Twitter iOS app updated with user access to worldwide trending topics

in iPhone edited October 2019
Twitter on Wednesday updated its iOS and Android apps with a new option to view Trends from outside a user's home location, allowing users to peek into popular topics from around the world.


The feature is part of Twitter's Tailored Trends section, which launched last year as a customizable curated feed of tweets based on who a user follows and their location.

Located in the Discover tab, the location-specific trending view offers up popular hashtags from hundreds of locales around the world, as seen in the screenshot above.

In addition to the location-aware tending feed, Twitter for iOS now lets users send out invites to friends from within the app. Other enhancements include a change to retweet handling, with replies to retweeted tweets now carrying the tags of both the original author and retweeter.

Finally, Twitter has improved playback of videos from its short clip creation service Vine. Bug fixes and backend improvements are also included.

Twitter for iOS comes in at 21.8MB and can be downloaded for free from the App Store.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Remember when this site really focused on APPLE news?
  • Reply 2 of 3

    Wow that's great news.Thanks for sharing the news and the link.I will use it!!


    eco sol

  • Reply 3 of 3
    zozmanzozman Posts: 393member

    So no one else noticed that the OSX twitter app got updated, now has retina support? well i like it anyways.

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