Two Button Mouse

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I've heard that Apple is going to release a two button mouse.

It will be blue tooth enabled and glow blue which indicates the charge level of the battery.

[ 05-03-2002: Message edited by: dick tracey ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 36
    uh, wouldn't something that glows just drain the battery more?
  • Reply 2 of 36
    LED are low in the power consumption department and it could work similar to the how the red led emits more light when moving or maybe the internal led is now just blue simple really.
  • Reply 3 of 36
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I'll believe it when I see it.
  • Reply 4 of 36
    ricrocketricrocket Posts: 142member
    Actually, this makes me think of a bluetooth question (I really know virtually nothing):

    How many devices can be on it at once?

    If I've bluetooth mouse and/or keyboard...can I sync up my palm over bluetooth and have a bluetooth printer or whatever all going at the same time? Is this just a matter of bandwidth? How do you know when you've hit the limit? Would I have to turn off my keyboard to free up bandwidth for my palm?

    Okay, so that was more than one question...can anyone answer?

  • Reply 5 of 36
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    [quote]Originally posted by ricRocket:

    <strong>Actually, this makes me think of a bluetooth question (I really know virtually nothing):

    How many devices can be on it at once?

    If I've bluetooth mouse and/or keyboard...can I sync up my palm over bluetooth and have a bluetooth printer or whatever all going at the same time? Is this just a matter of bandwidth? How do you know when you've hit the limit? Would I have to turn off my keyboard to free up bandwidth for my palm?

    Okay, so that was more than one question...can anyone answer?


    1Mb/sec I think.
  • Reply 6 of 36
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    720 kilobits. Considering that Apple charges $60 for a mouse, and $50 for a bluetooth adapter, I don't want to see what Apple charges for a bluetooth mouse.
  • Reply 7 of 36
    mithralmithral Posts: 68member
    Just a thought...

    If Apple were going to move their line to a two-button mouse, wouldn't they have put two buttons on the PowerBook they released two days ago??

    Unless the whole 2-button thing is starting next week, or something.
  • Reply 8 of 36
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    IF they did it, it would be an add-on option. I betcha they would still ship the good ole one button mice with all their desktops and one button on laptops. It MIGHT find its way into a BTO (build to order) config. But I still doubt it will ever happen. There are enough third party vendors to satisfy the (relatively) few people who want 2 buttons plus a scroll wheel.
  • Reply 9 of 36
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Yeah, it's time for the one button mouse to die a quick, painful death. It's an outrage that Apple still ships such garbage with their systems.

    Every person I know that has migrated to Macs from Wintels has complained bitterly about that stupid one button mouse. My parents just bought an iMac and they love it, except for the mouse.

    What Apple needs is a simple two button mouse w/ scrollwheel. This isn't a hard thing to figure out, which makes me suspect that someone at Apple is intentionally shipping Macs with piss poor mouse. Why? Perhaps they get kickbacks from third party mouse makers. Whatever the reason, it doesn't make ANY sense that Apple doesn't have a REAL mouse.

    What's really odd is that OS X fully supports a two button mouse with scrollwheel, and in fact OS X is much easier to use with such a mouse. This just proves that some people at Apple LIKE to gamble the company's future on trivial items that are easily fixed.

    I consider the Apple mouse to be the same situation as the lack of audio input on Powermacs. It's an intentional fu[k-up done by some higher-up at Apple who is gambling on Apple's future. Maybe Steve Jobs like to place bets on how bad they can make Powermacs and still sell as many as the year before? Yeah, that must be it.
  • Reply 10 of 36
    digixdigix Posts: 109member
    Two buttons mouse?

    I just want to see that ?squeeze? concept put in a productional form of the current Apple Pro Mouse.

    Note: According to the rumors, the ?squeeze? concept was implemented in the prototypes of the current Apple Pro Mouse. When you squeeze the mouse, it acted like a second mouse click.

    It's a two buttons mouse that is NOT a two ?buttons? mouse. Then again, it's a NO ?button? mouse.

    And plus it probably do things better.

    Not to mentioned also probably will look much nicer.

    As for the scroller wheel.

    Don't have much feelings for it. Don't like rotating the scroller wheel with my index finger.

    Here's a much better solution than it:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    As for a wireless mouse.

    Wireless means battery. And unless you are prepared to regulary changed the battery, better stick with a wired mouse.

    No matter how long the battery will last, chances are, the battery will run out sooner or later. Unless someone provided a way on how power can be transmitesd to the mouse wirelessly.
  • Reply 11 of 36
    marcsirymarcsiry Posts: 27member
    [quote] No matter how long the battery will last, chances are, the battery will run out sooner or later. Unless someone provided a way on how power can be transmitesd to the mouse wirelessly. <hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 12 of 36
    posterboyposterboy Posts: 147member
    [quote]Originally posted by dick tracey:

    <strong>I've heard that Apple is going to release a two button mouse.

    It will be blue tooth enabled and glow blue which indicates the charge level of the battery.


    From what I heard, It will not be two button, but it will be bluetooth enabled. I also heard that it will have a built in Lithium Polymer battery (same type as the iPod). You will charge the battery much in the same way as the iPod, there will be a charger built into the unit, and you connect the mouse to a Mac with a FireWire cable and it charges off of the Bus. I have also heard a variation, that it will be a USB charger, not FW.

    As to two buttons, I don't think that Apple will release one, because they make their operating systems easy to use with one button and always have. To add a second button would go against their ideals of an easy to use, not confusing operating system.

  • Reply 13 of 36
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    "As to two buttons, I don't think that Apple will release one, because they make their operating systems easy to use with one button and always have. To add a second button would go against their ideals of an easy to use, not confusing operating system."


    Lemon Bon Bon

    Never use the right button on my PC's mouse...what's it for, again?
  • Reply 14 of 36
    iq78iq78 Posts: 256member
    Well, I believe Apple did extensive research before when it decided on the one-button mouse in 1984 (or 1983 with the Lisa?). So, at the time, I think Apple had very good reasons for keeping with one-button, when the mouse concept was very new. These days almost everyone knows the concept behind the mouse, so I think the studies are outdated. Apple should release a two-button mouse (imo). They FINALLY introduced sticky menus, but have yet to fix the mouse issue.
  • Reply 15 of 36
    Here is the <a href=""; target="_blank">link</a> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 16 of 36
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by IQ78:

    <strong>Well, I believe Apple did extensive research before when it decided on the one-button mouse in 1984 (or 1983 with the Lisa?). So, at the time, I think Apple had very good reasons for keeping with one-button, when the mouse concept was very new. These days almost everyone knows the concept behind the mouse, so I think the studies are outdated. Apple should release a two-button mouse (imo). They FINALLY introduced sticky menus, but have yet to fix the mouse issue.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    They had considered and (initially) rejected sticky menus in 1982, FYI.

    But those are a much smaller interface change than a two button mouse would be. With the sticky menus, if you use the old click-and-hold style you'll never know anything had changed, and there's nothing extra for applications programmers to assume.

    Besides, as I've argued before: If Apple is going to sell out and offer a multibutton mouse, they should offer a three button mouse. That's what UNIX workstations have always shipped with.
  • Reply 17 of 36
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    2 button wheelmice are 3 button mice, as you can usually click the wheel too, not just scroll it.

    And yeah, Apple needs to catch up there eventually, it's just another argument PC users have that you can't deny.

    But then again I KNOW it's only ideology of Steve and co, nothing else.

    And I don't want wireless crap, I want cables, longer cables and higher sensitivity.

  • Reply 18 of 36
    I think its more a personal preference some people like one button mice others like 2 no big deal. If it is a simplicity issue then just make a multibutton mouse for the protowers and keep a single button mouse for iMacs and such. I would assume if you where to buy a "pro" machine you would unserstand the concept of a mulitbutton mouse. Although I could be wrong
  • Reply 19 of 36
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    [quote]Originally posted by bauman:

    <strong>IF they did it, it would be an add-on option. I betcha they would still ship the good ole one button mice with all their desktops and one button on laptops. It MIGHT find its way into a BTO (build to order) config. But I still doubt it will ever happen. There are enough third party vendors to satisfy the (relatively) few people who want 2 buttons plus a scroll wheel.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    More than a "few" people hate the one button mouse Apple forces on Mac users. Every single Mac user I know has bought a third party mouse to replace the garbage that shipped with their Macs. EVERY SINGLE MAC USER! It may not be a deal-breaker, but Apple would do well to offer a usable mouse with their computers. Hell even OS X supports a two button scrollwheel mouse!

    If Apple ever does make a real mouse, I think it will be used as their standard mouse. Historically, Apple has used a single keyboard and mouse for all of their computers. It cuts down on costs associated with managing a more complicated inventory of several different keyboard/mouse complications. It seems that Apple has been moving recently towards a more simplified inventory system without different colors and with fewer computer models than the Apple of years ago. Imagine the problems that would arise with having iMac systems with two kinds of mice...if one mouse was more popular than the other, then stores would get stuck with boxes of iMacs containing the less popular mouse, as buyers looked elsewhere for iMacs with the "good" mouse. It's a manager's nightmare, and I don't think Apple would go through it only for the sake of offering two different mice.

    Also, if people don't like the two button scrollwheel mouse, they can always ditch it for a third party single-button mouse! I can assure you that fewer people would opt for a single button mouse than would opt for a two button mouse. Furthermore, on a two button mouse, the user has the option to use only one button if they like, but on a one button mouse, there is no option to use two buttons and a scrollwheel.

    What I can see is Apple bundling a different mouse with each Mac system. For example, they might only offer the cool bluetooth mouse with Powermacs, and iMacs would get the lame one-button mouse. I think this would be a temporary situation, since it would seemingly cause confusion among Mac users who use more than one type of Mac. Apple would migrate all desktop Macs to bluetooth and use the same mouse with all of them, in time.

    As for laptops, it would be a small revision to switch to two "mouse" buttons...Apple could do this at any time without any sort of announcement, similar to when they added the combo drive to the Titanium without any fanfare.
  • Reply 20 of 36
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    I must live in a different universe. I have seen them for sale but I have never actually seen anyone I know use a multibutton mouse.The single button mouse is great. It is wonderfully easy to understand. As others have pointed out OS X supports extra buttons so what's the big deal?

    Here is a suggestion. Apple could make an optional second mouse button that straps to your forehead. To use it you bang your head on your desktop. After a while you will come to prefer a one button mouse.
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