HBO Go app update brings AirPlay multitasking, interactive features for 'Game of Thrones'
With the release of HBO Go version 2.1 on Monday, subscribers of the premium cable service now have the ability to stream content to TVs over AirPlay as a background task, leaving their iPad, iPhone or iPod touch free to run other apps.
Along with the ability to background streaming, HBO Go version 2.1 also includes new interactive features for the company's massively popular series "Game of Thrones." Fans can now watch episodes of the show while accessing the special content on their iPad or iPhone in a second-screen type of experience.
From the release notes:
HBO Go is available now through the iOS App Store as a free download, though a subscription to the cable service is required.
Along with the ability to background streaming, HBO Go version 2.1 also includes new interactive features for the company's massively popular series "Game of Thrones." Fans can now watch episodes of the show while accessing the special content on their iPad or iPhone in a second-screen type of experience.
From the release notes:
- Includes AirPlay multitasking capability -- other apps can be used while video continues to stream via AirPlay.
- Enhancements to the interactive features experience for Game of Thrones.
- General performance enhancements.
HBO Go is available now through the iOS App Store as a free download, though a subscription to the cable service is required.
Unless it's something new or it's been changed, the interactive features for Game of Thrones has been there for a long time. That's been working on my iPad for ages now.
It does say "enhancements to the interactive features"
Originally Posted by dasanman69
It does say "enhancements to the interactive features"
You're right. I just updated the HBO Go app and I noticed that in the description.
I still have to catch up on the last episode of GOT, so I guess I'll find out later how much it's been enhanced.
Originally Posted by Apple ][
I still have to catch up on the last episode of GOT, so I guess I'll find out later how much it's been enhanced.
Just watched it last night- awesome. This makes it easier because now I can text my brother throughout. Really not a huge deal not being on Apple TV as an individual app anymore with allowing multi-tasking (although being an actual ATV app would make it slightly better).
They must of known I was coming! Just switched back to DirecTV, the installer is coming Friday! I will be very busy with this app in my 3 months free.
Game of Thrones
The Wire
Anything else? Got the Sopranos done before.
Band Of Brothers.
John Adams
Generation Kill.
You can watch any of those series in a weekend.
I m not sure that you'll have access to hbogo w/o actually paying for it. They had a free Cinemax preview and my directv account didn't enable me to use the MaXGo app.
It all works, in the US?
That would seem logical to me, otherwise what's the point of having a video being played in the background while you are dealing with email or something? Background sound perhaps?
That sounds perfect. I think you get show time too- so homeland is a must.
You can skip deadwood and oz- I'd only give those a few episodes to see if you like them. My brother likes boardwalk empire but I checked out about 5 episodes or so. After watching the wire... It's hard to watch other shows because it was just that good...
Originally Posted by PhilBoogie
That would seem logical to me, otherwise what's the point of having a video being played in the background while you are dealing with email or something? Background sound perhaps?
You might want to quickly check an email during opening credits, or at any time without pausing.
That is what I am wondering. Hopefully it is different than the trial weekends. It will be on my bill with a credit from DirecTV, and I have to call in 3 months to cancel, so I'm hopeful. I'll try this weekend (maybe knock out Band of Brothers) and report back.
That is what I've heard about the wire. May have to save that for last.
Ah, ok, well, I do that on my iPhone if my iPad is playing a video. But ok, I get your point.
Agreed! Can't get cable where I'm at! HBO/HBO Go needs to be subscription on iTunes/AppleTV for those of us who can't get cable!