AI readers now get lowest prices on Apple's iMacs & MacBooks with new coupons

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
AppleInsider, which has long teamed with Apple Authorized Reseller MacMall to offer the lowest prices anywhere on Apple's MacBook family through the addition of exclusive 3% discount coupons, is pleased to announce that those coupons have now been extended to the iMac family.


For a limited time, AppleInsider readers who use the MacMall links in our Apple Price Guides (snippet, below) or articles can activate a "Promo Code" field on the reseller's website. Applying coupon code APPINSDRMWB38717 and clicking "Apply" will then shave an additional 3% off MacMall's already reduced prices for all MacBooks, iMacs, and the majority of the MacBook Pro with Retina lineup.

Overall, readers can use the coupons to save over $135 and $1000 on some iMac and MacBook Pro with Retina models, respectively. Separately, AppleInsider also maintains a New Macs + Apple Care Price Guide, which shows the lowest prices for Macs paired with Apple's 3-year extended protection plans.

Apple's newest iMac was first introduced last year with the 21.5-inch model coming out in October followed by the 27-inch version in December. Compared to its predecessor, the latest all-in-one boasts upgraded Intel Core i5 and i7 quad-core processors, NVIDIA graphics and, most notably, a sleek, all new design that tapers down to 5mm at its thinnest edge.

To bring the ultra thin iMac to market, Apple had to employ high-tech manufacturing techniques, including a unique screen lamination process that brings the LCD panel in direct contact with the protective cover glass. The cutting edge procedure was to blame for a manufacturing difficulties, however, ultimately leading to low yield rates that caused demand to outstrip supply.

During the lucrative holiday quarter, production issues were responsible for a year-over-year decline in iMac sales amounting to some 700,000 units. The limited availability was one of the main reasons Apple cited for a 17 percent drop in overall Mac sales during that quarter.

In a rare statement of insight during the company's quarterly earnings conference call for the second fiscal quarter of 2013, CEO Tim Cook said he wished Apple held back on releasing the new iMac until this year. The chief executive told analysts he doesn't spend a lot of time looking to the past "except to learn," and admitted the redesigned iMac may have been launched too soon.

"We felt our customers had to wait too long," Cook said of the iMac supply constraints.

It was reported in March that supplies had finally improved, which in turn boosted year-to-year Mac sales by 14 percent for the first quarter of the 2013 calendar year.

While initial iMac sales set a blistering pace, some customers were disappointed to find the new model lacked compatibility with the VESA mounting standard, a staple of the iMac line since the unit adopted the flat screen form factor in 2004.

In March, Apple finally introduced a special model featuring a built-in VESA adapter, allowing users to attach ergonomic arms or wall brackets to the rear of the iMac. The VESA version carries a $40 premium over normal iMacs and doesn't include a desk stand.
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