree.  I found it a breath of fresh air.  Most of what was said in my experience is completely true.

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  • Reply 140 of 344
    mechanicmechanic Posts: 805member


    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Never made it past the second paragraph.

    Pretty much because you disagree with what was being said.

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